Chapter 19: Connection

The brightest light imaginable shone down on Beast Boy's closed eyelids. He knew that it would just be ten times brighter when he opened them, but that didn't stop him from doing it. And when he did, he instantly regretted it. He let out a moan and covered his face with his hands.

'Make it go away' he pleaded.

And while the light did not go away, it also did not get any brighter, allowing Beast Boy's eyes to finally adjust. This time when he opened his eyes, he was about to keep them open. Squinting around the room, he was about to make an educated guess that he was not in his room. On closer inspection, he appeared to be not in his uniform. And now Beast Boy was very confused. And then his mind put two and two together.

Not my room+hospital gownsick bay. Or the actual hospital. Which is one place I really am hoping I am not.

Glancing around the room once again, he was relieved to see that he was indeed in the Titan's sick bay. And, glancing around yet again, he answered his second unasked question. He spotted his uniform hanging next to the bed. After surveying the flimsy hospital garments with distaste, Beast Boy began to strip, intending to change into his own clothes. And it was at that moment that the sick bay door chose to open.

Time slowed for Beast Boy. He could literally see the door opening in slow motion. He also was quite aware that the bed was still within jumping distance. He could leap back into bed and pretend he was still sleeping. Beast Boy knew he only had an instant to make up his mind. And so, he did. Beast Boy leapt back into his bed, hastily covering himself with the blanket. The door opened fully to reveal Cyborg. The robotic teen was checking something on the computer built into his arm and whistling 'Infected'. He finished his business with his arm and looked up. Noticing that Beast Boy was awake, a smile crossed his face.

"Morning, B!"

Beast Boy waved a jolly 'hello' before snuggling back into the, surprisingly, comfy bed. Cyborg nodded and stuck his head back out the door.

"Yo, Raven! He's up!"

Turning back to Beast Boy, he flashed a smile and a thumbs up before mouthing the words French toast at Beast Boy and then left the sick bay. Beast Boy immediately started drooling at the thought of having Cyborg make him French toast. His thoughts were interrupted, however, by none other than…

"Good morning, Beast Boy."

Beast Boy's heart jumped into his throat. Just the empathy that he didn't want to see…at least not yet. Something that he though must have gotten across to her, for she frowned. Beast Boy realized his mistake and smiled at her. To his great surprise, she smiled back. Not only did she smile, by he could see the affection in her smile. It was not the smile of someone who hated him. Raven crossed to his bed and sat down. Beast Boy, still smiling, sat up to look her in the eye. Raven met his gaze for a split second before glancing downward. Beast Boy's smile shrunk by several molars. Finally, Raven spoke.

"It's good to see you up. How are you feeling?"

Beast Boy opened his mouth to answer…and then promptly closed it. He remembered finding Terra's note in his room. He remembered passing out, but he couldn't remember what made him pass out. He scrunched up his eyes and scratched his head, two of the techniques that usually worked when he was trying to think, but to no avail. Raven cleared her throat, and then spoke.

"Beast Boy, she left you that note…before we went after her, didn't she?"

Beast Boy sighed. So Raven knew. In truth, Terra had left him the note before they had gone after her, but he had not found it until after she had defeated them. After reading it, and promptly crumpling it up, he had stuffed it under his pillow. And forgot about it. Until he had found it….when exactly did he find it? Beast Boy looked at Raven and opened his mouth. But Raven held up her hand.

"Just a minute. I don't suppose you have any idea just why you passed out?"

Beast Boy shook his head violently. He gave her a look that clearly said You're the team witch doctor. Raven sighed.

"First off, I am not a witch doctor. And second, I think that your emotional state was just not able to handle finding her note and remembering...stuff."

Beast Boy raised an eyebrow. Usually Raven was more...detailed then that. But, it was one more theory than he had, and he was ready to put Terra behind him. Not forget about her...just to move on. So he changed the subject.

" 'Ow ong as I oue?"

"You were unconscious for a good thirty hours."

"Hirty hous? 'At's ike hee ole ays!"

Raven gave a dry chuckle. And then she actually gave a small laugh. And then was interrupted by Cyborg yelling.

"Hey, BB! French toast!"

Beast Boy was about to throw the covers off of his body, when he realized one crucial fact. The covers were the only thing covering his body! Beast Boy blushed a little, and then looked to Raven again.

"Ou ink I oud ave ume ivathy?"

Raven stared at Beast Boy for a second…two…and then something clicked.

"Oh. Right."

She got up to leave, and, turning back to Beast Boy, kissed him on the cheek.

"We're talk after breakfast."


So Terra did leave you that note before we left to take her down?"

Beast Boy rolled his eyes for the tenth time. Raven had asked him that question twice now.

" 'or e as ime, es!"

Raven held up her hands.

"Ok, I was just asking."

Beast Boy sighed and turned his gaze toward the window. He stared intently at a seagull that was flying closer and closer towards the large window. Just when it seemed that it was about to hit the glass, it turned and flow off. Beast Boy sighed again. Raven put her hand on his shoulder.

"How's your mouth?"

" ou een iy ounge?"


" ahart om eing on, 's ine."

Both Titans looked up when the doors opened. Robin walked in, one hand on his hip, the other scratching his head. Cyborg was close behind him. He waved at Beast Boy.

"Hey Grass Stain! Is Star here?"

Beast Boy shook his head. Cyborg and Robin both let out deep breaths. Cyborg patted Robin on the shoulder.

"Looks like you're safe, Oh Fearless Leader."

As if on cue, they heard a distinctly feminine voice echoing throughout the tower.

"Boyfriend Robin! I seek your companionship."

Robin visibly paled and Cyborg's eyes bugged out. Both titans sprinted from the room, leaving a very confused Beast Boy and Raven. Raven sighed and got to her feet.

"Come with me, Beast Boy. I think I can help you.

Still very much confused, Beast Boy got to his feet and followed his teammate.


Beast Boy sat Indian-style in Raven's room, on a deep purple rug. The owner of the room sat across from him, a heavy book in her lap. She opened it, and then addressed Beast Boy.

"This may be hard to believe, Beast Boy, but I think I have a solution to your problem."

At this, Beast Boy's green elf ears perked up. He gave Raven an incredulous look just the same. Raven looked up from her book.

"Be as disbelieving as you want, but let me try."

Beast sighed once again and nodded.


Starfire had finally cornered Robin on the roof. The Tameranian princess was trying to get Robin to confess his feelings for her. And was failing.

"Boyfriend Robin, what do you feel about me?"

"Well…er…Starfire…I think that…."


"It's really cool…how…you shoot starbolts."CRAP! Used that one already!


"Yes. And well…."

"Robin? Perhaps you should stop talking and…kiss me."

Robin stared at her for five whole seconds, and then thanked whatever god was responsible, and happily obliged.


"Ok, Beast Boy. That should do it."

Beast Boy felt…funny, for lack of a better word. He had spent the last two hours sitting on Raven's bed while she had gone through her incantination, or whatever she called it. And the most unusual thing happened. Beast Boy had actually felt his tongue grow back. And now Raven was staring at him expectantly.

"Well, did it work?"

Beast Boy was silent foe a second. And then he knew how to show her. Beast Boy opened his mouth…and stuck his tongue out at her and blew a loud raspberry! Raven looked mortified for a second, and then picked up a pillow.

"Care to repeat that little comment?"

The Next Day

"So, B, how does it feel to have your tongue back?"

Cyborg raised and lowered his eyebrows for his green friend's viewing pleasure. Beast Boy rolled his eyes and diverted his gaze to the screen of the T.V. Behind him on the couch, his girlfriend sat with the usual book hiding her face. Just because she was dating the little grass stain didn't mean that she had to adhere to his idiotic pastimes. Beast Boy, naturally, thought the complete opposite. He turned around and opened his mouth…

"You want to play a few rounds with me, babe?"

Raven (for who else could it be?) lowered her book and sent a very intimidating glare in his direction. When the glare failed to achieve the desired effect, she pointed a finger menacingly at him.

"Listen, Elf Boy, I gave you that tongue, I can take it away easily. And I think I should add that if you ever again call me babe, honey, or sweetheart, I will destroy you."

She waited for her dire threat to break through his thick skull and was quite surprised when his grin increased its size by a couple of molars. She was about to make another scathing comment, but was beaten to the punch.

"And to answer your question, Cy, yes it does. Now I can annoy my sweetie all I want."

He gave Raven what was his idea of a heart throbbing grin and a thumbs up. Raven just stared back at him, a vein visibly throbbing in her temple. Suddenly, Beast Boy's game controller started to glow black and rise. He quickly jumped to his feet and started to walk towards the door.

"Well, that's my queue to disappear for a few hours."

And he walked out the door. Raven breathed a sigh of relief. The controller slowly settled to the ground, the black aura dissipating. Raven returned to her book, thankful for the moment of peace…which was suddenly broken as she felt a hand on each of her shoulders. She was dimly aware of someone's face right behind her.

"I love you…"

Raven smiled…



Raven spun around, her eyes blazing red. Beast Boy quickly retreated, a huge grin on his face. Raven took a deep breath…and then another. After three more, her eyes returned their normal violet, and Cyborg shot an inquisitive glance at Beast Boy.

"I suppose you thought that was terribly clever."

Beast Boy nodded.

"Uhhh, yeah! Did you see her face?"

Without looking up, Raven replied.

"I told you I hated that name."

And, just at that moment, the door to the main room opened and in walked the Tower's resident alien.

"Glorious Morning to you all, friends."

"I don't know, Starfire." said Robin, who was right behind the alien beauty. "It looks pretty crappy to me."

"Yes." said Starfire, the grin still plastered on her face, "But it is a crappy morning which I am sharing with my friends."

Robin chuckled and then drew something out from behind his back. Clearing his throat, he hailed the changeling.

"Beast Boy, you got some mail."

"I did?" asked Beast Boy, his head snapping around so fast that Robin was certain that he had hurt himself. He practically sprinted over to the Boy Wonder and grabbed the envelope out of his hand. He started to tear it open, to reveal an unmarked disc in a clear plastic case.

"Awesome! Maybe it's a video message from one of my lady fans-OW!"

He sat rubbing the spot on the back of his head that Raven had slapped. Looking over his shoulder, he put on his best innocent face and stuck his bottom lip out. Raven continued to read her book, her eyes never leaving the pages.

"Don't give me that look, Beast Boy. And put that disc in the computer before Cyborg dies of suspense." The metal man made a noise that was halfway between an outraged WHAT? and an angry snort. Raven didn't glance up at him either.

"What? You were about to ask Beast Boy what's on the disc; don't deny it."

Beast Boy crossed to mainframe and inserted the disc in one of the drives. The machine came alive, three words flashing on the screen.

…Establishing Secure Connection…

After a minute or two, the screen suddenly went dark. Beast Boy was about to reboot the computer, thinking that the damn thing had turned itself off, which it had done on numerous occasions, most of the time when he tried to use it. He was oblivious to the fact that Cyborg had programmed the computer to reject any user name with "Beast Boy" or "Garfield Logan" in it, the infamous Crash incident still fairly recent in his robotic mind, when suddenly the dark screen spoke. Beast Boy gave a small scream and jumped behind Raven, gripping his girlfriend's waist in an attempt to hide. As the voice continued, the screen began to gradually light up. And there, in all his glory, sat Jadin!

"…so good to see you again, Beast Boy."

Beast Boy clutched Raven even tighter, all the while repeating the words "…keep me safe…keep me safe…"

Raven reached around and placed her hand on Beast Boy's head. She closed her eyes, concentrating on trying to make him calm down. After a few seconds, he let go of her and was able to sit normally on the couch. Taking a deep breath, he faced the screen.

"What do you want, Jadin?"

Jadin looked surprised, and then strangely pleased. He smiled again, his eyes never leaving Beast Boy's.

"What's this? The savage Beast can speak once more?"

Beast Boy pointed his index…stump at the screen.

"You're damn right I can!"

On the screen, Jadin pretended to look concerned, but his facial muscles couldn't quite pull it off.

"Oh, did something happen to your hand, Beastie Boo?"

With a cry of rage, Beast Boy leapt from the couch and ran right up to the screen until his nose was right in front of Jadin's image.

"You know damn well what happened to my hand!"

"Yes, I do seem to recall what happened now that you mention it. But I'm more surprised that you haven't…corrected the problem yet."

There was a silence, and then Beast Boy broke it. "What do you mean?" he asked the image. Jadin's smile widened.

"Why, transform, of course."

Beast Boy visibly paled. He quickly backed away from the scream. His voice came out as a scared whimper.

"No! NO! You won't make me! I won't let you do it anymore!"

And with that, he ran from the room. Half a second later, Jadin broke the connection, but only after waving at the other Titans, all of whom looked mighty confused. Cyborg broke the silence.


A/N I know I said that the last chapter was the last one, but alot (well, for me anyway) of my fans said that they wanted a better ending, and I just got another idea or two. I know I haven't submitted anything for like a few mouths, but I was busy and stuff. Anyway, I combined the last chapter with this new writing I did. Let me know if it's suitable.