AN: Sorry that I couldn't keep my promise and it took me over a week to update but it wasn't my fault. It was J.K. Rowling's fault. And when I finally was done with the newest Harry Potter, I got some kind of infection into my wrist and couldn't type because of that. But anyway here's the next chapter… Read and review.
15. Dream Honeymoon
Next morning Logan woke up first. He looked at the beautiful girl lying next to him thinking how lucky he was to have her. The ring on Rory's finger caught his eyes and he smiled. She would be his forever. After Rory had turned down his proposal, he never thought that he would end up in here; in bed with his fiancé Rory Gilmore.
He felt Rory stir but instead of pulling away she only snuggled even closer to his chest.
"Good morning, future Mrs Huntzberger." He whispered to her.
He felt Rory smile against his chest.
"Tired." She mumbled.
"I bet you are. We had quite a celebration after we returned here last night." Logan said with a chuckle.
"I agree." Rory answered lifting her head to look at Logan. "Getting engaged is a once in a life time event, it needs a proper celebration."
"I like the sound of that." He told her before kissing her. The simple kiss grew to a full make-out session.
"So what kind of wedding you want?" Rory asked after they managed to pull away from each other.
"I really don't have much of wedding dreams. There's only one thing I want from my wedding and that is that you'll be the bride. The rest doesn't matter."
"Well the bride thing is already decided." Rory told him and showed her ring as a proof.
"Then I have had all I want so you can decide the rest." Logan said.
"But this is our wedding. You should have as much to say than I do." Rory argued.
"But those things are not a big deal to me. I just want to marry you. Do you have your dream wedding planned?" Logan asked.
"Well yeah…" Rory said but got interrupted.
"Then we fulfil your dream."
"Rory, I trust your taste completely. All I know is that I don't want our wedding to be some kind of society event but I know that you don't want that either. Making your dream come true would make me more than happy."
"If I first tell you what my dream wedding would be like and then if you don't like it or something about it we change that." Rory suggested.
"Sounds fair. So tell me."
"It would be here at the inn. The wedding ceremony would be held outside and the party would be inside. There wouldn't be more than fifty people. Something quite small and intimate. Lane would be my maid of honour. Lilies as flowers. Sookie would make all the food and the cake would be white chocolate and raspberries." Rory explained.
"All that sounds perfect to me." Logan said.
"Are you sure? I just feel like I'm monopolizing our wedding." Rory told him.
"You're not. Let's make a deal. You will fulfil your dream wedding as you want and I will fulfil my dream honeymoon as I want it." Logan suggested.
"You have a dream honeymoon?"
"Oh yeah."
"Tell me about it."
"Nope. It will be a secret."
"Oh, come on. I told you about the wedding." Rory tried but knew already that Logan wasn't gonna tell her.
"All I can tell you is that it includes a lot of sex." Logan said.
"What a shock!"
It was almost noon when the young couple finally managed to get out of their room.
"Do you want to eat here or go to Luke's?" Logan asked Rory.
"Well I'm starving and this is closer but I'm craving for Luke's cheeseburger." Rory pondered.
"So which one is it gonna be?"
"Don't rush me. I'm doing a mental pro-con list."
Logan chuckled and kissed Rory's cheek. "You're cute."
Rory smiled to him. "Luke's."
"Good decision. Let's go."
They reached the front door and were already stepping out of the inn when they heard Lorelai calling for Rory. Rory groaned. She was not ready to deal with her mom right now.
"Rory, please, talk to me or at least listen. I can do the talking. I'm very good at it." Lorelai begged.
Rory pondered whether or not she could just run away but knew it would have been childish so she reluctantly turned around to face her mom. "Fine. I'll talk to you but not right now. Logan and I will go to Luke's first. I'll deal with you afterwards when I'm not hungry and grumpy anymore."
"Sure. You know where to find me. Have a nice lunch." Lorelai said and walked away.
"Come on. You'll feel better when you have a full stomach and you're not low on coffee." Logan said and grabbed his arm around Rory.
Rory gave Logan a weak smile and let him lead her out of the inn.
The lunch went too fast if you ask Rory's opinion. She dreaded the conversation with her mom ahead of her. Logan noticed that Rory wasn't herself but didn't know how to make her feel better. When they arrived back to the inn, Logan pulled Rory to a tight hug.
"It'll be fine. I'm gonna be right upstairs if you need me." He whispered to her.
Rory let her body relax in Logan's embrace before pulling away. "Thanks. I'll be up when I'm done."
She kissed Logan once before he climbed upstairs and she went to find her mom. She found Lorelai working in her office and knocked the open door to inform her that she had arrived.
"Hi, Hun. Come in." Lorelai said when she saw her daughter standing at the door.
Rory stepped inside of the office and closed the door behind her. She sat down on a chair in front of Lorelai's desk. "You wanted to talk so talk."
Lorelai took a deep breath before speaking up. "I hate fighting with you and didn't mean to say what I said two days ago. I try so hard to be okay with you being with Logan but I do have my doubts. The bottom line is that I want you to be happy. I have finally found my happiness with Luke and I want you to find yours."
"I have found mine. Logan makes me happy." Rory interrupted.
"Your dad made me happy but even then it didn't last. And to me Logan is a lot like your dad and you and I are a lot alike. I just think that even if you feel like Logan is the one for you and you want him to be, maybe he's not. Maybe you should find your Luke." Lorelai explained.
Rory wanted to yell but knew that losing her temper wouldn't help at all. "I have dated a simple small town guy, you know. I dated Dean three times but it didn't work out. Do you know why we broke up the last time? Because we didn't have anything in common anymore. He was still the simple Stars Hollow guy and I was a Yale student with ambition to see the world. I know that there were also other things wrong with our relationship but he broke up with me because he didn't belong into my world anymore. I might always be the girl who grew up in a small town but I don't feel like I'm meant to live my life in here. And that is one thing that is different between us. You are happy here with these small circles but I need something more. I wouldn't never been happy living with a simple small town man."
Lorelai had to admit to herself that Rory's explanation made sense. "I'm just worried because Logan's background."
"The society boy you see in him is just a cover. If you knew him you would see real Logan. He is really intelligent and I can just talk and banter with him for hours. He is also caring, sweet and thoughtful, not like a usual society man who thinks that giving woman money is enough affection. He makes me live the life fullest but in every adventure he is right there next to me making me feel safe. With him I wanna go and see the world. He might not remind Luke at all but he is my Luke." Rory told her mom.
Lorelai listened to her daughter and couldn't stop the tears falling down on her cheeks. "Oh, Rory."
Lorelai stood up and walked to Rory. She enveloped her daughter into a hug. "I just want you to be happy." She whispered.
"I am happy. So happy." Rory answered before pulling away so that she could look at her mom. "Mom, there's something I want to tell you."
"Oh okay."
"Yesterday Logan proposed to me again and this time I said yes." Rory said and waited for her mom's reaction.
Lorelai just stared at her daughter first. "So you are engaged?" She stammered out.
"Yes we are."
Lorelai pulled Rory back to a hug before whispering. "I just don't want to lose you."
"Mom, you'll never lose me. I'll always be your daughter but it's time for both of us to start living our own lives. You here with Luke and your baby and I in San Francisco with Logan."
"It's just so hard to let you go." Lorelai's tears were falling again and she didn't even try to stop them.
"I know but we'll still talk to each other and see each other."
Lorelai was quiet for a while before she pulled away from Rory. "I guess best wishes are in order."
"Thanks mom."
"So tell me everything about his proposal."
"Well after dinner he blindfolded me once again and took me back to Yale. We stood at the exact place where I turned him down last time. It was perfect. Like I was getting a second chance. Then he kneeled down…"