"Yo ho… Yo ho… a Pirate's life for me…" She sang gently into her baby's ear as she cradled him in her arms. This song brought back fond memories of those days she spent with him.

Her child, so young and innocent was merely a year old. It had already been a year.

He reminded her just of him. Everything he did-he did for her.

How it all came to be…

I saw a parasol and piece of wreckage with a boy on it floating in the water and cried, " Look! A boy! There's a boy in the water!"

Commodore Norrington looked overboard and spotted what I saw "Man overboard! Man the ropes. Fetch a Hook! Haul him aboard."

Together, the scrawny boy was hauled up on board. Gibbs and the other pirates kept their distance but Norrington felt for his breath. "He's still breathing."… …

Hi everyone. I hope you liked this chapter. It's gonna be a ten chapter story, I wanted to collapse it into one. But figured that it'd be too long. I really loved the show. It was so touching. (:
