Disclaimer: I do not own D. Gray-Man nor do I own any of its characters

Before we start the chapter, I would like to express my UTMOST APOLOGIES to my readers for the obnoxiously long update. Hope you guys aren't too pissed off.

Moderator Tyki: Night

"You're late" the millennium earl turned towards the two Noah that entered the dining hall.

"Sumimasen, sennen kho. Rhode got carried away on "playing" with the red haired exorcist" Tyki explained as he a Rhode took their normal seats.

"Did you take his innocence?"



"It's not the heart. It just turned to sand" Tyki explained to the grinning 'man' at the end of the table as the appetizers were served. Oysters and a bottle of red wine was tonight's appetizer. Their having crab soup for…well…soup and for the main dish, they'll have Roasted quarter leg chicken with garlic sauce.

They all have different preferences for dessert, the millennium prefers his whipped cream, ice cream topped with chocolate syrup, apples and bananas. Rhode prefers Banana split. As for him…

"Where's my dessert?"

"I gave it to skin. It's his reward for being able to get 5 innocence in one day" The earl replied

"But why did you take my dessert?" Normally he wouldn't mind but he was really looking forward to dessert today. After all, Rhode took his breakfast earlier this morning.

"Quit acting like a ten year old Tyki" millennium said between mouthfuls of ice cream. Tyki just crossed his arms over his chest.


'Ahh, My favorite time of the day' tyki thought as he climbed up his bed. Sleep time is always his favorite part of the day due to the sole reason that no one bugs him.

"Tyki?" no one but Rhode, that is. Tyki can't help but groan as his peace and quiet was disturbed.

"What do you want, Rhode?" he asked in a somewhat lazy tone as he turned away so his back is facing the blue haired girl. He just wishes that Rhode would pick up on it and stop bothering him.

"I'm bored"

"What do you want me to do?"

"Play with me"

"I don't want to"

"Why not?"

"Because I'm tired ad I'm too old to play with you. Go find someone who's close to your age"

"Like Debit and Jasdero?" Rhode seemed to light up

"Yeah, yeah, just don't bug me" Tyki is already half asleep by now

"Okay, thanks, Tyki!" with the, the child left

Tyki smiled as some quiet came back in the room.


'well, it was good while it lasted' he thought as Debit's shout snapped him out of his sleep.

"DON'T SHOUT!!! I CAN HEAR YOU!!" came Rhode's exaggerated reply.

'Why don't you two stop shouting and give me some peace and quiet' Tyki wrapped his head with one of the pillows, trying to conceal the loud noises that disrupts him.

"WHAT IS ALL THE SHOUTING ABOUT?" The earl have finally acknowledged the crisis. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to acknowledge the fact hat he is also shouting.

'Finally' Tyki knows that within just a few seconds, the shouting would cease. The earl always takes Rhode's side and would probably punish Debit for causing such a commotion. Poor guy, but sometimes life is unfair and he'll have to deal with it.

The brown haired man subconsciously smiled as he looks forward to peaceful sleep.

"Tyki said I should bother Debit and Jasdero"

"SAY WHAT?!" and now he is the one who's shouting.

"TYKI MIKK!!" the earl burst through his door "setting such a bad example for your younger sister, what were you thinking?"

"I was thinking of getting some peace and quiet" Tyki retorted despite the fact that the earl always sides with Rhode. But hey, at least he tried right?

The earl could only 'glare' at the man on the bed.

"I can't believe this, kicked out of my own room" Tyki shifted his position once again on the sofa, wrapping the blanket around him. Well, at least tomorrow would be better right? Right? Oh well, even a Noah can dream you know.


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