A/N: I hope you enjoy a long chapter which should be taken as an apology for not paying enough attention to this story.

Chapter Four

Sakura smelt breakfast before she was even awake. The scent wafted through her nose as her eyes fluttered open, but she couldn't see due to the big canvas tent in her way. Another day had passed and she was beginning to think that Tomoyo would never let her out of this tent. Slowly she sat up, her wound was still stiff, and her body protested. That didn't stop her. Carefully, she pushed her blankets aside, and popped her head out of the door.

"What are you doing Princess?" she heard from her left. It was Hiiragizawa and he was giving her the "look." Sakura feigned innocence.

"Umm, nothing much. How about you? Beautiful morning isn't it?" he came closer to her, but before he could Sakura felt herself being lifted off the ground.

"If you wanted to come outside, you should've asked," she heard. She looked up and immediately blushed tomato red. Li was carrying her! "Don't get any ideas," he said gruffly before setting her gently down by the stove where Tomoyo was, giggling.

Meanwhile, Syaoran was finding it very hard to keep his own blush down, very hard. He had known Kinomoto had wanted to get out of the stuffy tent for days, and when he saw her trying to make her escape, painfully, he had picked her up without thought. Then he had realized what close proximity they had been in.

This girl, this princess- she was the one thing he couldn't even begin to understand.

She was feisty, a free spirit, and strong. The complete opposite of all the other princesses he had ever known. But, he understood that part. It was easy, because she was just like him.

But, why did she put herself in front of him that night?

That was the part about her he couldn't understand. Yes, she was like him in so many ways, but at the same time she was cheerful, understanding, loving…. Was that it?

"Syaoran? Earth to Syaoran?" said a voice, bringing the young prince out of his revere. He looked up. It was Eriol that had spoken, but everyone in the camp was looking at him.

"Sorry." He said, looking down at the ground. It was sandy, but more dirt was getting mixed in as they continued north.

"Anyway," Eriol continued. "Now that Princess Kinomoto here is better, I think that we should continue towards Kyoko tomorrow morning." Syaoran saw Tomoyo give a sideways glance at her princess in worry, but did not voice her thoughts.

Sakura looked up from her food, noticing all eyes were on her. She looked at Li, determination in her eyes.

"I'm fine. Lets ride tomorrow." She said.


When Sakura opened her eyes the next day, she wasn't greeted by the sun. It was still early and the night sky was slowly changing into dawn. It had been her plan to wake up early, before anyone else so that she could test her limits with her current wound. Gently she crawled out of the tent, and using the pole, tried to stand. Her legs were weak, and she swayed, not daring to put her entire weight on them. Finally, after a few minutes, she let go of the pole.

After six days, she was finally standing. Sakura smiled. Feeling daring after all, she tried to take one step forward. Her bones creaked, and her muscles ached, but she managed. She continued walking around the tent, her strength returning to her slowly.

Syaoran watched the princess take her first unsteady steps with complete awe. The sheer determination on her face was enough to raise the respect he felt for her a few notches. He did note, however, her face contort into pain with big movements. Traveling was going to be hard on her, but he doubted that she would let it show. She was strong. Perhaps a little too strong. He really didn't want anything to happen to her. Was it only because she had saved his life? He didn't think so. But if not, then why?


Sakura grimaced as the horse underneath her jarred into the ground. She should be thankful that Syaoran had given up his horse (even though it was her horse to begin with), so that she didn't have to walk, but everything was uncomfortable. But then, why did he let her ride? She had been trying to mask her weakness that morning, showing everyone that she was able to walk, but he had offered the horse to ride, and he to walk.

He probably thought that she was slowing them down. At least, that was what Sakura's mind had told her.

But, another part of her mind disagreed.

Sakura looked down to the prince who walked on her left. Over the past week she had been able to study him quite carefully from afar.

She had to admit, he was good looking. His brown hair was always messy, as if there was always a wind about him. His body was in excellent shape; from his legs, to his stomach, to his arms. She remembered those arms from when he had caught her after she fell the night she received her wound. Even though she had fallen into unconsciousness soon after, she remembered the feeling she had gotten while in his strong arms. Safe, protected, cared for.

Sakura blushed.

No, he was the complete opposite! He had dueled her, kidnapped her… fed her, carried her, given her a horse to ride…

Sakura looked back at the heir to the Li throne. The one thing that she was drawn to the most wasn't his body, or his hair, but his eyes.

Eyes like a caged tiger, which held so much emotion to them. But it was a muted emotion most of the time, like he had walls around his soul because he knew that otherwise it would be transparent. She would love to be able to stare into his eyes, the color of warm amber.

No, wait. What was she thinking? This was her captor! She had no feelings for him! Did she..?


The days were spent in silence, leaving each person to their own thoughts, for there were many within this strange group of four. The scenery around them had changed drastically and they found themselves out of the dessert and into a beautiful conifer forest. And according to the map that Eriol possessed, they would soon be coming across the town of Oleander.

They had ridden past a few towns, but never had the need to stop. However, now that they were past a week into their travels, they needed to stop for supplies.

Syaoran and Eriol set up camp a little ways outside of the town, under the shade of the conifer trees. There was a stream nearby and the men had caught fish for dinner.

As they sat around the fire, Eriol spoke up.

"Tomoyo and I have decided that we will ride into town tomorrow morning to restock on food and water." He said, wiping his mouth of the fish. Syaoran nearly choked.

"What?!" he yelled, upset that he hadn't been included on the decision making.

"We are worried that you or Sakura could be identified. It wouldn't be a good thing for everyone to know that the heirs to the Li and Kinomoto kingdom were running around unprotected," Tomoyo reasoned.

"I can protect myself just fine," Syaoran grumbled.

"I think they're right," Sakura said, her side still sore, but healing nicely. Syaoran looked at the princess who had been in his thoughts for days now. She could use a break from riding for a day, especially with that wound.

Tomoyo nodded as they began to make a list of the things she and Eriol would get tomorrow from the market. When the list was finished, she added her own supplies at the bottom.

"What will you need red cloth for?" asked Eriol. Tomoyo looked at him with stars in her eyes.

"I need to repair Sakura's clothing, since it was ripped while she saved Li." Everyone sweat dropped.


Tomoyo felt like a mother flustering over her children in the morning as her and Eriol were getting ready to leave. They would only be gone a day, but she was still worried for her friend and the Li prince. Finally, with a pulling from Eriol and a push from Sakura, she was on her way to Oleander. Leaving the prince and the princess alone.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Lady Daidouji?" Eriol asked, knowing the attitude of his prince, and the fact that the Kinomoto princess could bring it out in the fullest. Tomoyo's eyes sparkled.

"Of course! This will give them some much needed time together!" she said smiling.

"Just what is it that you are planning?" Eriol asked slowly. Tomoyo smirked.


The first order of business on her day off was to take a bath, Sakura thought as she walked toward the pool of water. Syaoran had found it last night while catching fish, and showed it to her in the morning. Sakura was incredibly happy to think that he had thought enough of her to realize that she desperately needed to be clean.

It was a pretty spot, where the water cascaded down into a standing pool, before rushing out, becoming a stream again.

Sakura looked around, before taking off her clothes.

She still wore the pants of Tomoyo's original Kinomoto battle outfit. However, the shirt had been ripped when she had gotten stabbed, and she was now wearing one of Li's extra training shirts. She carefully took off her outer and inner layers, leaving only her bandages, and slipped into the water.

It was cold, freezing even, but Sakura welcomed the temperature, her side finally numbing after a few minutes in the water.

Not once did Sakura regret jumping in front of the Li prince. Yes, he was her enemy, yes he had kidnapped her, put Tomoyo in danger and dragged them across the land, but… there was something about him.

In all of the above he had been nice. He had been trying to save his country. They were similar.

Maybe that's why she made the quick decision, that even though things would be easier if he were dead, she wouldn't be able to stand it.

That and he had been completely helpless at the time, and she couldn't just stand there and watch him die without a fight.

He wasn't the kind of person to go willingly.

Yet again, how would she know what kind of person he was?

She had known this man for barely over a week, and, being her captor, hadn't released all the mushy inner feelings and life story to her. But, it felt like they had known each other for years, and that he understood her. And maybe, she understood him too.

After being in the water for a good 20 min, Sakura laid out in the sun in an attempt to warm herself up, and dry off; continuing her musings on the amber eyed man a few hundred yards away.


Li Syaoran had awakened later then he had hoped, as the sun was streaming down onto his face from a tear in the fabric of his tent.

He got changed and stepped outside the tent, expecting to be greeted with the sight of his enemy's princess.

But she wasn't there.

Quickly he strode over to her tent, usually shared by Tomoyo, and forgetting all privacy rules opened the flap, expecting to find her asleep.

But she wasn't there either.

Panic came over him faster then he would care to admit at the knowledge of the missing princess. He ran around the outskirts of the camp before realizing what he was doing.

Number one: he was panicking. He never panicked.

Number two: he was panicking about the Kinomoto Princess. The girl he had kidnapped.

And number three: he was worried. About a girl no less.

He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, while sitting around the fire pit from the night before, trying to calm himself down and think straight.

Finally it sunk in. The lake, she was at the lake he had shown her last night.

And, if anything, she could take care of herself. She had proved that to him countless times.

Why was he worrying so much? Why was he being so kind to her? And since when was his favorite color green!?

That girl was playing tricks on his mind and body for that matter.

Could he possibly feel something for her? Of course he did, he respected her.

Syaoran shook his head. He respected a lot of people, yet he felt differently than them towards the Kinomoto princess. How could a girl that he'd only known for a week and a half get to him this much? Then again, the only other girl he had been with for more than a few hours had been Melin and his sisters.

Syaoran sighed and started to prepare some food to start off the day, and wait for Kinomoto to get back.


Sakura woke up to a lady bug crawling across her stomach. She laughed as it tickled her, and then watched as it flew away. Looking around she saw the stream and the woods nearby. Wait, stream and woods? She had fallen asleep while in the sun! Li was probably worried by now! She attempted to sit up rapidly, but her wound reminded her that it wasn't quite possible. She sat up more slowly, looking at the now wet wrap job of her wound.

Why would Li care if she was gone too long? It's not like he cared for her at all was it? No, the caring between them was only one sided.

Wait, she cared for him? Since when?

Well, whether she cared for him, or he didn't care for her, she needed to get back to the camp. Sakura pulled on Li's shirt and started walking back towards camp. She looked down at the green material that she had on. The dark green of the Li Clan clashed with her red pants.

He could never care for her, she was his sworn enemy.

As Sakura reached the camp, she began to smell delicious food coming from the fire, which reminded her that she hadn't had any food yet, even though it was getting late in the day. Thoughts completely on food she didn't notice the other person in her line of sight. She came around the corner just in time to see a half naked Li. She stopped in surprise at the sight of his naked chest. Sure from his fighting she could tell just how in shape his body would have to be, but she had never seen it. She stopped, sure she hadn't been seen, and waited until he put his shirt back on. When he had, she stepped out from behind the tent and made her presence known.


Syaoran had just sat down after changing his smoke covered shirt when he heard Kinomoto's limp coming from behind him. He turned to tell her off for taking so long when he noticed the red hue across her cheeks.

Was she…blushing?

The sight of the Kinomoto princess blushing threw him off completely, as he stammered to say something.

"W-where have you been?" he asked gruffly. "I was worried!" they both froze after that comment was made. Syaoran averted his eyes when she looked up in questioning. "I mean, I was worried you had run off. You are still my capture you know."

Sakura let out the breath she was holding. Of course he wasn't actually worried about you. How could you forget that he was just your kidnapper? That's all the two of you will be.

The rest of the meal was eaten in silence while Syaoran mentally kicked himself over the head for his last comment. After the meal was finished and she made a move to leave, Syaoran noticed that something was wrong with her bandage.

"Hey, Kinomoto, come here," he said, placing his bowl down on the ground and walking over to her.

"What do you want?" she curtly replied. Syaoran ignored her tone of voice and moved his shirt out of the way to get a good look at her side. The bandages were damp and the skin around them was starting to get pink as it rubbed on her.

"Your bandage is wet." He said standing up to look at her.

"So?" she asked, confused at both his statement and the way he was treating her.

"So, your skin is getting irritated, and it won't be good if it turns into a rash. Come on, I'll change them." Sakura stared at him in shock as he went into her tent where the bandages were held.

"I can do it myself you know." She said to his back. "I mean, I don't want to trouble you." Sakura mumbled the last part, but was surprised to find that he turned back towards her.

"It's the least I can do since you saved me." She nodded and followed him into the tent.

Once inside, the awkward atmosphere only got worse.

"Umm," Syaoran started. "I-I-I'm going to need you to take off your shirt." Sakura gasped and blushed, but turned and complied.

This was the most skin he'd ever seen on a woman before, and Syaoran's red face proved it. His hands were shaky as he unwrapped the bandages from her torso. The damp bandages came off easily and didn't stick to the stitches, and they both breathed out since the hard part was over.

"I never did thank you for saving me." Syaoran said quietly as he wrapped the new bandage. Sakura gasped at the thought of the Li prince thanking her. Actually thanking her. "Did I hurt you?" he asked in reply to her gasp.

Sakura didn't know what to say, here he was thanking her and asking if he had hurt her in any way.

"No, I'm fine." She said, and he continued his work with a little more gentleness. Sakura smiled. "I didn't save you just to be thanked." She said again.

"Why did you do it?" Syaoran asked. It had been a question on his mind since that night. "All I've done is kidnap you, threaten your life and Daidouji's, take your horse… The list goes on." Sakura pondered his statement.

"Yes, you did all those things, but…" she trailed off. "But you also didn't kill me on the cliff, you didn't take me to your kingdom after you had learned it might be dangerous for me, and… you said that you would protect me." Syaoran's hands paused at the mention of the promise he had made a few days into their trip to Kyoko.

He had been in complete awe over this woman. She could fight, stand up for herself, speak for herself and her companion, the list of wonders about her never stopped. Syaoran didn't go around capturing women, or making them sleep on the dirt, or even walk when a horse was near. In the Li kingdom he was a complete gentleman, the way his father was. But he was having trouble remembering that Kinomoto was a lady, and a princess at that. Not that she was unattractive.

Actually, quite the opposite. Kinomoto Sakura was beautiful. With curves in all the right places, long auburn hair, and bright green eyes. Ah, those eyes that were the windows to her soul. No, it was not her physical appearance that made him forget, but her mannerisms.

To sum it up, Syaoran had never met a girl that could handle herself. Take care of herself.

Open her own door, let alone lift a sword!

Suddenly, Sakura noticed how gentle the Li prince was being, how his fingers were brushing over her skin, and how she liked it.

Syaoran felt the goose bumps travel over Kinomoto's skin where his fingers were touching. It came crashing down on what close proximity they were in, and how she was without a shirt. He looked up and saw the slight blush that now graced her lovely features.

The 18 year old boy felt something stir within him. This girl was something special. He then realized that he had long ago finished wrapping her bandage and became all too aware that his fingers were caressing her skin. His amber eyes stared at his fingers that seemed to have a mind of their own, but he didn't stop. This girl excited him on every level. Her wit amazed him, her innocence was not to be taken likely, and her fighting styles were nothing less than his- this girl was his equal in every way and…he liked it. It turned him on. His nerves focused on how soft her skin was and his eyes met her green ones. She looked back with eyes full of confusion.

It was too soon.

Too soon for what? His mind fought, and he growled internally. Too soon for everything! For liking the way her skin felt, for her to get this response from him, for these emotions so be surfacing.

His hands dropped to his sides with inner defeat.

"I-I'm gonna go finish cooking." He said, got up and left the tent.

Sakura just sat there for a moment after the Li prince left, confusion filling every fiber of her being. What had just transpired? What had happened between the two of them?

Nothing happened or ever will happen between the two of you! Her mind shouted obviously. But if it was obvious, then what had just happened?

There had been a tenderness in his eyes, almost a…longing. But for what? Sakura was brought out of her musings when she heard Tomoyo's voice filter through the camp.

"We're back!" she yelled. Sakura threw her shirt over her head and tried to rid herself of the thoughts in her head, and ignore what had just happened…or didn't happen, between her and the enemy prince to be sorted out at another time.


It turns out that Tomoyo and Eriol had had a wonderful time in town, and had splurged and gotten enough food and provisions to last the rest of the trip if not longer. Tomoyo had also gotten some more cloth for Sakura as promised and started sewing a new shirt for her princess later on that very night. By the time they had reached the outskirts of another small town a few days later, a new shirt had been sewn for Sakura. She was now back to being dressed in all red, the color of her Kingdom and with no trace of green.

Syaoran was poking at the dying fire when a green cloth appeared in front of his face. He looked up to see Sakura holding out the shirt of his she had worn for the past week.

"Thank you for letting me use it," she said. "I washed it for you." Syaoran stared at her for a few seconds, before remembering to take the shirt from her. He would be sad to not have her wear it anymore, the green of his Kingdom brought out her eyes. He noticed the silence that still hung between him and he grunted a thank you. It was their longest conversation since the tent incident.

What incident? His mind screamed as she nodded and walked away. Nothing happened!

But something had happened, she had stirred something within him that did not want to go away, yet he didn't know how to bring it out either.



Ronin had had a dark feeling in his heart ever since he had accidentally wandered into a thieves camp a few days before. At first he had been worried they would attack him, as thieves usually do, but their leader had practically pleaded with him to just continue on his way. Ronin noticed the look him the leader's eyes and had had the audacity to ask him what had happened. Another bandit had piped up and told him about the strange group of four travelers who had ripped their group apart when they had tried to attack them in their sleep. The leader said they had managed to "get one of them" before they were made to retreat, losing men.

Ronin had paled at this information. What did the leader mean when he said he "got one of them?" Did someone die? Could it have been his Princess?

Though the thieves were mourning their losses, to pester them much more would have been suicide, so he had been forced to ride on in seek of more information. He was currently in an Inn in the town of Oleander, asking around for a group of four travelers. After leaving Melin he had thought their group to only be of three, Lady Daidouji, Prince Li and Sakura herself, but after finding no information on them, he had concluded that there was another in their group. He had thought it odd that only one person could detain his Princess alone, even if it was the heir to the Li Clan.

After leaving the Inn, Ronin went to the nearby market to get some supplies for the rest of his trip. Who knew when the next time he would stop was for he had to catch up with the Princess.

As he was paying, the Knight asked the owner if he had seen a group of four travelers heading North.

The owner shook his head no.

Ronin added that they might be garbed in red and green.

The old man still shook his head in a negative.

"However," the owner said before Ronin could leave. "Red cloth…red cloth…" he mumbled to himself, trying to recall something. "A fair skinned woman with dark hair came in here about two days ago, asking for supplies and a cut of red fabric. But she was only with another man, not three other companions."

Ronin's first thought was that the lady was Tomoyo, but what was she doing with a man? And without Sakura? Well, if it was her, then they were already a two days ride ahead of him. They would surely get to Kyoko before him, but he had to know if Sakura was still alive. She had to be!


The Gang

The next morning, Eriol had announced that Kyoko was only a two days ride away.

"The terrain will stay roughly the same, we'll be traveling through the forest, so we can keep a good pace. The only obstacle is the Cemeron River, we'll need to cross it, probably early in our trek tomorrow morning." He said, looking over his map. The group nodded in understanding, but each of them had mixed emotions about reaching Kyoko.

"Prince Li," Tomoyo asked. "What will happen when we get to Kyoko?"

Li sighed and ran a hand through is hair. When they had started this journey, many things had been different. The Kinomoto princess had been his enemy, he had hated her for the fact that their countries were at war. The plan had been to kidnap her and hold her for random and a treaty to halt the war.

Syaoran looked up and caught the eyes of the princess. Yes, things had changed. He no longer hated her, in fact he was worried he was starting to develop feelings for her. Who was he kidding! Those feelings had already developed and because of that he didn't know what to do.

"I know what we're gonna do." Sakura said. Syaoran looked up at her. "We are going to put an end to this war. Syaoran," she turned to him, her voice passionate. "We are the new generation of our kingdoms. At first, when we first met I hated you. Hated you just from the sight of your green uniform. But now, after many weeks of traveling with you I've gotten to know you, Prince of Li, and I know that I want to make peace with you." She looked deep into his eyes, and he realized that she wasn't just talking about their kingdoms, she was talking about the two of them as well. She blushed and looked away, but continued. "Our parents can't see past the hatred between green and red, so it's up to us. Li Syaoran, I would like to negotiate a peace treaty when we arrive in Kyoko."

Syaoran breathed. She had said it. She didn't want to fight with him anymore. He held out his hand to her.

"On behalf of my family, I accept." Sakura smirked.

"Probably the only one too." She said, shaking his hand. "Li."

"Kinomoto." He nodded. They stared into each other's eyes with determination, and a little of something else, hope.

Eriol and Tomoyo smiled from the sidelines, watching their respective monarchs with awe.

"I'm so happy!" Tomoyo cried and launched herself uncharacteristically into Eriol's arms. She looked up smiling, but then realized what she had done and quickly pulled away, but Eriol's strong arms stopped her from getting too far.

"It's quite alright milady. I think I've been wanting you like this for a long time now," he said and bent down to give her a kiss on the cheek. Tomoyo gasped and reached to touch where he had kissed her.

Nothing like this ever happened to her. Daidouji Tomoyo was not a common name. Her father had died when she was small, giving the land and fortune to her mother, who was Sakura's mother's cousin. She had grown up around the Princess, Sakura, because of that fact, thought aside from that nothing special had ever happened to her. Which suited her just fine, because it let her have more time to focus on her best friend.

But since arriving earlier that month to the Kinomoto palace, she had run away in the dark of night, kidnapped by enemy soldiers, almost attacked by bandits, and was now being kissed by a boy. Well, a man. She was finally getting a chance to really live.

Sakura and Syaoran watched the scene between their two best friends, each feeling a mixture of shock, happiness and perhaps jealousy.

That was when they both realized they were still holding hands. They quickly turned away, their faces red.

"I-I'm gonna go pack up camp," Syaoran stuttered.

"Sounds good," Sakura agreed and they walked away in opposite directions.


Sakura woke up the next morning with mixed emotions. When she pulled aside the cloth door of her and Tomoyo's shared tent the sky was still dark, the sun not having risen. Yet despite the lack of sun, Sakura was wide awake, inner turmoil keeping her from sleeping.

She was happy for Tomoyo.

Elated that she was doing something to stop the war from ravaging more country side and killing more soldiers- the main reason she had left home in the first place.

She was home sick, after all she had been away from her family and familiar comforts for almost a month now.

But above all, she had the most emotion about the Li Prince. So much emotion in fact, that she didn't know just what to think of him.

Training with the knights of Kinomoto had put her on a schedule of waking early for sparring, a schedule that she had failed at recently. So Sakura decided to put her newly healed wound to the test, and see how rusty she had gotten.

And that's where Syaoran found her an hour later. The young Li prince had also had trouble sleeping that night, so after lying wide awake on his sleeping roll, he finally got up when the first light of sun started to peak through his tent, and heard the sounds of Sakura's training further into the woods. Syaoran followed the grunts, heavy breathing and other noises of the Princess, to find her practicing kicks and punches. He made sure to be silent as he watched her.

It was obvious she hadn't gone through the movements lately- though he couldn't blame her in the least. First he had captured her, then she had been injured- there had been no room for practice. He could also tell that her side was still stiff where she had been injured, as her moves that stretched that area of her body weren't as fluid and flexible. Syaoran was moving in quietly, entranced as he watched her. It wasn't until he was within an arm's length to her turned back when he noticed where he was.

So did she.

With a lightening quick spin her right arm was going for his cheek, but he reacted fast enough to block her strong hit. After the move had been made her eyes widened in recognition and she pulled back.

"Li! I'm so sorry, I couldn't tell that it was you! You shouldn't sneak up on people-"

"Do you need a sparring partner?" he asked, cutting her off. She looked at him puzzled.

"What?" Syaoran mentally winced at her words. He hadn't meant to say it, or maybe he did, but now…

"Do you need someone to spar with? I haven't practiced in awhile either." He was speaking again! It was like his mind wasn't catching up with his mouth, but again, the words had been said. Sakura looked a little apprehensive, but then set her eyes in determination.

"Alright, hand to hand combat?" she said. Syaoran nodded, and made a mental note about her wound. They each took a moment to get ready; Sakura tying up her hair and Syaoran taking a few layers of clothes off, and both stretching their muscles. The nights in the northern territories were cold.

After making sure the other was set, they stood facing each other and bowed to begin. Though Sakura was already warmed up, she was already tired from her sessions alone that morning. Syaoran could see the sweat on her face as she moved into a solid fighting stance. He mirrored her actions, then came at her.

First he went for her legs, swinging his own legs underneath her, trying to catch her off balance. She dodged, jumping into the air and then came down with the same move. He also dodged, jumping backwards out of the way. He barely had time for his feet to touch the ground when he was forced to block a kick of hers. Crossing his arms in front of his stomach, he blocked her kick to his stomach just in time, effectively pushing her backwards. She didn't stumble, and was ready for him when he came flying at her with a well aimed punch. She dodged again, back hand-springing out of the way. Syaoran didn't fail to notice how she flinched and gripped her side after the move. But he didn't have time to comment as she came at him. They both threw punches and kicks, each landing a few, but not out to kill. Sakura suddenly saw and opening in Syaoran's defenses and landed a kick to his abdomen, effectively landing him on his back. As she was going to finish him off, he surprised her, flipping her over himself she so she was now lying on her own back. Growling at her mistake, the Kinomoto Princess threw herself on top of Syaoran in a strong locked position. Or so she thought, until he rolled her over so that their positions were switched. The sound of their heavy breathing was all that was heard as they slowly, but surely, realized how close to each other they really were.

Sakura looked up at Li's amber eyes, wide with apprehension, but darkened with a sense of longing. She then made the mistake of glancing at his lips, slightly parted while still breathing hard from the fight, and licked her own.

Syaoran noticed their arrangement right away, and if his mind didn't, his body sure did. God, she was so close! The prince didn't fail to notice how her body fit with his, or how her eyes looked up into his, with expectation. His mind was already made up, but when he saw her eyes flicker to his mouth, Syaoran dipped his head to hers, their lips coming together.

Syaoran was surprised when there was no hesitation from the Princess underneath him, and he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sweet taste of her lips.

It was a light kiss, uncertainty of both their accounts, a silent questioning of acceptance.

It was a tender kiss, the complete opposite of what they're sparring had just conveyed moments before.

The deep, ignored, feelings they had both felt for the past few days lingered behind the kiss, and Syaoran only broke away when both needed air. He pulled away slowly, looking into Sakura's eyes for acceptance, but her eyes remained closed, an unreadable expression on her face. Syaoran understood the look as the world slowly came crashing down on him once more. Their countries at war, he had just kissed the Li Clan's enemy. Sakura's eyes opened up and he finally found his acceptance, but it was mixed with confusion and pause. Syaoran slowly got up from his position, and stood over the Princess, who was still dazed. His hands made a fist as he looked down at her.

"I'm sorry." He said and walked away.

Sakura just lied there, staring at the spot where Li just stood thinking of what transpired. He had just kissed her. He had had her pinned with nowhere to go and kissed her. It was all him- and she had responded. And she liked it. Sakura sat up, watching the prince's back fade into the woods towards camp, and touched her lips, the feel of the kiss still lingering.

"Syaoran…" she whispered.


Sakura headed back to camp a little while later to find that everyone was up and around a small fire. Tomoyo was cooking breakfast, a smile on her face and a certain blue haired Duke close by her side, and Li was staring into the fire. As she came into view, he glanced up at her, and she returned a coy smile and was amused when he looked shocked. Breakfast was eaten quickly; the excitement that they would be at their destination in a day's time and the silence between the two monarchs helped speed things along.

Tomoyo and Eriol looked at each other, completely clueless. Tomoyo had woken up in the morning to find that both her princess and the Li prince were missing and didn't think to worry until Li had come back with an unreadable look on his face and promptly sat in front of the fire seemingly in deep concentration. On top of that, Sakura had been awfully quiet that morning, but Tomoyo, as observant as ever, noticed that she had a slight blush tingeing her face as well.

What could have happened?

When everyone had eaten, and the horses were loaded, Eriol pulled out his map once more.

"The Cemeron River is about three miles from here, after that we will leave the forest and enter the Kyoko Plains. The River will be tricky to cross at this time of year." Eriol pointed to the mountains just east of Kyoko. "The runoff from the mountains will have caused the river to flood, so we'll need to be extra careful." Syaoran sighed as Eriol rolled up the map and put it into a pouch on his horse.

"Hopefully the bridge won't be washed out," the prince said and started walking away, a clear indication that Sakura could ride her horse first. Since they only had two horses for four people, Sakura, Eriol and Syaoran all took turns walking, scouting ahead and riding- Tomoyo always got to ride and would usually double up with either Sakura or Eriol.

Syaoran walked slightly ahead of the group so that he could have time to think about what had happened this morning.

"I can't believe I kissed her," he grumbled, kicking a pebble that was on the road. The scene kept replaying over in his head, the feel of her lips on his completely taking over his thoughts. What did she mean to him? Was she the princess of his enemy? Was she the key to ending the war? Was she working her way into his heart as no one had before? Syaoran pictured the way her emerald eyes had revealed themselves to him after their kiss, and his stomach did summersaults. No, she was more to him than just another princess. She was his princess. His…

"Syaoran!" a voice yelled, cutting off his thoughts. He looked back to see his three companions standing at a fork in the road. "It's this way," Eriol said, pointing to the path Syaoran didn't take. Syaoran shook his head, he had been thinking so hard he hadn't even realized that the path diverged. That girl was just trouble for him. Soon they would arrive in Kyoko, discuss diplomacy and she'll go back to her country and out of his life. But did he want her gone from his life? His mind told him no, but something else within him disagreed.



The carriage went over another bump, making Melin wake up from her small nap. Looking around she stiffened, forgetting where she was for a moment. But Queen Yelan's face came into view seated across from her and Melin remembered what had happened. Of course, they were going to Kyoto to confront Syaoran and his captive. Melin looked out the window, judging from the surroundings they were only a two days ride to the palace. How would Yelan react to the Kinomoto princess's presence? What would she do to her own son?

Melin should have been overjoyed to see her fiancé again, but under these conditions, she would've been willing to turn the carriage around.



A/N: What will happen when they reach Kyoko? What will Yelan have in store for the duo? What will happen in general? Read and review and find out next time!