Ch. 5: Ms. Moore's Reign


I opened the door hesitantly, and sighed with relief. It was Bella. Her eyes were wide open, and her lower lip was trembling with fear.

When she saw me, she flung her arms around me and sobbed.

I smelled her sweet scent.

She gasped, "I was so afraid!"

I chuckled. "Bella, love, of what?"

"What do you mean of what?! All because of you! I thought she'd do something horrible to you," She choked.

"Emmett came to the rescue," I grinned.

She looked at me, uncomprehending, and then I led her to the couch.

Putting my arm around her, I sighed.

"I know someone who can help," Emmett said.

We glanced over at him. "Who?"

"Rosalie can give you guys social life advice," He explained.

My face was composed to a stern expression. Usually I didn't like Rosalie helping, and I didn't need it, but sometimes her role as drama queen worked to our benefit.

"Okay," Bella said before I could.

"ROSALIE!" Emmett roared.

Bella chuckled into my ear. "I thought you were the lion!"

I smiled and kissed the tip of her nose.

Rosalie walked slower than human pace to us. "What?" She moaned. "I was in the middle of painting my nails."

"That can wait," I said. "We need help."

She scoffed, sitting on Emmett's lap. "With what? Homework?"

I glared at her. "No. A social matter, Rosalie."

"Oh," She said languidly, draping her legs over the seat, half of the toenails painted magenta. "Well, then, shoot."

I told her about Ms. Moore and the horrors she brought to Bella and I. When I explained what Ms. Moore did at our little meeting before, Bella gasped.

"You didn't tell me that!" She accused, wide-eyed.

"I didn't want to worry you, love," I kissed her forehead, and she settled back against my chest. I could feel her heartbeat against my chest, where my heart should be beating. It felt wondrous.

Rosalie chuckled, "Sounds like this Ms. Moore really knows how to flirt."

I swallowed, "No, not flirt. See, flirting would be batting your eyelashes. She dressed in a very exhibiting manner, Rose."

Rose's eyes widened, her mouth dropped. "Ha! A human that determined? I thought they were repelled by us, guess not. She's very attracted to you. Maybe you two could make some incredible music." With that, Rosalie winked. She winked.

A growl brewed inside my throat. "Rosalie, you best be serious about this matter!" I said through gritted teeth.

She laughed again. "Ha-ha! Edward, you speak like it's the 1910's. Chill, it's the next century. Speak like that and you blow our cover."

"No matter," I said, anger still in my voice. "Ms. Moore is very bold."

"Ha!" She scoffed. "It's the present, darling. Everyone's a slut these days." And then she glanced toward Bella. "Well, then again…" She smirked.

"ROSALIE!" I roared, and Bella cupped her hands over her ears. "Sorry, Bella," I whispered to her. Then I turned back to Rose. "Serious! Emmett, calm her down!"

Before Emmett could speak, she pouted in his direction, and he closed his mouth, entranced by her.

I sighed, "Alright, if you two can handle this, please dismiss yourselves. Bella and I have something to do."

Rosalie and Emmett cooed childishly.

"Not in that way," I warned.

They shrugged and left.

When they did, Bella turned to face me, her face was beautiful. "Edward, sometime you can be so absurd for a smart guy!"


She saw my questioning eyes and said, as if it were obvious, "Just go tell the principal!"

"That's…" I looked for a word. "A good idea."

She shook her head. "Silly Edward!"

I kissed her cheek and her heart started to beat faster. I laughed.

We went into the school, not bothering to go to first period- Ms. Moore. That was the beginning of our simply genius plan.

The bell rang, and we still sat inside my car…waiting.

The thoughts of the students were getting softer, meaning that they were currently out of range and in their classes. I pulled Bella up from her seat and we snuck to the main hallway.

All was quiet…too quiet. I almost burst into laughter- that sounded like a cheesy spy movie line.

We came up to the principal's office door. There was no way to see beyond the door, but I could hear a murmur of thoughts. Someone was in there.

I nodded toward Bella, and she gave me a reassuring look.

I turned the door knob slowly, and the door opened smoothly, more quiet than the other doors at this school.

When we saw the office before us, we noticed that no one was there.

The door behind us slammed, and Bella and I jumped. We dared not look at what was behind us, but we did anyway- hesitantly.

There, standing behind us, was Ms. Moore, standing in one of her outrageous dresses, purple, sparkly lipstick and that eye shadow of hers smeared on her face. Her dress was, yet again, red…and barely had anything to hold it up.

"We should be-" I began, nervously.

She interjected me with a mechanical, high pitch siren of a laugh. Throwing her head back, her shoulders shook as she chuckled menacingly.

Her thoughts were consisting of her evil laughter as well.

I blocked them out.

After staring at her for a few minutes, Bella started trembling with fear. I would've put my arms around her to sooth her, but PDA in front of Ms. Moore was like asking for death, and/or another stripping episode. What was the difference?

"Ms. Moore," Bella said when the laughter stopped. "H-why are you in h-here?"

"Why are you in here?" Ms. Moore mimicked Bella in a high-pitched voice, childishly.

"Ms. Moore," I said, irritated.

Her facial expression lightened up as she turned to me, her eye twitching.

"Yes, Edward?" She said, almost possessively.

I took a quick step back, just in case.

"Why are you in here?" I asked.

"Oh, Edward, Edward, Edward," Ms. Moore sighed over and over. "My dear, Edward."

"…Yes?" I asked flatly.

"Edward, I've become the principal of course," She said, too calmly.

I felt Bella sway faintly by my side. I caught her.

"Burger," Ms. Moore called.

"It's Bella," I corrected her.

"Bella, whatever," Ms. Moore rolled her eyes. "Could you stay in this office for a few moments? I'd like to talk to you."

As soon as I looked over at Bella, Ms. Moore added, "Edward, go to class."

I gulped. Now it was Bella's turn. But I'd stay outside the whole time. Don't worry, Bella, I said to myself. She won't strip in front of you…I hope.