Nikki: Hi people again!! Yes!! I reached 30 reviews!! You guys are so cool!! I love spring break!! It has given me time to write 3 chapters in one week for the same story!! Cool! My world record so far!! And thus, enjoy the conclusion of this. To make fellow fans happy, I will try to make this one a little longer. Nobody liked the cliffhanger, so I will attempt to stop it all in one go. Pardon any spelling mistakes. It's after volume 19 now, so Akito is a girl, so sorry for people who haven't read the far. Spoiler

Kyou and Kyoko jump toward Akito and Tohru to stop Akito from doing anything to Tohru. Then…

Kyo: "Don't harm her!!"

Akito froze; her hand in midair with the blade still pointed towards Tohru. Tohru had flinched, but now she was opening her eyes. Kyou and Kyoko were also surprised when they looked back at Kyo, surprised to see he was almost to the point of tears. Akito turned her face to meet Kyo's eyes, but her anger softened as it turned to surprised when Kyo bowed down to her as a commoner would to a

Akito: "God."

Kyo: "Don't harm her. Please. I'll do anything."

Akito smirked. She then looked at Tohru, noticing she had fear in her eyes. But it wasn't from being afraid of Akito, but of what Kyo might have been planning to do.

Akito: "Do you really mean anything?"

Kyo: "Huh?"

Kyo looked up to see Akito's face. Akito had a dark glare in her eyes.

Akito: "Why would you say that?"

Hatori: "Akito."


Kyo: "Looks like I can't win Akito."

Akito: "What?"

Kyo: "I couldn't have not care for Tohru. She's everything to me, and I don't want to lose her for my mistake of falling for her."

Akito turned back toward Tohru again, this time feeling more rage. She lifted the knife over her head and brought it down fast.

Everyone: "Noo!!"

Shigure jumped out in front of Tohru before the knife touched anyone. Akito gasped and dropped the knife to the ground.


Shigure fell to the ground, though the knife only cut through his arm and not the rest of his body. Shigure turned to Akito.

Shigure: "I could tell you love me, by not stabbing me as hard as I thought you would. But just to let you know, you must have been hurt so emotionally yourself to think messing other people's happiness would erase your own solitude feelings."

Akito: "But I had to ruin it. From the future, I…I…"

Yuki: "Akito?"

Haru, Momiji, Kyou, Kyoko, Hatori, Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki step toward Shigure and Akito. Akito started sobbing uncontrollably.

Akito: "I didn't know…what else to do…sob in the future, My future me… told me I would end up being miserable… and what was best to do… was not go down without a fight! Sob that Kyo and Tohru ending up being together would make me feel really bad inside, so…I had to prevent that at any costs. The future me counted on Kyou and Kyoko and us to stop it, but I couldn't-!"

Hatori: "That's enough Akito."

Momiji: "But you didn't really have to do that."

Akito: "Huh?"

Haru: "He's right. Why would you deal with stuff from the future? You ending up lonely in the future by probably not changing your attitude would lead yourself being that way."

Kyo: "By making the decision of wanting to be alone, you'll end up alone."

Akito: "But now Shigure-!!

Shigure: "Will be fine as long as I get to a hospital soon. But you are brave Akito."

Akito blushes. Then, Akito starts stammering: "Wh-wh-what makes y-you say that?"

Shigure: "How many people can go against themselves of what they have decided? Listen Akito, I still love you, never forget. 'I care about you. More then I care about anyone. And that is the honest and unshakable truth. I love you, Akito.' I love you Akito. Won't you stay with me always?"

Akito started crying again, and hugged Shigure tightly. Shigure attempted to hug Akito back with one useable arm. The ambulance can be heard in the distance as Hatori made the call already. (Note: in this story, Hatori might have figured it was safer to be moved to a hospital since he lost a considerable amount of blood already.)

Akito: "I'm sorry everyone! (In a sad tone) now I know what it feels like to have someone you care about hurt in front of your eyes. Kyo..."

Kyo: "Yeah?"

Akito smiled: Take good care of her." And with that, Akito jumped in the ambulance and held Shigure's hand as he laid down in a bed. Akito tells Shigure 'of course I'll stay with you always.'

Yuki: "Well, now that's that."

Haru: "Couldn't have said it better myself."

Kyoko: "We need to get back to our own time period."

Kyou: "Dad?"

Kyo flinched at hearing that.

Kyo: "Whatcha want squirt?"

Kyoko: "Well, we were now hoping to see how you propose to mom."

Kyou: "Before we leave. And I promise you, we won't bother you until we're born! Please?"

Tohru: "Kyo?"

Kyo: "Hmm?"

Tohru: "They're right, we were so rudely interrupted."

Kyo: "So Tohru?"

Tohru: "Yeah?"

Kyo knelt down one knee to the floor. He pulled out the beautiful ring from before and at this point, Tohru was already starting to weep.

Kyo: "Will you marry me? Share your life forever with me? Always share your problems, to let me listen to them as I will care about you the rest of my life as long as you stay with me forever?"

Tohru: "OH, Kyo!! You know I do!!"

Tohru then leapt from her spot, jumped on Kyo; knocking him to the ground (after placing the ring on her finger) and starts kissing Kyo with passionate kisses, specifically saying 'I love you so much!!'

Kyoko: "Oh that was beautiful!! It almost made me break down uncontrollably!"

Kyou: "We'll see all of you guys when you get older, old timers!! Bye for now!"

Kyo: "Old timers? Hey!! Take that back!!"

Twins: "See you then!" and with that, the twins pendants flashed a blinding white light, and then, the twins had vanished.

Momiji: "So, now we have to celebrate! Kyo and Tohru are engaged!! (Momiji is thinking: 'Finally! and if he wasn't going to propose to her, I was!!')

Haru: "What did you have in mind, Yuki?"

Yuki: "I was hoping to hear Miss Honda's opinion. Miss Honda?"

Tohru: "It doesn't matter to me. (Tohru grabbed Kyo's arm) As along as I am with Kyo, I'll be happy anywhere!"

Kyo: "You're such an easy girl to please. I will never leave your side. I love you Tohru."

Tohru: "I love you too."

And with that, the two kissed once more, and then held hands as they walked with the rest to have a celebration dinner.


Nikki: OMG!! This made me cry while I was typing this!! I would like to thank the fans that loved this to the end or at least Chapter 4 because I would understand if they hated the conclusion. I was never good at endings.

So I give a special around of applauds to

animegirl427, pinkpuppy2ez, Kyri-the Late Night Writer, Kyonkichi-chan, katieykat, who keep reviewing this again and again!! Yay them!!

And a special thanks to my editor-sama for chapter 5! Hashkorns!! You're super-duper awesome!!

Because thanks to these peoples positive comments, it gave me the motivation to continue writing what I am typing as of today. And I didn't lie. When I said I would write this a little bit longer, I did. The other chapters were three pages long in Microsoft word, and this one ended up being five! I kept all my promises! No more cliffhangers for this story, and I added character Momiji since someone especially likes that character. So until next time peoples!! Read other of my works if you really liked my writing for this!