
Okay so I have had people telling me to write a sequel and I think I'm going to but here's the thing, it won't come out of awhile I don't think and/or I won't update as quickly because I did start another Fanfic for The Outsiders and I still have books to read for school next year. I do have all summer but there are 3 books that are coming out that I also want to read. I have camp and things like that, that I'm trying to get out of so I can just sit on my butt and type a story all day but you know how parents are. My parents are also anti-writing stories freaks. Don't ask me why they just are. They would rather have me stick to writing music, which I suck at.

So the sequel would be about Brydon and Ember's life together but it would also be about school. Tim and Matt would be in it also, for the small amount of people that like them. The story would start off at the beginning of the school year or a little bit before school started. I have ideas but not a real path that I have planed out for the story yet. No worries I am working on it. I will try to post the story as soon as I can but there are no promises that I can make to you that it will be out soon. Well there is one. I'll send out an alert that I have posted it so you don't have to go nuts. I'm sorry and I will try to get it out as soon as I can.

Thinking extremely hard about the sequel,
