A/N : thank you all for your reviews!

theknightofkonaha :I love it too! .

dracoisthesexiestmanalive : FIRST! I totally agree with your name. HE IS! w! I will try and update often now that I'm home!

cant-keep-up-with-time: to be honest, I didn't come up with much my self. It's a combination of all of my friends, though I usually take their ideas and spin them off for my own enjoyment! Lol

fwah'-ZOMBIE-Murtagh: thank you so much for your review!

Well, as you can tell I'm back from camping. If you want to hear any thing about it, I'll tell some stories about it after this chapter. If you don't want to listen to me rant about it, skip the A/N at the end of this chapter!

Hermione packed her present for Draco in a package and tied it to an owl. She didn't really expect anything from him, but she wanted to be nice this Christmas, she always was. After the owl had flown away toward the Manor she walked out of the room, wishing that she could see Malfoy's face when he opened it. She went back down to her family room and grabbed her mug of hot cocoa. She settled before the fire with a nice thick book. Her mom eventually walked in and set down a rather large box next to Hermione.

Hermione got the hint. She placed her book, and the rest of her cocoa on the floor before helping her mom bring up tree decorations from the basement.

"Mom? Can I go to the Malfoy Manor over New Years? The want me to tutor Draco Malfoy" asked Hermione when she was walking up the steps from the basement with another box of ornaments on her arms. Her mom's steps faltered as she went up ahead of Hermione.

"Dear, think about it. You'll be at a strange boy's house for a whole week. It sounds huge. His parents wouldn't be able to find you if you were doing…things," Jane blushed at the last word.

"Mom…we are talking about MALFOY here. Don't you remember me telling you about him? The prat. The name caller?" Hermione went on to list the many things that was wrong with Draco Malfoy. Her mom counteracted with telling her not to go at all then. Finally pulled out the "In the name of education" card.

"Fine, I don't want to argue any more, not right before Christmas. Go ahead. I know your view on being educated," Jane said with a sigh. Hermione was as stubborn as they come. Hermione finished the tree with her mom and stood back to look at what they had done. Hermione hugged her mom as they both stared at it for a second, before Jane Granger ushered Hermione into the kitchen to make cookies.

Draco sulked around Malfoy Manor for the better part of the week. He didn't know what to get Hermione. He was helping her after all, and there is a spark between then. He could feel it, and he was sure she could feel it too. He knew she felt it in the way she moved near him, the was she talked and responded. A day before Christmas he found the perfect gift. He hurried to the owlery, that was on the top floor of the east wing. He found his eagle, Tsar, and tied the small package to his leg. Before the bird flew off into the dusk. It was late, he knew, but he couldn't think of anything else to give to her. As he watched the bird fly away, regret hit him like a brick wall. He forgot to tie a note on to it! She would obviously figure it was from him, but she wouldn't know what it could do. Not that it was dangerous, but he wanted her to know.

A/N: Sorry it took so long to update, I didn't know what the presents should be. I kept debating with myself about it. But I finally ended up with this. Thank you all again for the reviews!

Ok, so camping was HORRIABLE for the first night. My friend and I got kicked out of the trailer for the nights because there isn't much room, so we brought a tent. The first day we got up there…it SNOWED! Needless to say, we snuck back into the trailer that night. The rest of the nights were just fine. It warmed up and we were eventually able to stay the night through.

After that we went 4 wheeling a lot. I love doing it! I also tried to go swimming in a creek, but it was all snow run off, so I froze! . lol.

But it was loads of fun. We saw several moose and their babies! A few deer sprinkled in for good measure and it was a great trip!