Title: Ten Reasons I Love You.
Author: Sakura Sango
Pairing: Yami Bakura/Yugi
Fandom: Yu Gi Oh
Theme: # 10. #10
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own it nor do I imply that I do. I am only borrowing the Yu Gi Oh characters and world for my fun, only to return them once I have had my fill of them. (Though they may be slightly more wrinkled/torn/disturbed/or whatever else t hen when I took them.)
A/N: Alright this is my way of saving my pairings I guess, I couldn't figure how to use this theme so I kinda just went for the first thing that came to me. I think this came out really romancy. More then what I normally write. So anyways tell me if ya like it or not!


Bakura could always make Yugi feel better; whether it was a recovering cold, a hard day at school while being taunted at, or loosing an important match in Duel Monsters. No matter what was wrong with the teen- Bakura could always make it better.

But Yugi doubted that even Bakura could make this hurt in his heart better.

Lying in his twin sized bed Yugi tried to cling to the last blanket of sleep that covered his mind. After the day he had had yesterday, Yugi wanted nothing more then to just lie in bed all day lost in sleep. Luckily it was Saturday so he did not have to worry about school, though Mr. Sandman was fighting against him with his plans.

It had been a stupid fight, almost as stupid as the one they had had last week over who had had the remote last. It was missing and both Yugi and Bakura demanded that the other had used it last- even though it was set on Bakura's favorite show.

But this time Yugi had said hurtful things, things that were said out of anger. Things that Bakura had told Yugi that his ex-lover back in Egypt had told him before trying to kill him. Bakura had told Yugi all about it late one night when the two cuddled under the blankets of Yugi's bed.

But in anger Yugi had shouted out the same words, same sentences. He had used the same lousy insults that had hurt Bakura fifteen hundred years ago. Bakura had stood on the street corner, letting the attack come at him without lashing out. He never said anything mean back to Yugi. Instead he stood shocked as Yugi's friends' looked on before turning and running away- tears stinging at his eyes.

Joey had looked at Yugi before tapping Tea on the shoulder. The girl had understood the silent gesture as she walked to Yugi, arms out to hold him close as he cried in her arms- shocked at what he had done to his lover. Soothingly she rubbed his back whispering how everything would be ok.

Meanwhile Joey had ran after Bakura, catching him a mile away, as he drug the hurt thief to a local arcade, where they played games and drank the frustration away.

Yugi had gone to bed that night thinking and believing that Bakura would break up with him the next day. Who would want to stay with him; especially after he had shouted about how he wished he never knew the snowy haired boy.

Tears still stung at Yugi's eyes as he rocked himself in the early morning light. His eyes clenched shut tightly as he tried to will himself to sleep. Yugi did not want to loose the one good thing that happened to him; yet how could he ever beg for Bakura's forgiveness, no one knew just how hurtful yesterday had been for him. All they knew was that they had had a fight- though over what they did not know. Yugi could not even remember what they had fought over now in the early morning.

Moaning in despair Yugi rolled onto his stomach, his right eye opening slightly. Unfocused he stared across the room, trying to make himself believe that it was not real. They had not fought yesterday; Yugi would run outside and see Bakura sitting on the curb waiting for his lover. Together they would run down to the small bakery and get a bagel to share, but not before playfully fighting over what kind- Bakura would demand blueberry with low-fat cream cheese and Yugi would mock-gag before demanding a raisin bagel with jelly slathered over it, smirking he would watch Bakura shudder at the thought. The baker, who was used to their dispute over bagels would cut half a raisin and half a blueberry for them, saving the other halves for himself later on in the day.

But as his mind cleared Yugi knew that was not real. They had had the fight, Yugi had shouted what he shouted to Bakura in a public place. They would never be the same again. He knew it.

Yugi's suspicions became more realistic as he heard a crunching sound as the teen tried to bury his face in his pillow. Shakily he sat up, leaning on his left elbow, as he pulled a crinkled paper from under him. Tears built up as he stared at the paper.

'YUGI' was scrawled in large letters. Bakura's handwriting.

'A breakup letter,' Yugi glanced at the sunroof above him, he had started leaving it unlocked when he and Bakura had started to see each other. A sort of secret passage so they could spend the night together, Bakura slipping out before Yugi's grandpa saw them together.

'Is he so mad at me, he couldn't even face me? Why did I do it?' Yugi sniffed as he un-crinkled the paper, steadying himself for whatever Bakura had written. He deserved the worst.

Staring at the child-like scrawling Yugi could not help but to smile. Bakura was still learning how to write though he had mastered the beginnings of it. Yugi had been a good and patient teacher showing Bakura how to make each letter, connecting them close enough to make a word, yet leaving spaces between words.

Straightening the letter, Yugi began to read, curling up against the wall of his bed.

"Everything you said to me yesterday, it had hurt me so badly. Almost like I was back there again. But that did not hurt the worst. What had hurt the worst was when you had said that you did not love me. After I ran off Joey had grabbed me and we talked…After listening to him, I have to believe that you did not mean that. There is no way you could look into my eyes- today and tell me you hate me. Even if you do, I love you. I love more then what I could ever say.

And there are so many reasons why I love you. I could easily name a thousand of them off the top of my head. But everyone can easily name a thousand reasons they love or hate something. I think a smaller- more realistic number means more then a thousand. Ten is the magic number I think. Naming the ten things I love the most about you is what I think means the most, especially these ten.

1. I love you because you treat me better than I treat myself, you gave me a reason to live. After everything that I did to you, your friends, your family. You still welcomed me with open arms- even when others did not trust me. Then you showed me love that I had never experienced in my life.

2. I love how you have confidence no matter what the situation is. Your calmness covers me like a blanket, keeping me warm and safe when the outside world gets too tough for the two of us.

3. You know when I'm struggling and you have helped me to learn to trust myself

4.I love how you've allowed me to show off my daggers, though you have a mortal fear of them. You've even kissed me while I'm holding one of them (though I can't wait till we go further and you let me hold a knife…)

5. I love how you can laugh no matter what happens, you keep your spirits up so high that I don't think we can ever hit rock bottom

6. I love your eyes, when I look into them I can get so lost, drowning in them for hours.

7. I love you because you love me despite all my faults. You tell me often 'the past is the past' and that means more then anything else.

8. I love how you've seen the other side of me, the one others don't see, yet you still say you love me.

9. I love you because even when we fight over the stupidest stuff (who had the remote last) we still make-up before the night ends.

10. Most of all I love how you show your love through your kisses. How slow and passionate they are. Never is one rushed or hurried. Instead every time you kiss me, I can tell just how

If you still need more reasons why I love you then I will write them for you. I can write a thousand if you need me to. I just hope these ten are enough to show how deep my love for you is. Even if we fight and throw hurtful words, I still will love you. "

Smiling Yugi smoothed out the wrinkles in the paper before hugging it close to his chest. Tears stung at his eyes as he tried to picture Bakura slowly, excruciatingly slowly, writing each letter checking on the piece of paper he kept in his pocket to make sure each was correct before moving to the next.

Tears fell down his cheeks as he lightly kissed the notebook paper, placing it lovingly on the bedside table. Later he would find a frame for it, a little reminder for him when the days became too hard to bear, that no matter what happened in life he would always have someone waiting in the background, cheering him on. Loving him for who he really was. Even if they fought, Bakura would still be there with all of his love, waiting for Yugi to come back.

Smiling Yugi glanced at the number 10 on the list; next time he saw Bakura, Yugi would be certain to give him one of the much loved kisses.


Like I said romancy. Eh…Bakura seemed to mushy in this one with his letter I thought, but surprisingly 10 is a harder theme to come up with. Hmm well tell me what you thought if ya make it this far. Comments/reviews/concrit/ whatever you want to call it makes my day when I see it.