Okay, I'm back for the fourth Chapter and I think unless I get a little insperation that I might stop writing this story...Hold up! I just got inspired by a Song from 'Within Temptation' so I think I will be writing good or better mabe. First I have to give a shout out to one of my reviewers. I love you so much Led Zeppelan gal. Your comment made me so happy!! I also have to give shout out to my gal my friend my cousin that's right!! let's here it for Izayoimoon. You are the greatest. Now here is yalls fic:


Sasuke stormed into his room and slammed the door behind him. He walked over to the newly waken up Naruto and slapped him across the face. "Who was it!?"


"Who was it? Were you in love with him? Whats his Zip code?" Sasuke asked grabbing Naruto by the hair.

"I...What are you...Sasuke?" Naruto couldn't figure out what he wanted to ask. He was confused and scared. Why was Sasuke hitting him again.

" Don't fucking lie!" Sasuke screamed "Orochimaru told me you weren't a virgin when he took you."

"Sasuke..." Naruto looked away.

Sasuke let go of Naruto "Just tell me...did you love him?"


Sasuke was silent for a long time. He had hurt Naruto again but, for some reason when he was around Naruto he just couldn't control or hide his true feelings. Had Naruto meant that he had been forced? He almost couldn't bare to ask but he had to. He needed to. "Were you forced?"


Sasuke clenched his fist "Was it more than once?"

" Sasu-" Naruto began

" Just tell me Naruto."

"I was on my own from the momment I was born. I had to survive one way or another. If selling my body was the only way then would you have had me die.?" Naruto said

"Naruto I-" This time Sasuke was cut off.

"Don't say anything. If you're disgusted by me you can just leave me" Naruto was shaking now "Your pity isn't what I want."

Naruto attempted to climb off the bed but his wrist was caught by Sasuke. He suddenly pulled Naruto into a firey kiss. He pushed the blonde boy onto his back and put his hand on Naruto's cheek. "I wouldn't be disgusted by you for surviving. . .but"


"Was it ever like this?" Sasuke asked then kissed the other boy again in way that had Naruto seeing stars. His tongue moved to Naruto's bottom lip asking for entrace insted off forcing his way into his mouth. Naruto Gasped as he felt Sasuke pull off the pants had just put on and throw them to the floor. Sasuke pulled his lips away from Naruto's only to move them to the blonde's Neck then lower and lower. Naruto could feel Sasuke's breath on his stomick now. "Did it feel this way?"

"Aaaunnh...Gods no!" Naruto moaned as Sasuke took Naruto into his mouth. "Never pleasure...Never."

"Good." Sasuke said around Naruto causing a very pleasant vibration. Sasuke began to suck Naruto and use his hand for the rest of him. Naruto almost couldn't breathe. Sasuke, his Sasuke was sucking him off.

"Sasuke...Ahhnuh...I'm going to..." Naruto begged

"Mmmnnnhhmmm" Sasuke relied causing Naruto to cum in Sasuke's mouth which he in turn swallowed greedily. Sasuke pulled himself up to kiss Naruto oon the forhead. He could tell Naruto was exhausted. so he only slipped off his clothes and pulled the covers up over them wth Naruto clinging onto him.


Okay so I know this Chapter was kinda short but I have an Idea so kiss my (slaps self) sorry about that. Deal with it's shortness. I didn't mean that I love you. Ooooh If you want a shout out leave me a review to remember. Crackheads. I'm sorry