Friday, May 25, 2007 (San Bruno, CA)

I sat on my bed, the moon shinning brightly through my window. My attention was captured by the acts of the characters in the book.

"Gabriella Maria Montez," my mother's voice shattered the walls of my fictional world, "get your ass down here!"

Quickly, I stood up and placed my book down. Her voice was demanding, which frightened me.

"Yes, mom." I said in a quiet voice as I met her at the bottom of the staircase.

"Pack your clothes, we are moving." she said crossing her arms, a smug smile present on her face.

"WHAT!" I exclaimed, but quickly cupped a hand over my mouth. I closed my eyes, preparing myself for the consequences of my actions. The sound of a hand coming in contact with the side of my face, echoed through our silent house.

"Do not use that tone with me." my mother said sternly. If it wasn't for the strong smell of alcohol on her breath, I could of sworn she was sober.

"I'm sorry." I said automatically, unsuccessfully holding back my tears.

"Good. Now, go upstairs and start packing. We are leaving in a couple of days." she said before turning around and walking into the kitchen.

Warm tears dripped down my face as I slowly made my way up the stairs and into my room. Once I entered I closed my door and my back slid down it's smooth surface. I brought my knees to my chest and started crying. I hated moving. Right when I think everything is settling down, it's snatched away. This was my moment of weakness. The times when I would just break down and let the tears flow.

Once the warm tears stopped falling down my face and I stopped feeling sorry for myself, at least for tonight, I glanced around the room that I lived in for the past month. The walls are white and in front of my twin size bed lays piles and piles of books. Reading has always been my escape. When I pick up a good book, the world around me disappeared. My bookshelf was filled with almost ever book I have ever read; everything from Amelia Bedilia to Pride and Prejudice.

A yawn escaped from my mouth and it was then that I realized just how tired I really was. Slowly, I climbed into bed. I pulled the thin sheet closer to my body and allowed myself to slip into a deep sleep. If only for a moment, I'd live in a world where my life wasn't so complex, a sweet paradise.

Sunday, May 27, 2007 (Albuquerque, New Mexico)

I stood outside of the new Montez home, stunned. The house was definitely different from any other place my mother and I lived. The two story house was twice the size of our last home. Slowly, I made my way to the burgundy colored front door and turned the brass handle. To my surprise, the house was fully furnished with electronics and all of the basic necessities.

"Mom, why does this place have pretty much everything we will ever need?" I questioned as she came trailing after me with a box marked 'kitchen'.

"The house belonged to this family and the father died. The family didn't want anything that reminded them of him." My mother replied bluntly as she moved towards the kitchen. I heard the sound of a box being placed on the ground a sigh of relief escaping my mother's lips. She made her way out of the kitchen and pointed to a set of double doors. "That's my room." I nodded in response before she continued. "You can pick whatever room you want upstairs, there are two rooms and a bathroom."

Once again, I nodded before making my way upstairs. I surveyed both of the bedrooms and settled on the one with the balcony. From the doorway of my new room, I appreciated the fully furnished room. The room was definitely different from my old one. It was pained lilac with a canopy bed and a big bookshelf. A small smile graced my lips. Perfection.




When I woke up from my nap, the shuffling of boxes could no longer be heard. Curiously, I made my way downstairs to see what my mother was up to.

"Mom?" I called out.

My voice just bounced off the walls and wasn't responded to.

A sigh escaped my lips. I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water to soothe my parched mouth. A handwritten note taped to the fridge caught my eye as I came closer. I released the note from the tape's grasp and read my mother's handwriting.

Went to explore the town. Be back later. Order a pizza or takeout.


I rolled her eyes. I wasn't stupid. I knew exactly what my mom meant when she said "explore the town." I knew that my mom would either come home completely drunk or not come home at all. Honestly, I was fine with that as long as she doesn't end up bring home random men, which has never happened. My brown eyes wandered over to the digital clock on the stove. It was around 7:00 p.m.

I did a little unpacking before ordering a large sausage pizza with extra cheese. I had the suitcase situated on top of my bed so I could refold my clothing, I had a little bit of obsessive compulsive disorder in me. Then again, who doesn't?


I furrowed my eyes in confusion. Who could that be? The pizza shouldn't be here for at least another 10 minutes. I walked to the door and stopped at a mirror to make sure I was halfway descent. My body was clad in a pair of black Soffes (type of shorts) and a gray tank top. I frowned at my reflection. The bruises on the back of my neck and part of my shoulders - from when I was pushed up against a wall and punched several times for coming home late - were clearly visible.

Thinking on my feet, literally and figuratively, I pushed my dark curls behind my shoulders to cover the bruises. Once I made sure I looked presentable, I opened the mahogany door.

"Can I help you?" I asked the stranger at the door.

My unsuspected visitor was completely oblivious to the fact that the door was open. The guy started to sing along to the song he was listening to on his Ipod.

"Promiscuous boy, I already know that your all alone. What'cha waiting for. Promiscuous boy you already know.….. "

I couldn't contain my laughter as I busted out laughing. The guy stopped singing and turned around to face his audience. The guy chuckled nervously, "Umm.. Hi."

I abruptly stopped laughing and tried to catch my breath. "I'm sorry I was laughing." I said apologetically. The stranger's electric blue eyes were the first thing I noticed.

"Don't apologize, my signing was horrible." The boy stated charmingly. I opened my mouth to speak, but he had cut me off. "Tell you what, why don't we just start over?"

"That sounds like a plan." I say with a sincere smile.

"Hi, I'm Troy Bolton." The boy stated, extending his hand.

"Gabriella Montez, " I shook his hand. His hands felt slightly rough compared to my hands.

"You're probably wondering why I'm sanding at your front door." I nodded, urging him to continue. "My mom baked a cake for you and your family and asked me to bring it over since we live right across from you." Troy extended the cake to me.

It was a small, round cake that said welcome on it. I smiled. "Would you like to come in? My mom is allergic to chocolate and I can't eat all of this," I asked, opening the door wider for him to come in. Troy came inside and looked around. The house looked like we have been living there for ages but, there were still several boxes on the floor.

"I see you still need to unpack." The eyed boy stated. "Why don't I help you?" Troy offered.

My eyes widened. "No, no I couldn't ask you to do that."

Troy ignored my request and picked up a box marked 'Gabriella'. "Which way to your room?" he asked, smiling.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. This boy seemed pretty stubborn. Jokingly, I shook my head and placed the cake on a nearby table. I picked up a box and led the way up the stairs. Once we brought all of my boxes upstairs, the two of us began unpacking.

Troy chose a box and opened it to reveal books. He brought them to the bookcase and started placing the books on the shelf. When the box was empty he reached for another box. I could see that he was surprised to se it filled, once again, with books.

"This is just a wild guess but, you like to read don't you?" Troy stated from behind me as I started to tie up my hair into a loose bun.

I just turned my head slightly facing him and sent him a smile before continuing to unpacking. I could feel Troy's eyes on me, which made me feel self-conscious.


"Pizza's here." I stood up but bent down to pick something off of the floor. Once again, I felt Troy's eyes on me.




Almost three hours and an empty pizza box later, we had finished unpacking all of my boxes.

"Thank you very much for helping me out, Troy," I said as the two of us just sat on the bench placed on the balcony.

"Well it was my pleasure."

My gaze met Troy's and before either of us knew it, we were both leaning in. Our lips where centimeters apart when a loud slam was hear. Troy and I jumped apart.

I squeezed her eyes close. Mom was home and she was definitely drunk.

"Troy, I'm really sorry about this." I said standing up, Troy stood up also. "My mom, doesn't like when I have guest over without her permission." I lied.

Troy nodded his head understandingly. "No problem, I'll clime down the this tree." Troy said as he made his way to the edge of the balcony.

My eyes widened. "Are you crazy?" I asked, completely surprised.

"Nope," he replied with a smirk.

Before I could stop him, he was halfway down the tree. I smiled at myself and quickly entered my room, only to hear my mother's yells grow louder.

"GABRIELLA!" my mother called from the bottom of the stairs.

I ran out of her room and down the stairs to meet my mother.

"What the fuck took you so damn long!?" she screamed at me. I didn't even get a chance to answer as she slapped me.

I fell backwards, causing my back to come in contact with the stairs. A sharp pain shot through my body. Thankfully, my mother was already gone when I slowly got up.

Once I reached my bed, I just sat down and wiped away her tears. Normally the tears would have come in larger quantities, but tonight felt different. Yes, my backed ached terribly. In contrast, I think I made a knew friend and it's a pretty good feeling. I shook the strange feeling off and allowed myself to be held captive by sleep.

I hope you enjoyed it and continue reading to find out what happens.
Thanks for reading and reviews are greatly appreciated.
~Kae xoxo

Song Troy Sung: Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado.