HI THERE! In case you didn't know, I'm Ryter! I'm here to bring you a great story (maybe). This is just something funny that popped in my head after watching too many disney movies. I hope you enjoy it.
Disclaimer: I do not own fruits basket.
Kagura looked out of her window. The stars over head sparkled brightly. She sighed softly, if only Kyo was there with her. She picked out a star and quickly closed her eyes to make a wish.
"Star light, star bright, the first star I see tonight. I wish I may. I wish I might. Have this wish, I wish tonight. I wish that Kyo would love me."
There was a bright light infront of Kagura, and a woman appeared before her in a blue dress. She was floating with a pair of shimmering butterfly wings. She waved a magical wand which made beautiful fireworks appear behind her.
"Ah. I do love to make an entrance. Now darling I'm your fairy..AH!"
She moved out of the way, just as a large dresser was sent flying at her. More furniture was sent out of the window towards her. She dodged left and right as Kagura continued to throw.
"Oh, for goodness sake."
The fairy waved her wand, and made Kagura freeze in mid toss of a huge potted plant. She flew through the window, and made the plant float out of the Sohma girls hands, and back into a corner. She patted down her hair and dress and then smiled at the still frozen Kagura.
"Now. Like I was trying to say before. I am your fairy godmother, and I have come to grant your fondest desire. I shall make Kyo yours."
She waved her wand and unfroze Kagura, who immeadatly caught her in a bone crushing hug. The fairy stuggled for freedom, but Kagura didn't notice.
"Oh, thank you. Thank you, fairy godmother! How can I ever repay you?"
Kagura finally let go, blushing a bit. The fairy was on the ground wheezing for breath. She pulled Kagura down so that they were face to face while she tried to recover. From behind her she pulled out a glowing purple bottle with a heart shaped top. She placed it in front of the girls face.
"Take this, all you need is one sprits and Kyo will fall madly in love with the first person he sees. All you have to do is make sure, you're the first one he sees. Do you think you can handle that much?"
The brunette girl grabbed hold of the bottle and held it like it was the holy grail. She nodded vigorously at her godmother.
"Oh, yes godmother! I understand! Thank you! With this, Kyo shall fall in love with me! BWAHAHAHA!"
"What was that?"
"The laughter of love?"
"Right. Anyway, you should probably be aware of the side effects. Oh, and I should probably tell you how to reverse the effects, you know in case you find it morally wrong to force someone to love you."
Kagura is dancing with the bottle and not listening at all. An anime sweat drop appeared on the fairies head.
"Okay, I don't think that will be a problem. But still, you should know. If you ever want to reverse the effects."
The fairy is suddenly lifted and thrown out of the room by Kagura. She falls for a short time then flaps her wings until she is once more outside of the window, which is locked. She knocks on it furiously.
"Listen you hog headed twit! If something goes wrong you're going to need to know how to reverse it! The only way to stop the spell is by...Not again."
A bed flies out of the window and lands right on top of the fairy.
"Oh, what a world, what a world!"
--------------------------------------------The Next Day--------------------------------------------
Kyo sat against a wall, annoyed by all of the people around. Yuki sat grudginly beside him. Tohru was laughing and talking to Uo and Hana. Haru sat beside them drifting off into space, but that wasn't what had Kyo and Yuki sulking, what had them sulking was what was at the other end of the table. Hatori sat sipping coffe while, Shigure and Ayame acted like the weirdos they truly were deep down. It creeped Kyo out. He was starting to become irritated.
"Why did everyone chose today to show up out of the blue? What is this, come visit Shigure day?"
Shigure and Ayame started giggling like school girls at this.
"Wouldn't that be great Aya! We should have a visit Shigure day every two weeks! You could come over, and of course our lovely high school companions."
"Oh, I do agree Gure. Maybe we could even show them around my shop. I'm sure we could find something they would enjoy as much as us."
They looked at each other with that creepy look and then started to laugh hysterically. Kyo shivered, this was getting scary. Haru chose then to answer his original question.
"It was basically just chance. Tohru wanted to have Uo and Hana over, and I was comning here anyway to ask Yuki to help me with my homework. Since Ayame hasn't met any of Tohru's friends, Shigure called him up and he made Hatori drive him over here."
Kyo held up Momiji. The blond starts to struggle in his grasp complaining and asking to be set free.
"We couln't leave him alone. Besides, he wanted to visit with Tohru."
Kyo grumbled something and let him go. He stood up and walked over to the sliding door, expecting to climb up a tree and sleep on the roof. Just as he was about to walk through he ran into someone. Kagura's eyes widened in horror as the bottle she was holding flew from her hands. It crashed onto the ground and a purple mist filled the air. When the cloud cleared there was going to be some really strange happenings inside of the Sohma house.
Yep, that's it for now. I hope I did a good enough job. I'm not sure if I'm really all that comfortable with it just yet. I mean I love doing humor, but I'm not that great at it. Tell me what you thought review and tell me if I'm wasting my time or if I should keep going. Thanks!