A/N: Hey all! This is the third chapter of my story (der). Hope you enjoy it. this will explain what the boys did to the girls that made them want revenge, and also a little bit that comes after the other 2 chapters that i just couldn't resist putting in! I think it makes it a bit moe funny.

I would like to say a BIG thank you to my best friend Nightshadow Dweller for helping me make my story more interesting than what i originally had. Love you lots darl!

Chapter 3: What the boys did

The next day when Danny walked into the break room, he saw photo's of himself, Flack, Hawkes and Adam from the night before.

"I'm gonna kill her!" He muttered, before turning around to see Lindsay, Peyton and Stella standing behind him laughing.

"I think it worked, Linds." Peyton said.

"Yeah. Better than we'd hoped for." Stella added with a laugh.

"Although we were hoping to get naked shots of them." Lindsay pointed out.

"You guys set us up?" Adam asked, as he, Hawkes and Flack saw the photos.

"Yup. We had to get revenge for what you did to us last week." Stella told them.

"There was no way that you were gonna get away with that." Peyton informed them.

The memory of what the four men had done to them was still fresh in all of their minds, and the women had desperately wanted revenge.


"So if we win, you say that you broke it, but if you win, we have to say that we broke it?" Stella repeated to Danny and Hawkes.

"And the looser also has to pay for dinner. So it's a deal?" Danny asked "You and Montana onto me and Hawkes?

"Ok, deal." Lindsay agreed and the four of them shook hands.

"What's going on?" Flack asked them, after seeing them shake hands.

"We've got a deal going. Stella and Lindsay think it was the ex-boyfriend who was the murderer, but Danny and I think it was the current boyfriend, who was being cheated on. Whoever looses has to tell Mac that they broke that machine thingy."

"Hold up, what machine thingy?" Flack asked.

"You know, that new machine thing that Mac's been so obsessed about." Stella replied casually.

"The one that cost all that money?" Flack asked.

"Yeah, that'd be the one." Danny told him.

"He's gonna kill you." Flack laughed, then being serious he said "Wait, who actually broke it?"

"They did!" They all cried, boys pointing to the girls, and the girls pointing to the boys. Flack laughed harder.

"Oh, and the looser of our bet also has to pay for dinner." Explained Hawkes, changing the subject of the person to blame "Although, I think that Danny only suggested the dinner thing to get Lindsay to go out with him. This was the only way that he could get her to agree." He finished.

"So true." Danny smirked and Lindsey just shook her head.

"Well, I also think it's the current boyfriend, so can I join in?" Flack asked.

"Ok, but then we get Peyton." Stella demanded.

"Deal." Danny said.

Stella and Lindsay went down to the ME's office to tell Peyton about their bet, and she said that she was in.

But what the three women hadn't known was that Danny had already talked to Adam in DNA, who had told him that it was the current boyfriend who was the murderer. The men had cheated, just to get Lindsay to agree to go out with Danny. And because the men had been right, the three women had had to tell Mac that they were the one's who'd broken the machine, which had pissed him off a bit, (emphasise the bit!) and they'd also had to pay for dinner. They only found out about this when Adam had met them at the restaurant and had said that he had given Danny the results before their deal, but also wanted dinner to be paid for by someone else, so he'd been in on it too.

This had caused Stella, Lindsay and Peyton to really want revenge on the men, so together they had come up with the perfect plan to embarrass them.

Lindsay's knowledge of Poker had helped, and Stella's suggestion of Strip Poker had been the idea that they had come up with.

"Embarrass them by putting naked photos of them around the lab." Peyton had suggested, which caused the other two to laugh. All had agreed that it would be the perfect way for revenge.

A/N: Well that's the end of chapter 3. Please review and tell me what you thought and also if you would like me to continue with this story and any suggestions you might have for revenge, cause otherwise i'll just leave it as it is.

Thank you for reading!
