Hello everybody! This is Kima-chan comeing to you from…well…my living room. Well the gramer should be better in this chapi and the others soon. Thank you Deithel-chan! Everyone thank Deithel-chan for beta-ing this story so there shall be no more bad gramer!…..cause quiet frankly I suck at gramer…ask my composition teacher.


The bell rang, ending another day at the Konoha Academy. Hyuuga Hinata

sighed, picked up her books, and hurried to the door. She was just about to bolt into the street when she heard her friend's voice.

"Hey,Hinata-chan, where're you going in such a hurry?" her friend Tenten asked, running up to her out of the crowd of overactive teens.

"F-F-F-father said if I'm n-n-not home right after school I-I-I'm going to be in r-r-r-really big t-t-t-trouble." the young woman stuttered.

"Oh. Well, if you want to come over later, sneak out and meet me in the park,okay?" Tenten noticed her friends eye's widen. "Don't worry, if your father gets mad at you, I'll blow up the Icha Icha collection that he has in his bedroom." Hinata blinked,confused.

"How did you know? "

"Neji-kun told me."

Hinata giggled and said goodbye, promising to meet her later by the big oak in the middle of the park. She saw the front gate of her home, and prepared to be hassled by the guards, but they never came. They were dead at their post, their blood spattered all over the white walls of the guard house. The girl gasped and backed away.

Hinata rushed inside to see if Neji and Hanabi were all right. She really didn't care about her dad, but she had to admit she was a little worried. She ran through the mansion, stopping in the hallway where the nobles in the family were supposed to live.

Blood. The crimson substance was everywhere.

Then,Hinata heard what sounded like her aunt pleading to someone.

"Please,Hanabi-sama,you wouldn't kill your favorite auntie?" Hanabi laughed, and then blood stained the rice paper door. Hinata's eyes grew wide.Hanabi did all this? But why? She shook her head and kept running full speed to Neji's room. She finally reached the door with caution tape on it. Not even bothering to knock, she threw the door open. Neji was sitting on his bed, his head in his hands.

"Neji-nii,what's going on? Why is Hanabi-nii doing this?' she asked.

Neji shook his head.

"Come on Hinata,you need to get out of here! You're the only hope left for our clan, Hanabi's already killed your father and she tried to kill me,but don't worry,I can totally beat a 7 year old." Neji said, lifting his head up and giving her his "I'm invincible" smirk. Hinata nodded, teary eyed, but she didn't fight when Neji picked her up and

hoisted her up to the window.

"Run Hinata-chan, run and don't look back." were the last words that Hinata would ever hear her cousin say, because just when she was jumping out the window,

Neji leaned over the sill to see if she was ok. Hinata watched in horror when a kunai pierced her cousin's skull, pouring blood all over her and the grass below. She ran, she ran and did exactly what Neji had told her to, she ran and didn't look back.

She ran, almost blinded by tears and the blood dripping from her bangs.

"I'll go to the park. Tenten-chan will know what to do!" Hinata thought, turning in the direction of the park.

Little did she know that she was being followed.

When Hinata finally made it to the park, she ran around franticly, searching for her friend, but she couldn't find her anywhere. She sat on a bench and started crying. She cried for what seemed like hours, but it was really only 15 minutes before she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Come with me. Your friend's house will be the first place your sister will look."

Hinata looked up at the young man with red,puffy eyes. It was Uchiha Sasuke, she had seen him at school but really didn't know much about him,except that he and Naruto were sort of friends.

"Why do you want to take me in? You don't even know me." Hinata said without stuttering.

After what she'd seen, the stuttering had been scared out of her.

" 'Cause it looks like you need a place to stay that has protection. Now come on

before your sister figures out that you're not in that house."

Hinata just sat there and looked at him. He rolled his eyes, irritated, and picked her up, bridal style. Hinata blushed

"Arigato, Sasuke-san." she said, before passing out. He grunted and swung her around so that now she was laying on his back with her head on his shoulder.

"Hn. You think an heir could stand seeing blood, but then again it was her

own family… And what made me want to take her home?" Sasuke thought as he ran

towards the Uchiha compound.

Once they were there, he jumped up to the window of his room, which was on the second floor of the four-story building. He laid Hinata down on his bed and went down stairs to explain what had

happened to the Hyuuga s to his parents. He knew that Itachi would smell blood and come running.

Itachi sneezed, he smelled blood, and it was coming from his brother's room.

He chuckled and started off towards the yummy smell. When he got to the door,

he put his ear to it to make sure that nobody was in there other than the

person who was bleeding.

He pushed open the door, and what was on the bed shocked him. It was the

Hyuuga heiress covered in blood. He checked her for wounds, but couldn't find


Itachi had been her friend since they were little kids; he'd always sneak out

and meet her in the tree just outside her room. They would sit there and talk for hours until they heard her nanny coming up the stairs to put the then-nine-year-old Hinata to sleep.

He was genuinely concerned about her. Yup had to use Bold, Italic and Underline for those words people.

Suddenl, Itachi heard sniggering from the doorway. His little brother was standing there with a hand over his mouth.

"Nice to see your girlfriend, huh, nii-san?" he said before bursting out laughing. His laughing fit was cut short when Itachi slammed him into the doorframe.

"What happened to her?" he growled.

" Hanabi killed the entire Hyuuga clan,except for Hinata over there, and the

blood's her cousins." Sasuke explained. Itachi gave Sasuke a death glare before waking out of the room. Sasuke sighed and looked over at the bed, Hinata was still sleeping

peacefully, despite being covered in her cousin's blood. He covered her up and then went back down stairs to where his mother was crying. His father was standing next to his wife trying to comfort her. He nodded at Sasuke.

"She's living here now, there's no doubt about that. It'll make your mother happy to have a daughter to take care of."

Sasuke silently celebrated in his mind. She got to stay with him! And they

would probably make her take the room next to his so that he could help her, in case she needed anything.

So, while Sasuke was doing his little happy dance, Hinata came down the stairs, still in her clothing from earlier.

Fugaku looked up, and let his wife go when she started to struggle, Mikoto went over to Hinata and caught her up in a hug. This made Hinata start to cry.

Soon the two females were bawling on the couch, trying to comfort each other.

"Hinata-chan, I'm going to take you shopping tomorrow to get you some new clothes. Then we can do what ever you want!" Hinata nodded her thanks.

"We want you to take the room next to Sasuke's. The rooms are connected by a door, so if you ever need something, just go through the door and he'll help you out, alright?"

Hinata nodded again and wiped her eyes with the tissue that Sasuke had handed her.

"Do you want to take a bath? There's a bathroom in your room. Here, I'll show you."

Sasuke said, taking Hinata's hand and leading her upstairs to her room.

"Arigato Sasuke-san-"

"Don t call me –san, we're basically family now."

"Oh…arigato Sasuke-nii, but I don't have any other clothes. Sasuke stepped through the door that connected their rooms and came back with his largest non-collared shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. "Arigato."

"Take your time, and if you need to talk I'm right over here." And with that, the Uchiha left the room and Hinata stepped into the shower.

Once she locked the bathroom door Hinata stripped and turned the water on. She got in and washed Neji's blood out of her hair with the shampoo that she had found in the cabinet. Surprisingly, it was the same type of shampoo that she had used in her house.

After washing all of the cuts and blood off her body, she sat down in the tube under the pressurized stream of hot water.

It was and hour before Hinata got out and she only got out because the water presure had weakened.

She threw on the clothes Sasuke had given her.

Then she laid down in her new bed in her new room in her new house.

She cried herself to sleep that night, and the crying was heard by Sasuke, who couldn't stand tears, but since she obviously wanted to cry by herself, he restrained himself from going over there and trying to comfort her.