Big Brother

Chapter 1

"Finally it is the moment you have all been waiting for. Let's meet our first contestant!"

The big television screen in the middle of the crowd flickered on.


The screen showed a girl in her early twenties with long red hair with a sweeping fringe covering her left eye. Her eye makeup was dark and very gothic. Her skin was pale. She shrugged her shoulders at the camera before sighing.

"Hi my name is Rika. I'm twenty-one years old and have been working as a waitress to pay my way through college. I want to be a teacher or something. I want to make a difference. I admit that I have a temper but I suppose that's something you'd like on Big Brother – my temper would make good entertainment. I've made mistakes too but I'd rather not go into them. I want to be on Big Brother so that I can win the money. My friend's daughter is very ill and the only way to help her is to get her surgery that she can only get in Sweden. I win she gets the operation. Simple as that."

The crowd's cheers reached a deafening level as a long black limo pulled up and the tall girl stepped out. A small rare smile graced her lips as she walked up to Davina. She shook the older woman's hand and walked through the caged doorway. The big screen showed her go through the long corridor and into the main room of the Big Brother house. She took a glass of the lemonade that was laid out on the neon blue table there ignoring the champagne that was set out and nervously took a sip.

"Aw! I could feel her shaking as she shook my hand." Davina exclaimed as the focus returned to her. "So that's housemate number one. Let's meet number two. It's LUCY!"

The screen flickered and showed a bleach blonde woman with a big pink grin on her face. She giggled happily.

"I'm Lucy! I'm eighteen and an absolute party girl and I would love to be on Big Brother because I would make it fun. I'm a happy person. I like to laugh. I love boys. I just can't wait to be on TV!"

A second limo pulled up and the bubbly blonde stepped out. She waved at the crowd stopping every three feet to pose for photos and shake people's hands. She hugged Davina and went into the house.

"Hi!" she exclaimed as she spotted Rika. "I'm Lucy and wow, we must be the first two housemates and look – they've given us champagne!"

Rika blinked at how fast the other girl had spoken.

"I'm Rika."

Lucy was followed by a thirty-four year old named Tommy. He was tall, sandy haired and spoke with an Irish accent. Every five phrases seemed to be a joke.

Jason followed and in Rika's opinion he was an arrogant, self-centred jerk. The moment Lucy had met him the pair had started to flirt back and forth. The dark haired man had also tried to flirt with Rika but she preferred to speak with Tommy. He may be a hopeless optimist but he seemed to have no desire to get into her pants so the red head instantly liked him.

A pair of non-identical twins followed named Samuel and Suzanne. Sam went straight for the champagne after quick hellos and Suzanne chatted to Rika. Lucy was still flirting with Jason.

Adele was the next to enter. She was quiet and the few words she did say revealed her intelligence instantly. She drifted between speaking to Suzanne and Rika and standing quietly next to Samuel.

Bunny and Bob were the houses couple. Bunny was loud with big hair and a big red smile that was fixed in place. She somehow managed to speak to everyone at once which Rika felt was quite impressive. Bob was just as smiley as his wife and stood quietly next to his loud wife holding her hand.

Rika's blood boiled the instant the final contestant entered the house. She hadn't seen him since she was seventeen but she still couldn't stand to see him.

"Hi, I'm Takato."

As always, review and give me suggestions.