Ok guys, it's been a good show, but sadly it has come to an end. I hope this clears up any lose ends, if not message me. I love all of you readers and especially you reviewers. Keep up with your own writing!


I don't own digimon but I do own this story line.

Chapter 20: Deal

[Three months after the incident; the day before school starts

"Come'on Tk, hurry up."

Tk gave a sign and continued at his slow pace down the sidewalk, "I don't see why I have to go, why don't you take the girls? It's not like you to want to go shopping anyways."

Kari skipped back to him and wrapped her arms around his neck looking deep into his azure eyes. "You really don't remember do you?" she pouted.

"Remember what?"

"Remember," she said seductively.


Kari grabbed his hand and continued walking while filling him in. "It was two days before you woke up fully and I was in your room. I was talking about torturing you by taking you shopping and making you carry all my bags. Then I felt bad about it and said that afterwards we could do 'whatever you want, anything at all,'" Tk gave a goofy smile, "And you got the same perverted smile on your face!" She shouted at him. "But a promise is a promise."

"Wait, wait, wait. So you and I get to do whatever I want?"

"Yup," she said happily entwining her fingers around his.

"Anything at all?"

"Anything at all."

Tk now put on an evil smile, "I could make you watch me play video games for hours or have you embarrassed yourself in front of all the shoppers."

Kari sweatdropped and said sarcastically, "Well, Tk you sure are thinking big."

"Of course," he responded in the same manor, "I wouldn't want you to get off easily." He gave her a wink causing them both to break out in laughter. By the time they were done they had reached the mall and walked through the sliding doors. "Where to first?" Little did Tk know Kari had already sprinted over to Forever21.

In a heated frenzy she tore through the store piling clothes in Tk's arms all the way up to him chin. "God Kari, have you been spending extra time with Mimi?"

Kari gave off a giggle and delicately wrapped a red silk dress around his neck, "So what if I have?" Then she walked off to the changing rooms motioning Tk to fallow. Once there he laid the pile down on the stool, he stood and looked at it curiously.

"How exactly are you going to pay for all this?"

"I'm not."

"What!?! You can't possibly think that I'm going to?" Tk spoke frantically.

"No, no, no you silly boy. Tai is."

"Explain why he would be stupid enough to do that."

"He still feels guilty about abandoning us…"

"So, you're milking it."

"Yeah, pretty much."

Tk gave off a coy smile and kissed her on the cheek, "You're cute when you're evil." Kari, obviously offended, swatted him with her hand trying to get him out of the changing room. "Fine, I'll get out," he said while walking over to the single chair in the corner.

After a minute of pure boredom Tk heard Kari call, "I'm coming out." With that the door opened and she came out wearing a pair of plaid hot shorts and an orange silk spaghetti strapped shirt. Tk smiled, her legs were long and sexy, and the shirt had a tie below the bust which enhanced 'certain features.' Everything about her looked great and he smiled because all of that was his. "I'm taking that as in you like it."

"You look great."

"Thanks," and she disappeared back into the dressing room. The rest of his 'fashion show' went much more quickly then he imagined. Kari had picked out a variety of clothes: pants, shorts, shirts, Ts, long-sleeved, tank tops, all in a multiplicity of colors and styles. "This is the last one, are you ready." Kari said from behind the door.


Kari opened the door and stepped into sight. Tk gawked, his mouth completely hanging oven. She gave a spin causing his mouth to lower more, if possible. A red silk dress clung to her body. It revealed all her hidden curves and enhanced them beyond words. The dress had two tiny straps which rested on her shoulders. The front was v-necked and flaunted her breasts, while the back was bare all the way down to her butt. From there it fell until in hit the ground.

Noticing Tk's shock she went over to him and bent down which caused him to stare directly at her breasts, of which was not her plan. She put her finger under his chin and pulled up closing his mouth. With that simple touch Tk bounced back into reality and shot up. "HELL NO!!! YOU CAN'T BUY THAT THING!"

"What?" Kari asked sadly, "You don't think it looks good on me?"

"OF COURSE IT LOOKS GOOD ON YOU, IN FACT YOU'RE SO DAMN SEXY THAT EVERY SINGLE GUY OUT THERE IS GOING TO WANT TO GET YOU IN BED. IN FACT..." Tk turned his head and spotted another guy in the store. "COVER UP RIGHT NOW." He hurried over to her and hid her with his body from everyone else in the store while pushing her back into the stall and slamming the door in her face.

A few minutes later she came back out in her own jeans and t-shirt, "Better?"

"Much." A calmer Tk replied. He slid over to her and gave he a quick kiss on the lips. As soon as they broke away Kari pointed towards the dressing room.

"Ok now skedaddle and grab those clothes."

Tk gave a charming smile, "happily."

Once Kari had finished paying for the clothes, with Tai's credit card of course, they headed back into the main area of the mall. "So, where off to now?" Tk said while carrying Kari's four bags.

"Shoes, duh."

"Nooooo!" Tk whimpered to himself.

"Toughen up and be a man." Kari directed at him.

"Men like pubs not shoe stores," he whispered under his breath.

"What sweetie?"

"Nothing." He lied while trudging his feet behind him.

As soon as they entered the store Kari already had ten pairs picked out. By the time they circled the store she had fifty.

"Kari, why so many?"

"It's a girl thing," she responded happily.

In the end Kari bought 13 pairs, of which the cashier stacked in Tk's arms. Then they walked back into the mall, Tk receiving pity looks from all the men in sight. "Are we doing more shopping?"

"Well we could go to—"

"Please no," he begged.

Kari thought it over for a second, "Well ok, I'll be done."

"Thank God," Tk praised.

"Where are we going then?"

"My apartment because it's closer and I don't want to die from all this weight."

"ooooh Tk, I feel so bad, yet it's your own fault."

"My fault?" he said offended.

"Yup, remember this is your punishment for getting hurt and scaring me so much."


"Fine I'll help," Kari reached up and grabbed the smallest shoe box.

"Wow, thanks Kari." He said sarcastically.

"At least it's something," she responded while leading him outside.

"I guess…"

With that the two began the 15 minute walk to Tk's apartment. Once there Kari grabbed the key from his pocket, seeing as he couldn't manage for himself, and opened the door. Tk hurried inside and dumped all the stuff onto the ground and plopped onto the couch. Kari gave over to sit beside him and swept the lose hairs from his eyes, "Is my baby tired?"

Tk simply grunted and closed his eyes.

"Fine, I guess I'll just go home if you're going to go to sleep."

Tk's eyes shot open, "No don't leave me. We still have finished the deal." He added as a second thought.

"Well what do you want to do then, Mr. Takaishi?" She said while running a finger down his chest.

"I'm not sure…video games, no…embarrass you, no…what else is—" Before he finished his thought Kari was on top of him her tongue in his mouth. For a few moments they stayed in that heated kiss. When they broke for air Tk managed to say, "I know what I want us to do now."

"You silly boy, I thought you'd never get it." Kari said with a smile.

"I'm a man not a boy." He said in his defensive.

Kari changed her smile to a seductive one, "I know I've seen."

"What!?! When!?!" He said shocked.

"At the hospital. But looks can be deceiving, so prove it to me." With that last word he picked her up and carried her into his room.

"My pleasure…literally." Kari giggled as he took of her shirt.

"Mine, too." She said sweetly back as her arms pulled of his shirt. "Wait I almost forgot." Kari ran over to where she had left her purse and pulled out a badly wrapped present.

"Is this?"

"Yeah, I had Tai drive back and get it for me."

"Kari, I love you more than I could ever express."

Kari pulled him down on top her on the bed in a long kiss. As there warm body met, they knew this was the beginning of something special.

Happily Ever After

[Just for Takerus lost Angel who made me laugh in her reviews and wanted a happily ever after ending

This is your last chance to review so make it grand.

I've gotten a lot of reviews asking what the present was. So, to stop any confusion I'm telling you right now. The present was mentioned in Chapter One, when Kari was making it. It's a photobook with special meaning between the two.