Disclaimer: I do not own bleach nor do I own any of its characters

Chapter IV: A night to be remembered

"Hinamori…please stop crying" Hitsugaya pleaded as he sat beside the trembling form of his childhood friend as she sobbed heavily on her pillow.

"Hinamori…" he repeated again.

"Go away…I know you're mad at me and that you're just pretending you're not" the girl's muffled tone is enough to break Hitsugaya's heart.

"Hinamori, I'm not mad at you, I can never be mad at you" he laid his hand over her head, caressing it with a gentle touch.

Hinamori looked up at him with teary red eyes "Really?"

Hitsugaya smiled and nodded.

"B-but, I ruined the prom"

"It's fine. 30 minutes of dancing with you is more than enough to compensate for the punishment"

"What punishment?"

"I got punished by Yamamoto-dono. He said that I'd be removed, temporarily, from my central command position"

"It's because of me isn't it? Shirou-chan, you took another bullet for me didn't you?" Hinamori's eyes are now starting to water again.

"Hinamori, its fine"

"No it's not" Hinamori's guilt is clouding her vision making her incapable of seeing the face of her partner filled with concern, care and love. "I ruined the prom and made you carry the burden. I'm--"

She was cut off as she felt strong arms wrap around her and tender lips touch hers. She was shocked at first but then relaxed and returned the hug and the kiss. The feeling she got took some of the guilt she's currently feeling.

"You're not a burden to me, and never say you're useless Momo…" Hitsugaya whispered the moment they broke off the kiss but his hands never left the spot "...you're my inspiration. You're the one that gives me strength. To tell you honestly, every time I loose hope, I simply look at you, or think about you and I gain my resolve" his tone isn't that of the sarcastic brat but that of a concerned lover. "I love you, Momo…so please…don't do this to yourself" he pleaded as he buried his face in her shoulders trying his best to suppress the tears that threaten to spill out. Whenever he sees Hinamori like this, it breaks him.

"Toushirou…" Hinamori tightened her embrace around him "…I love you too. But I'm afraid I might hurt you. I'm afraid to be a burden"

"You're not a burden…you never were" he backed away and looked at her in the eye. They kissed once more. The kiss deepened as Hinamori entered Hitsugaya's mouth, tasting him. Hitsugaya didn't mind the action and in fact liked it. Both individuals were unaware that they've moved. Hitsugaya is now on top of Hinamori.

The white-haired boy moved down from Hinamori's lips to her neck. Kissing her cheek bone in the process while listening to her moan and gasp out of the sensations he's giving her. He stopped as he came to a halt by her cleavage. He looked at his partner who gave him a reassuring nod. He nodded back and removed her kimono leaving her in her underwear.

Slowly but surely, the boy removed Hinamori's top to reveal her round breasts and nipples. The boy dove down and sucked in her nipple. First the right, then the left. Hinamori hissed as he gave each nipple equal treatments. He then moved down her creamy and smooth abdomen stopping just above the small scar. He closed his eyes and gently laid a kiss there. It reminded him of his own in ability to protect her. In fact, the moment he saw the scar, he hesitated in continuing thinking whether or not this is a good idea. He's failed to protect her and thus doesn't deserve her.

Hinamori sensed her partner's hesitance to continue and frowned. She knows exactly what's going on in his head.

"Shirou-chan…" she whispered as she brought her hands to his face forcing him to look straight into her hazel eyes. What she saw broke her heart. He was on the verge of tears. The guilt inside him is eating him from the inside. She forced him to move up so their lips could touch and engage in another deep passionate kiss.

"Hinamori, I'm scared" he casually expressed his emotions. Tears flowing freely down his cheeks.

His tone broke her heart. It's exceedingly rare that he would casually say he's scared. It's obvious how guilty he is. What broke Hinamori's heart is the fact that there's nothing he should be guilty about. They broke off the kiss and looked each other in the eye. "…there's nothing to be guilty about. And there's nothing to be scared of" she assured him encouraging him to continue. It's only been a few seconds and already, she found herself missing his hot and wet kisses.

He complied with her desire as he removed the last remaining garment from her revealing her most private spot. He licked her there and listened to her reaction.

Hinamori arched her chest high up and let out a particularly loud moan of pleasure. Hitsugaya smiled at her reaction. Then, he noticed something. Her body is still a little tense. He sighed. He knows exactly why it's so tense. She's still upset for what happened earlier tonight.

With another sigh, he got off her and laid beside her, putting his hand above his head as if surrendering.

"What are you doing? Why did you stop?" Hinamori asked as she sat up and looked at her partner. She's quite disappointed and she found herself missing his touch.

"Hinamori, you're still tense and frustrated" the boy stated pointing out the obvious. "Why is that?"

Hinamori lowered her head. "It's just that, I feel guilty for making you carry the burden I should be carrying" she expressed her own emotions.

Hitsugaya nodded at her explanation. "Well then, why don't we just take that useless stuff out?" he smirked at her.

"How?" Hinamori was perplexed at his statement.

"Come on; lay all those guilt into me. Do anything you want with my body. I'm your slave for tonight"

"Really?" Hinamori's earlier grim expression suddenly turned into that of pure bliss and anticipation. Hitsugaya nodded as he gestured Hinamori to crawl on top of him and do whatever she has in store for him. A mischievous smile played itself across her features as she kissed him on the lips. The kiss was so sweet and tender; Hinamori was encouraged to move further. And move further she did as her lips crawled from his lips to his cheek bones then down his neck stopping at his collar.

It didn't take much effort to remove the garment from his body since his hands are fixed firmly above his head reminding Hinamori that he's completely surrendered himself to her desire. She sat on top of him and took in the sight. Her hands grazed upon his perfect physique. His muscular chest, his toned biceps and his flawless abs, everything, she can do everything she wants to do to it. And Hinamori knows that he won't mind. Her smile turned into a frown as her hands were interrupted by his boxers.

Hitsugaya thought Hinamori has lost any connections from the outside world as she ripped his boxers off without even asking permission. He knows he surrendered himself to her but he thought Hinamori would be a little more subtle with regards to the favor he's done for her. In an attempt to bring Hinamori back to the outside world, Hitsugaya tried to roll on top of her but was unsuccessful as Hinamori placed a binding spell on his hands permanently fixing it above his head.

The boy was surprised by her rather aggressive counter attack. He desperately tried to break free but to no avail.

"You promised me I could do ANYTHING I want to do to your body" Hinamori pouted "you're not being fair".

Hitsugaya chuckled "alright, I'm sorry. Now could you please remove the binding spell?"

Hinamori put a finger on her chin as if in deep thought "I'd rather not" with that she dove down and kissed her partner in the lips preventing him from retorting. To ensure that he surrender himself to her completely, she rubbed his biceps with her hands and her thighs against his taking out all the boy's strength.

Hitsugaya surrendered fully to Hinamori's desire as the last of his strength to fight back left his body. He allowed Hinamori grope and mark him as her territory. The boy moaned as his partner licked and kissed his chest then hissed and arched his chest high up the moment Hinamori playfully bit one of his nipples.

The reaction she got from him as she bit his nipple aroused her even more encouraging her to continue. And continue she did as she licked the scar that laid on his shoulder listening to him gasp and moan. Afterwards, she moved down to his abs and did the same thing she did with his chest. Moving further down and stop at his hard and erect manhood.

Hitsugaya has the urge to get up and kiss her the moment she gave him a playful smirk when she stopped by his manhood. Unfortunately, his hands were bound by the annoying binding spell. The boy gasped as he felt his partner lick and suck him in her mouth. A long, single moan escaped his lips.

After she sucked him in and marking him as her own, Hinamori maneuvered and lowered herself allowing him to enter. 'Oh my god!' the girl thought as she felt him inside her. He's bigger than she thought. After a single gasp, a long single, moan of pure pleasure escaped her lips.

Hitsugaya also gasped and moaned at the sensations she brought him. He arched his chest high up and threw his head backwards as he felt her tighten around him, fighting the urge to hold it in. he wrapped his thighs around her waist as she started to rock both of them to and fro.

Hinamori lowered herself and buried her face on his broad shoulders and listened to him whisper her name over and over again in her ear. After a few seconds, they reached their climax. A few more seconds passed and Hinamori collapsed on top of Hitsugaya, both parties have their bodies covered in sweat.

Hinamori lifted herself up and looked at the sweaty figure of her partner. The sweat that covered his body accentuates all his lean muscles. She removed the binding spell and lay down beside him. Her hands found their way on his sweaty and chiseled chest while she nuzzled her face in his neck.

Hitsugaya wrapped his arms around Hinamori's torso and his thighs wrapped around her slim and smooth legs.

"Goodnight, Momo. Sweet dreams"

"Sweet dreams to you too Shirou-chan" with that, they both fell into blissful sleep.


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