Chapter one


Shinji forced open the super heated hatch to find Rei semi conscious but still stable as far has he could tell.

'Why did he do it' Rei thought.

"Are you ok Rei?" Shinji asked in a way that screamed that he was worried

"I am fine. Why did you help me?" Rei asked quietly

"It was scared for you Rei I thought you were dead."

'What do I do now? What is this feeling in my stomach? Why am I crying?'

Shinji sat there and watched the subtle changes on Rei's face. They were small but for the last couple of weeks he had been able to distinguish some of her feelings. And right know it looked as though she was deep in though and highly confused. Slowly the tiers started to fall and Shinji couldn't help but join her but his tiers were of joy from not losing her before he could confess his feelings for her. To her she could understand the feelings that were coursing through her mind she new what it was in essence but didn't know why they were happening

"Shinji can you come here?" Rei asked so softly that Shinji almost didn't here her.

"Of course, what is it Rei?

"I think you need to move in with me?"

Shinji's jaw hit the floor out of the things that he though she would ask him that was not it.


"Commander Ikari I request permission for Shinji to move in with me." Rei asked

This in its self, surprised Ikari Rei never said more than what was necessary and never asked for anything she deemed unnecessary. For a request such as this the most reasonable answer was that the last angle attack had scared her and she needed the company of his son to feel safe and function. Or in other words still carry out his plans.

"Permission granted" Ikari stated in his usual monotone voice.

Rei bowed and left not potraying any of the mixed emotions she felt inside. 'why does it feel like I could fly away?' Rei tought

"Was that a wise disition Commander?" The Sub-Commander asked. "You know Shinji has ground found of her."

"It was the only one I could make at this point in time old friend."

Walking down the hall Rei tried to sort out her thoughts, she new she felt different around him (Shinji) it was something she had never felt before. It was different for her she had never felt the need to be in anyone presence before but it was almost like withdrawal when he would walk away from her. The only thing she could think of was to have him transferred to her apartment.

'I get sad and lonely when he is not around and when I seem him I get happy but I cant even show him. I must ask him when he arrives what this new feelings are.' Rei thought on her way home


Shinji knocked on the door that was to be his new apartment shaking with nevers he had know idea why Rei wanted him to move in but he wasn't about to decline her. He knocked again but the door just opened as he walked in he realized that she had not cleaned since the last time he had been here. Thinking back mad him blush slight at thought of her soft flesh that made up her breasts.

"I need to get my head out of the gutter!" he said exasperated

"What does that mean Ikari?" Rei asked from behind him


Silence accompanied by a slight blush she figured that it had something to do with her but waited for him to explain.

"What does that mean?"

Shinji was in a panic if he told her would she hate him. But she looked annoyed he knew she didn't like repeating herself and if he stayed silent it could make the situation worse so he told the truth

"I was thinking about last time I was here and saw you naked and I was merely telling my self that I should not think of such things. I'm so sorry." Shinji stated sounding defeated

"I do not know why you should not think such things because the nether hurt me or yourself" Rei said confused by his actions started heading towards the bathroom. "Your foton will arrive shortly I will be in the shower and when I am done I will explain why I asked you to move here." She said in her same expressionless voice.