Yay! We've made it to chapter seven!
Now for the reviews!
"Is that...Misa Misa?!"
Continuing with our story.
"Yes, that ndeed is Miss Misa Amane," L answered. "She is currently living here as a suspect for being the secong Kira. You are to act as her manager and observe her for us when seh goes out for an interview or photoshoot."
Kit nodded, smiling.
"Okay! I'd do ANYTHING to help the great L in his search for Kira!"
Kit turnned around and was on her way to leave t start he job as Misa's manager when L called her back.
"Oh, and Miss Stanton, please call me Ryuuzaki from now on, okay?"
"Okay! If it's what you want, Ryuuzaki it is."
And then Kit left the room, only to enter it again.
"So, what am I supposed to do about Misa's schedual?" she asked, hoping to get one.
"Ah," L said. "I had a feeling that I forgot something." L picked up a piece of paper and handed it to Kit. "There. That is Misa's schedual for today."
L swerved around to face the computor screen once more and took a sip of his coffee, while Kit looked over the schedual. Her eyes widened at the first thing on the list.
"Oh crap! Misa's late for a photo shoot in Shinjuku!" Kit said and ran out the door, and entered it again.
"What is it this time, Kit?" Light asked.
"I don't know how to get to Misa's room," the red head answered.
"I'll take you to her!" said one of the others in the room. Other than Light and L, he seemed to be the youngest of the men in there. "Hajimemashite (nice to meet you), Matsuda desu (I'm Matsuda)."
Matsuda bowed politely. Kit bowed back as she made her greeting as well. They left the room for Misa's.
-A few days later-
Kit came to the HQ, just like every day. Though, today there was nothing on Misa's schedual, so Kit could do something else for the investigation. The red head entered the investigation room. L swivled around in his chair to look at her.
"You know, Miss Stanton, you don't have a need to be here today," he said.
"I know," kit said, smiling"But I have nothing better to do on a Sunday."
Kit looked around the room for the first time. Well, thouroghly at least. She noticed that there was a chess board sitting on a small table just behind where Light and L were sitting.
"Oh! I never noticed that chess board before!"
"I'm guessing you love the game of chess, yes Miss Stanton?" L asked.
"Oh, I love it!" Kit said. "Would you like to play?"
L sat for a moment in thought, chewing quite contently on his thumb. He was unsure of how to answer Kit. Well, to the detective, there was no better way to sort things out in his mind than a quick game of chess.
"I accept your challenge, Miss Stanton," he finaly answered after a few minute's thought on the matter.
Kit smiled happily and sat down infront of the side of the board than was decorated with the white pieces. She always played white, ever since her father taught her how to play as a child. At first she always lost against the parent, but as time went by, she slowely became better. Now she could almost beat him...usualy. Kit acctualy defeated her father...once.
"I will warn you though, I'm not that great," she said, scratching her cheeck with her index finger.
"That's okay, I won't go too hard on you."
L made his first move, the pawn directly infront of the queen was moved two squares foreward. Kit thought for a moment before moving one of her pawns foreward. At this point, all of the task force was watching the game. No one spoke, for fear of disterbing the rhythm of the players, until a few more plays were made.
"You know, Miss Stanton, my first opinion of you was of a blithering idiot, but this game is much better than that of a blithering idiot," L said.
"Heh, heh! My dad taught me a little bit about the game!" Kit responded, scratching the back of her head.
"Yes, but it seems you know more than just a little bit about the game, Miss Stanton." L moved a bishop, Kit responding by capturing it with her knight.L looked up from the board and smiled at her. "But you apperantly don't know enough." He took the redhead's knight with his queen. "Check mate."
The girl stared at the board and the pieces surrounding her trapped king, her mouth hanging open in supprised silence.
"Good game, Miss Stanton. Will you indulge me in another game at some later date?" L inquired.
Kit nodded and stood from her seat infront of the game. L stood as well and walked back to his swivle chair infront of the wall of computor screens and began to moniter them all once more.
"How about the next time Misa's schedual is clear?" Kit suggested nonchalantly.
"Sounds good to me," L answered, not looking away from the monitors.
Kit smiled, nodded and left the room to spend the remainder of the day in whatever way she pleased (within reason, of coarse).
-end chapter 7-
Well, here's the product of several months of waiting! hope you liked it! Now, I won't be able to continue with the story, unless I get suggestions for the next chapter in the form of a review. So, the fate of my fic is riding on the shoulders of you readers! Later tatters!