Title: Too Far

"So, are you finally giving on Gabriella Montez?" Eric Spencer asked Chase.

"Nope, I'm going bang her even if she's not aware of it." Chase said handing Eric a small bottle.

"What's this?"

"The date rape drug. By the time she gets out of this cloud, I'll be long gone."

"Dude, I know you want Bolton's girl, but this going too far."

"You're right, this is too far." Chase lied.

Unbeknownst to that they were being discussed by their worst enemy, Troy and Gabriella were messing around on his backyard basketball court. Troy was showing her how to throw a perfect free throw. Gabriella managed to make them all despite his attempts of distracting her by kissing her neck or placing his hands anywhere south of her waist.

"Troy." Gabriella giggled as he laughed as well. "You're not being fair."

"Alright, I'm sorry."

The two continued to fool around some more before Troy picked up Gabriella and spun her around. Gabriella managed to get free and turned around to face him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and allowed him to pull her in for a kiss.

"Spend the night." Troy whispered against her lips.

"Your parents." Gabriella stated.

"Gone for the weekend."

"I don't know." she teased.

"How about this, if I make this basket, you stay for the weekend." Troy said looking directly into Gabriella's eye as he held the ball up ready to make a blind shot.

"Babe, if you make nothing but net without even looking at the basket, I'll do a striptease for you." Gabriella said.

Troy then effortlessly made a perfect basket without moving his eyes an inch. Gabriella barely got to see the ball go through the net before she heard Troy chuckle. She looked up at her boyfriend.

"You've made that basket before haven't you?" she asked her grinning boyfriend.

"A few times." Troy agreed. "So Montez, when do I get that striptease?"

"Let's go, we've got that party tonight." Gabriella said pulling Troy towards the house.

"Screw the party." Troy stated pulling her inside the house. "Let's have our own right here."

"You told everyone that we would be there."

"We'll go. But, we're going to be there for no more than an hour and we're going to be late." Troy stated when they walked into his bedroom.

"I guess I can live with that." Gabriella said as Troy closed the door.

A couple of hours into the party, the captain of the basketball team and his girlfriend finally showed up. They walked over to their close knit group of friends. Troy draped his arms across Gabriella's shoulder.

"So, where were you guys?" Chad asked.

"Dinner." Troy answered sharing a secretive smile with Gabriella.

"Gabby, come on." Sharpay said pulling her along. "Let's go get something to drink."

"And some girl talk." Taylor added quietly.

"So, why were you and Troy really late?" Sharpay asked.

"We told you, dinner." Gabriella answered.

"Yeah, right." Kelsi teased.

"Give us the details." Taylor stated.

"We lost track of time playing basketball and then Troy made the two of us a nice dinner." Gabriella explained.

Chase was carefully following Gabriella around. He told his teammates he wasn't going to use the drug on her, but he wanted to humiliate Bolton. Gabriella was turning around to follow the other girls when Chase "accidentally" knocked her drink over.

"I'm sorry." Chase told her.

"It's alright." Gabriella said.

"Here, take my drink, just picked it up."


Gabriella took a small sip of the drink and went to join the other girls on the couch. Chase smiled to himself. Gabriella laughed as she sat down next to Sharpay. Chase knew the drug would not take too long to kick in.

Only minutes later, Gabriella began to feel dizzy. She sat her drink down and told the other three she was going to the bathroom. She carefully stood up and tried to regain her senses. The girls watched as she walked away to find a bathroom and grew suspicious about her drink. Sharpay reached over and picked it up. She smelled it and passed it over to Taylor who took a date rape testing kit out of her purse. Whenever they were at big parties like this and their boyfriends weren't with them the entire time, Taylor always made sure that she carried a few tests to see if any of their drinks were laced with anything.

Chase saw Gabriella get up to find a bathroom. He followed her as she stumbled through the crowd. Gabriella suddenly locked her knees together and almost fell. Chase came up from behind and caught her.

"Can you help me to the bathroom?" she asked quietly.

"Sure, I'll help you." Chase said leading her towards the stairs.

Eric saw his friend lead a very drugged Gabriella upstairs. He couldn't believe that Chase would actually drug her. He quickly set off to find Troy. At the same time, Taylor's test finished.

"Oh god." Taylor whispered. "Somebody drugged it."

"Troy!" Sharpay shouted louder than the music.

"What?" Troy asked.

"Troy." Eric said approaching him.

"Just a minute. What is it, Shar?"

"She's been drugged." Kelsi answered.

"What?" Zeke asked.

"Somebody put the date rape drug into Gabby's drink." Kelsi continued.

"It was Chase." Eric got in. "He's taking her upstairs right now."

Troy instantly began shoving people out of the way ordering to them to move out of his way as he began to move through the crowd. The girls and the rest of the basketball team followed closely behind them. Eric had gone to gather up some of the football team knowing that Chase probably wouldn't back away without a fight.

"Can you go get Troy?" Gabriella asked as Chase picked her up. "I want to go home."

"Let me help you first."

Chase then kicked a bedroom door open. By this time, Gabriella was almost unconscious. Chase sat her limp body on the bed before going over to lock the door.

"Is Troy coming?" Gabriella asked in a whisper.

"No, I'll take care you." Chase said crawling into bed with her.

"I really need Troy right now. I want him to take me home."

Just then somebody was trying to open the door. Chase swore and tried to find away out of the room. Gabriella remained knocked out on the bed.

Troy was racing upstairs. He saw a door close and quickly ran to it. He shouted for Chad to help him when he saw that it was locked. Sharpay, Taylor and Kelsi were all in tears as they thought about Gabriella being violated without her knowing or her permission.

"Chase, open the goddamned door!" Troy demanded furiously as he banged on the door. "Gabby!"

"Break the door down!" Chad as Troy began to try and kick it down.

Chad then joined him and with two more kicks, the door flew off the hinges. They all raced into the bedroom. Gabriella was sprawled out on the bed completely knocked out. Taylor quickly checked for a pulse. She then nodded up at Troy saying she was going to be fine. Troy then looked up and saw the window opened. He rushed over to see Chase running away from the house.

"He's not worth it." Zeke told his friend once he saw the look on his face. "We'll deal with him later. Gabby's more important."

Troy nodded his head and walked back over to the bed. He looked down at his drugged and unconscious girlfriend. The thought of someone doing this to her made him literally want to strangle them. Chase had gone too far this time.

"I'm gonna kill him." Troy declared, his temper getting the better of him.

"Troy, stay calm for Gabby." Chad told him. "You don't want to put her through what happened with her coach again do you?"


"Then we'll let the police handle this." Chad continued. "Gabby's more important."

"Chad's right." Jason agreed.

"Come on, Babe." Troy said trying to wake Gabriella up. "Baby, please wake up."

"It's no use, she's going to be out for awhile." Taylor said. "Where should we go?"

"My house." Troy answered picking his girlfriend up. "My parents are out of town and her mom was letting her stay the weekend since she was going to be busy working."

Everyone headed back downstairs. Troy made a beeline for the front door. The others grabbed theirs', as well as Troy and Gabriella's belongings and headed out. Troy carefully Gabriella in the passenger seat of his car. Everyone else got into the car that he or she came in and followed Troy to his house.

Morning sunlight filtered into Troy's room. Gabriella was carefully and sagely tucked into Troy's bed. Troy was sitting in a chair next to his bed resting his head on the mattress. Gabriella's hand was safely in his. Chad was sound asleep in a bean bag chair and Taylor was in his lap and a blanket was draped over them. Sharpay and Zeke were on the couch together, Kelsi and Jason were cuddled together on the floor. Ryan was sitting in a chair with his feet propped up on Troy's desk. Gabriella began to slowly wake up. Her eyes fluttered opened and she blinked in confusion as she looked around Troy's room. How did she get here? She didn't remember anything after sitting on the couch with the girls. When did they get here? Did Troy drive or did she? Troy shifted as Gabriella sat up in bed.

"Gabby!" he exclaimed quietly.

He scrambled onto his bed next to her. Gabriella was slightly taken back when he began to kiss her several times. She pulled back when she felt as few tears drip onto her cheeks.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "Why is everyone here? How did we get here?"

"You know the drink Chase gave you?" Troy asked her.

"Yeah, did he spike it with alcohol?"

"He spiked it, but it wasn't with alcohol."

"What did he put in my drink?"

"He put the date rape drug in."

"Did he?" Gabriella asked fearfully.

"No, we got to you before he did anything." Troy answered to his terrified girlfriend as she started crying. "Do you want me to do anything?"

"Just hold me." Gabriella tearfully pleaded.

Troy instantly wrapped his arms around her. It was then that he knew that their innocent childhoods were gone. With a reality of the real world hitting one of their own, the entire group was now no longer children, but now were grown up.