Title: I'M ONLINE!

Rating: M

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto...or the internet... OO

Warning: RATED M FOR A REASON. A/N: I just had to do this fic! The idea came to me awhile ago when a ton of people where badgering me on YIM. XD I LOVE YOU GUYS THOUGH! Oh and check the stories on ShikTani Azraela Alurenia profile she needs reviews bad!!!!

Foxy-sex-kitten: Oii! Sasuke-teme!!

Sharingan-avenger: ...Naruto?!

Foxy-sex-kitten: Yep! What up...:)

Sharingan-avenger: How did you find my username?

Foxy-sex-kitten: They have everything about you on one of your fansites... even what color your boxers are today... Black...

Sharingan-avenger: O.O WTF?

Foxy-sex-kitten: Yep.

Sharingan-avenger's status is now 'Go away you weirdos!'

Foxy-sex-kitten: ...ooookkkkkk... xD

Sharingan-avenger: Yeaaaahhhh...

Foxy-sex-kitten: So WTF? How do you have an instant messanger account?

Sharingan-avenger: Orochimaru let me have one.

Foxy-sex-kitten: Weird...

Sharingan-avenger: What's weirder is he's on here too.

Foxy-sex-kitten: WTF:O

Sharingan-avenger: Yep... Hey wanna watch me masturbate on my webcam?


Sharingan-avenger: What? You'll fuck me? Ok!

Foxy-sex-kitten: oo Sasuke you've gone crazy huh?

Sharingan-avenger: No. I just wish you were her so I could fuck you until you are just a quivering mass of flesh. :)

Foxy-sex-kitten: DIE!

Sharingan-avenger: Awww! I love you too!

Foxy-sex-kitten: SHUT UP!

Sharingan-avenger: So you wanna watch me masterbate on my webcam:)

Foxy-sex-kitten has signed out

Sharingan-avenger: IM me when you get on again!

Sharingan-avenger has signed out

A/n: Well? What do you think? I don't have a whole lot of ideas of what should happen next so I'm open to ideas! Review please:) I love you guys!! I promise the next one will be A LOT longer! I PROMISE!

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