Disclaimer: I do not own D.gray-man nor do i own any of its characters

This is my first D.Gray-man fic. Enjoy!!!

Moderator Tyki: Roles

In the Noah household, the 'children' take up different roles. The twins, Debit and Jasdero, are somewhat the ones who people would consider to be the individuals who always fight with the youngest which is Rhode. Rhode would be the favorite of the 'father' and the spoiled brat.

Skin is the member that most normal families don't haveā€”the psychotic one who always needs guidance. And then there's Tyki, the elder brother who always gets the blame because of his siblings' misbehavior. He's also the moderator for when things go wrong in the household. This story is about how a day goes by for Tyki Mikk of the Noah family

>>To be continued

I know what you're thinking...'nothing much about this fic' please wait for the second chapter where Tyki's life story really begins.

Anyway, I would like you all to review this chapter so that I may know whether this fic is worth coninuing or not. Thanks!!!