"Mr. Malfoy, please stay after class," Professor Vector requested when passing back tests for arithmetic.

"Yes sir," Malfoy said glumly looking at his failing test score. He wanted to excel, he really did, but he just couldn't seem to get the whole numbers thing.

He had dreams. He wanted to be famous and useful. He wanted people to look up to him and respect him in almost a fearing way. He wanted many things, but how could he get that when he was failing with numbers? No one would treat him with respect then. How could people respect someone who can't balance his own bank account? Some one who can't work with numbers in a way others could do in their sleep. He sighed as he put down his paper on his desk and waited for the end of class. He didn't have to wait long. The bell rang and everyone rushed to the door. Every one except Malfoy and Granger. Malfoy slowly packed up what he didn't bother to before. He was slow to put things away, not wanting Granger to see that she beat him in yet another subject.

This year Granger had found particular pleasure in poking fun at his faults. Though her faults were becoming less and less. Her bushy mane was more this waves then frizz, and her buck teeth were gone thanks to him. Even though the robes were concealing, he could see a slight shape of a figure through them. She wasn't, of course, the stick thin body that all the models are representing now, but she had nice full curves. She actually looked rather breath taking in a certain way.

He shook his head to rid him of his thoughts and walked up to the front of the room to talk with the professor.

"Ms. Granger, please wait in my office, we will finish this discussion there," the professor said as he saw Malfoy walking toward them. She nodded and turned around, almost colliding with Malfoy.

"Erm, excuse me," she said as she brushed past him. He, strangley enough, moved aside as she passed. If there was one thing taught in the Malfoy household, it was manners. One thing was to always treat a lady with respect. His mother like using the quote "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned".

"You wanted to see me professor?" Malfoy asked as he stopped at the desk.

"Yes, yes, come with me," said Vector as he grabbed his stuff and headed in the general direction of his office. " I was wondering if, assuming you want to pass this class, you would like a little after class help. I assure I will not tell anybody. I know how delicate the Malfoy pride is, and don't want the wrath of it upon me."

"Ummm…sure?" Malfoy said following his teacher. " Will you be tutoring me?"

"Ah, no," said the professor, slowing down a little. " Actually, I was wondering if you would consider Hermione Granger as your tutor." The old teacher scratched his grizzled, short salt and pepper beard. He re adjusted his square reading glasses as he waited for Malfoy's reply.

Malfoy was shocked. He didn't even want to be in the same class as her, but some how he had managed that with three of his classes, and he certainly wouldn't want her to teach him!

"Mr. Malfoy, if I can say so my self, she is a wonderful tutor. She hat tutored many students before, and all of them are passing with flying colors." Vector now opened the door to the office. " Surely you can put your differences aside and word together?"

"No," was Malfoy's curt reply. She was standing there. She was looking at him.


"Fine," said Hermione in a huff. She stormed out past Malfoy, leaving in her wake the smell of rain. As he watched her walk to the far side of the class room, toward the door, he saw his grades falling. He saw his father speaking to him. " You lousy excuse for a son! You let HER stand in your way! How could you?"

"Hermione!" he said, not really realizing he called her by her first name. "I'm-I'm-I'm sorry. Tutor me?" he asked his face starting to go pink with shame for begging to a mud blood.