A/N: Well here it the epilogue to Forcing Seperation, thanks to everyone who reviewed and helped keep this story going! I'm glad you all enjoyed it. My main focus now will be Smattering and the Paths We've Crossed. Thanks again and enjoy the last chapter of Forcing Seperation!

"It's been two years Greg, and you've talked to them on the phone and they even came out here what's the deal?"

"I don't know, maybe because they were in our home and felt it not right to kill me in my home we're going to be in Texas for a week,a week with your parents and all your siblings who still hate me."

"My parents don't hate you."

"Yeah right." Greg snorted.

"They don't."

"And your siblings?"

"Meh." Nick shrugged. "Aaron does hate you."

"I told you."

"He hates me too if that makes you feel better."

"Freaky twin thing." Greg mumbled.



"Come on baby." Nick said as he tugged Greg by the hand. "We are staying at a hotel if it makes you feel better."

"Only because your mother ran out of room."

"And because I don't think my family will want to hear me pounding you into the mattress."

"God Nick." Greg moaned. "Don't start that here."

"I know I'm sorry." Nick said as he kissed Greg's neck. "Come on it's about time to depart."

"I still wish we didn't have to this."

"It'll be ok G I swear, it's a wedding a happy time."

"If you say so." Greg sighed.

The past two years everything had changed for Greg and his life was different than what he ever imagined, but not that he was complaining he was finally happy. Moving to Vegas had been difficult for him leaving his home and Sara was a hard thing but he knew if he wanted this to work sacrifices would have to be made. It was true he could teach anywhere and found East Vegas High to be the perfect place for him. He wasn't the only one who made sacrifices though, Nick who was originally on the graveyard shift had moved to days so they could see each other. The first year was difficult because of the way they had met and there were so many thing they didn't know about each other but they stuck together and came out stronger because of it.

Nick's family though was a whole other story and it took his mother quite some time to come around. Even now as they prepared to go to Texas for a wedding Greg was afraid to be at the Stokes ranch because the last time he was there he ruined a lot of things. But Nick had assured him things were going to be ok and he believed him.

"Ashley you in here?"

"Sure am mamma, where's daddy?"

"Going to pick up Nick."

"Oh good."

"Honey are you sure you want them here?"

"Mamma it's been two years and I am getting married."

"I know, I know I just…it's hard for me to think the way you handled things."

"Mamma, you've seen them together right?"

"Yes when your father and I went to Vegas."

"And what did you see?"

"Two blissfully happy men even though Greg was scared shitless of your father."

"And I'm blissfully happy, tell me mamma was Nick ever this happy before Greg?"

"No." Jillian sighed. "I just want to be sure Ashley."

"Of course I want them here and really Nicky had no choice since Warrick wants him in the wedding."

"You're right, I'm fretting over nothing."

"You are mamma, now come on you said you had necklace for me."

Nick felt odd being at his childhood home since it had been two years since his last visit and well what had happened then. He was sure Aaron would punch him in the face when they saw each other because unlike Ashley Aaron liked to hold grudges.

"Come on Greg stop hiding outside."

"I'm not I swear."


"Fine, fine." The ride to the ranch had been awkward to say the least and Greg was glad he was in the back seat.

"Nick your mamma and I would like to speak to you." His eyes landed on Greg. "Alone."

"Right." He walked by Greg and whispered in his ear. "It'll be ok, I'll be right back." Greg could only nod, now that he had lost his protection he was mince meat for sure now, he only hoped no other Stokes were at the ranch. Nick was leaving him in the lion's den and he only hoped he would get spit out instead of be being swallowed.

"I knew this was coming, it's been two years and you give me the fifth degree now!" Nick exclaimed.

"Nick calm down that isn't what we're doing."

"How can I be so sure when you pull me in here and leave Greg standing out there."

"Nick." His mother said as she took his hands in hers. "We know our relationship has been strained."

"Yes I know, I'm you're least favorite child, but you know what it's been two years I'm done be sorry because I'm happy."

"We know that son." Nick's father stated. "I saw you at the airport before I came to get you, I've never seen you so happy before."

"Greg makes me happier than anyone dad, and yes the way we got there wasn't right but it all worked out Ashley is happy and getting married."

"We know sweetie, and even though we weren't happy about how all this came to be things did work out and all I ever wanted was for my children to be happy."

"Thanks mom." Nick said with a smile. "That means everything to me."

"Now go get Greg son before Aaron gets to him, you know your brother stubborn as a mule."

"Yes sir."

Greg was beginning to sweat; Nick had been in there for quite some time and he was wondering if Aaron was going to suddenly appear and dispose of him.

"Hi Greg." He turned around at the voice he knew so well, but had not heard in a long time.

"Hello Ashley."

"You look good."

"You too." He paused for a moment not knowing what to say to his ex girlfriend. "Listen Ashley…"

"Don't Greg, it's ok we've all moved past it."

"Right." He nodded. "I never wanted to hurt you."

"I know." She whispered. "You can't help who you love Greg."

"You're happy aren't you Ash?"

"Very happy." She smiled. "All things happen for a reason. You love my brother don't you?"

"With all my heart."

"I just wish it would have happened differently."

"You and me both." Greg sighed. "I'm happy to be here at your wedding."

"You know what." Ashley said reaching to grasp his hand. "I am too."

Nick exited his father's study to find Ashley and Greg wrapped in a friendly embrace and it made him smile.

"Nick, hey."

"Warrick, congrats."

"Thanks. You know I sorta have to thank you."


"Well if you hadn't of fallen for Greg then I would have never had my chance."

"Funny how things work out huh?"

"Yeah." Warrick mused. "Glad you're here."

"Me too." Nick said as he met Greg's eyes. "Me too."

Nick watched his sister as Warrick swept her around the dance floor, they looked so happy and so in love it made Nick's heart swell.

"It was a nice wedding."

"Yeah it was." Nick said as he wrapped his arm around Greg. "Come on let's go somewhere."

"But you'll miss the bridal party dance."

"Do you really want to sit and watch me dance with Madam Amelia."

"No way, although her prediction was right."

"Really? She's so bad at that even Ashley doesn't believe her and they're best friends."

"She said I would choose forever."

"Maybe I should have that dance with her."

"No way." Greg shook his head. "I do believe you were taking me somewhere Mr. Stokes."

"That I was." Nick took Greg's hand and since everyone's eyes were on the new couple they were able to sneak out unnoticed. The reception was being held at the ranch so Nick led Greg to the hill behind the barn where they could see the sun setting in distance. They stood side by side Nick slipping his arm around Greg's waist and pulling him close.

"It's hard to believe it's been two years." Greg whispered.

"I know, best two years of my life."

"We've come so far."

"We have." They could hear the laughter and music from the reception and it made everything seem more real. "Greg? When you said forever?"

"I meant forever Nick, right here, with you. I want forever with you Nick and hope it's what you want too."

"Of course it is Greg." Nick said as pulled Greg in for a long kiss. "You know it's weird that dating my sister brought us together."

"And now we're at her wedding to your best friend."

"Stranger things have happened." Nick said with a shrug. "Come on we better get back."

"You gonna save me a dance stud?"

"All my dances." Nick said as he twined their fingers together walking slowly back to the ranch. Two years had gone by and even though things between Nick and his family weren't perfect yet it was getting there. Besides having Greg by his side was all he could ever ask for.

"Hey Nick?"


"You wanna skip the rest of the reception and rechristen the barn?" Greg asked with a wicked grin.

"Do you even have to ask?" Greg laughed and pulled Nick into a lust filled kiss and then took off for the barn Nick chasing after him. Their laughter echoed through the hills as the sun melted into the moon and night began to fall.