AN: this was to be a short fic. But because people seemed to like it I have decided to add one more chapter for those who wanted a little tlc for rose

Chapter 5 'I am a Doctor you know'

The Doctor ducked and shoved through the bustling crowd. His hand clasping the sweaty palm of Rose. He held on tight to her because she was rapidly loosing the strength to walk. The midday sun was scorching, in the distance the ground waved and wobbled in the heat. Suddenly the Doctor saw what he was looking for and moved quicker.

"Hold on Rose, nearly there. This guy sells this potion that can cure any ailment guaranteed…or your money back. So he says." Babbled the Doctor to Rose. She wasn't listening.

In her mind were wavy lines and indescribable shapes that made no sense at all. Sounds were distorted and far away, or like her ears were filled with cotton wool. Her legs felt like jelly and it was hard to keep balance. She knew what was happening but wasn't aware so to speak.

The Doctor looked back at the pale face of Rose and suddenly began to quicken his already fast pace. He reached the stall just as Rose fainted at his side. He grabber her with a soft cry of surprise. The vendor was very old, but he seemed to understand the Doctor's problem immediately. He stretched a purple claw over to a dusty shelf and pulled a vial of a silver liquid. The Doctor smiled and dipped into his deep pockets with one hand. His other was clutching Rose to his shoulder; his hand was wrapped round her waist in a protective way. The vendor waved off the Doctor's attempts to pay him.

"This debt was paid many millennia ago my dear friend." Uttered the vendor, he smiled and bowed to the Doctor. The Doctor looked up at the vendor and smiled back. He then made to hurry away with the unconscious Rose. The vendor called out to him.

"I have transport for you. Its better than trying to fight this crowd." Called the wizened alien. The Doctor turned back and smiled wearily, a smile that showed gratitude.

Within minutes Rose was curled by the Doctor's side and sleeping peacefully. They were perched on an old cart pulled by a large red dragon. The drivers were sons of the vendor. Bulky and strong, but they were very friendly and kept glancing back at Rose, quickening the pace of the creature pulling the cart. Soon the Doctor pointed out the TARDIS and hopped down from the cart and opened the TARDIS doors.

One of the sons lifted Rose in his large purple arms and carried her inside, placed her on the captain's chair and bowed to the Doctor. He then left the TARDIS.

The Doctor dashed over to Rose wrapped his coat around her shivering form, lifting her gently and carrying her further in to the TARDIS. As he went, he used his converse clad foot to flick a switch on the console and the TARDIS was sent careening in to the vortex.

The Doctor walked past many different doors through the oak corridor. He stopped in front of a very bright door, it was pink and had a small sign hung on a thin piece of rope.

'Beware the hormonal teen!' Was the inscription. Below it was a miniature Rose, shaking her fist in a violent manner at anyone who looked at it.

He used his hip to push the handle down and used his upper back to open the door. He then had the trouble of manoeuvring over the various clutter that littered the room. Yesterday's clothes (covered in a lovely blue goo), CDs and other teen things that made Rose feel at home. The Doctor actually didn't mind the mess, he agreed that creative minded people never had clean rooms, his own was so bad he couldn't open his door.

He placed Rose gently on her bed and pulled her blanket over her. He then pulled out the tiny vial of liquid and sat down next to Rose. He lifted Rose forward with his arm and shifted her close to his torso. He then tipped the contents of the vial into her mouth and helped her swallow it. She coughed from the terrible taste. The Doctor shushed her gently, rubbing her back.

She looked up at the Doctor bleary-eyed and smiled weakly and promptly fainted on the Doctor. He shifted from her side and tucked her in, planting a chaste kiss on her furrowed brow as he left.