Disclaimer: This… is the last time I will need to tell you this, (tear) but I do not own Gilmore Girls, or the song "Fall Away" by the Fray that has subsequently been used as both the title and as the chapter names. It was my muse for this story.

A/n: Here it is— the last chapter. I didn't think I'd get to it so soon, but I guess I did. I would also like to start out by saying thank you very much to all my reviewers throughout this entire story. You've helped me want to make this story the best it can be. I never thought people would like this story as much as I did, but you've proven me wrong. Thanks for that!

So… I now bring you the very final chapter of Fall Away… Chapter Twelve

"And you... fall away from you're past. But it's following you now."-- The Fray.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

"What are we watching again?" Luke asked that very same night. He was over at Lorelai's— as she had asked him to spend a movie night together.

"I told you," Lorelai hollered from the kitchen, "The Fugitive."

"Who's in it again?" Luke shouted back as he stared at the TV screen with the DVD menu playing over and over— he was getting sick of it and would have done something to fix it except Lorelai had been mysteriously rummaging around her kitchen for the past several minutes and kept yelling at him to stay out.

He sat down; waiting for her to come out, but the DVD kept playing the same music over and over. Then he stood up. The music was driving him crazy!

Then there was a knock at the door. So Luke went over to the window to see who was at the door—they weren't expecting anyone. Then… he saw an unexpected sight.

There it was. His nephew—Jess was outside talking to Rory. What was Rory doing back here? And why was Jess talking to her? Why were they outside… and who or what had knocked on the door? Luke had only begun to ask himself those questions when he saw Rory touch Jess on the arm. She smiled and picked up her bags now heading towards the door. He saw the corner of Jess' mouth turn watching Rory for a second before he got into his car and left.

Luke moved away from the window. He knew he had intruded on a private moment. And, whatever it was should be left between them—right? Yeah, maybe; he told himself.

While, he was glad things seemed to be cordial between the two of them—and that Jess seemed to be happy once again, he couldn't help but hope that Jess wouldn't mess it up. He had changed, Luke knew this. But it was going to take a while before the voice in his head stopped jumping to conclusions with the "new" Jess.

"You ready?" Lorelai called, her voice sounding louder as she got closer to the doorway.

Luke snapped out of it, and not wanting to draw attention to what he just witnessed and headed toward the couch. Finally, he sat down again just as she walked in.

"What are you doing?" he asked noticing her large assortment of packages and plates she had in her hands.

"Getting dinner." She replied as if that had been the most obvious question in the world.

"Where did you get it all?" He questioned.

"Oh you know…" she said, avoiding a direct answer as she attempted to put the things down on the table in front of her, "take out."

Luke grabbed the plates and laid them out saying, "I could have brought stuff."

"You always bring food; you've brought it the last few times." Lorelai said, almost complaining. "Can't I bring the food just once?" She said, scowling at him.

"Fine." He said, giving in.

"Wait you got this stuff…" He started to add, just as the doorbell rang. He didn't get to finish by adding that it came from the restaurant where Taylor had followed them two several weeks back. "Just think of it as my continued apology." She said, opening to door to find Rory staring back at her.


-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

As Jess has pulled up to her mother's house she found herself simply saying, "Thank you for the ride."

"No problem." He replied getting out of the car.

She got out and he opened his trunk to help her get her stuff. "Jess?"

"Yeah, Rory?" She heard him say, she was dumbfounded to see his eyes staring intently back at her.

"Why, are you here?" She asked, without even thinking about how it sounded.

"What?" He replied, confused because he knew she had heard his conversation with Dean an hour or so ago. So why was she asking?

"I mean…" Rory corrected, once she realized what she had asked, "Why did you come back?" Her head had added "for me" but the words couldn't come out.

Jess knew the answer. In fact, he knew what she meant to ask him, but this wasn't the time. He couldn't tell her until he knew how she felt about him.

"I guess it was just time."

Rory nodded, not desiring to press the issue further. She grabbed her last bag out of his trunk and he shut it afterwards.

"I meant what I said." She said after a moment or two. He looked at her wondering what she meant by that, "About thinking about it."

He just stood there in the grass unresponsive. She walked over touching him on the arm and said, "Thanks again." Then she picked up her bags and headed towards the door.

"I meant what I said too." He uttered only to himself, his mouth turning upward briefly. Then, watching her head up the walk he got back into his car and drove off.

Rory headed up to the porch and turned to see if Jess had actually left. Then as she made it to the door… she paused and thought over everything that had happened—with Jess and with work. Then her mind thought about her mom and after a rather large exhale she knocked on the door.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

The next day, Lorelai slept more soundly than she had in a while. She hadn't realized how poorly her sleep had even been until the next morning.

The morning she looked at her clock (which was when she realized she'd slept for like eleven hours) and headed downstairs to check up on Rory. Before she even got to her bedroom to see if Rory was still sleeping she heard a voice, "Hey there sleepy head."

"Oh you're up?" Lorelai said, seeing Rory sitting on the couch watching television.

"I thought you'd still be asleep."

"Nah uh," Rory said shaking her head slightly, "Did I mention that I had to get up every morning at like 5? Not to mention the time difference."

"No wonder you came home." Lorelai said, still slightly groggy.

"Ha. Ha." Rory said not amused.

"Hey, you want to Luke's for breakfast?" Lorelai asked.

"I've already eaten breakfast, but sure, I can't pass up a meal at Luke's." Rory said, rather cheerful.

Lorelai turned to head upstairs to change, but just then something made her turn around. "Hey, what's this?" Lorelai asked, heading back over to the TV.

Rory turned up the volume as they watched a news anchor share a story.

"Today a 92 year old woman ran her local 5k in just 45 minutes. What's more amazing than her age is that… only last year she broke her hip. She's been training for this ever since to get back in shape."

"Wow, that's incredible. That would be like one mile every 15 minutes." The other anchor replied for the benefit of the people watching.

The anchor's talked a little more about it before switching to their next story which was when Lorelai chimed in.

"That's impressive."

"You know I use to run the mile in 15 minutes back in middle school when we had to run…"


"Maybe it was more like 14. I don't know, but I think when I was done I got it down to maybe 12 or 13… or something like that." Rory said, trying to recall those days.

"You know all that tells me?" Lorelai said waiting quietly – which on retrospect would have been a clear sign that some sneaky behavior was going on.

"What?" Rory asked actually quite curious as to the response.

"That you run as fast as a 92 year old lady with a broken hip!" Lorelai said bursting out into laughter.

"I said 'I got it down to like 14 for sure maybe even 13 or something'." Rory said defensively.

"Uh huh." Lorelai said, assuming that Rory was trying to worm out of it, "Yeah right." She added, as she squinted her eyes in suspicion.

"Ugh!" Rory sighed as Lorelai went upstairs to change.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

"Hello," Lorelai called to Luke as she and Rory walked into the diner.

"Oh," Luke said as he finished writing down an order for Caesar, "hey!" he said seeing both Lorelai and Rory walk in.

"How are you doing?" he asked as Rory sat down.

"Good," Rory nodded, "Glad to be home."

"I bet you are." Luke said knowingly. "So what can I get you?" He asked generally to the both of them.

"I'll have a hamburger, pancakes, a side of onion rings, and of course coffee." She said, speedily firing out her order.

"And for you?" Luke asked, Rory.

"The 92 year old granny, Bilbo here," Lorelai interrupted for Rory, "We'll be having the second breakfast. I believe you're familiar with that?" Lorelai said staring from Rory to Luke. Rory made a face and Luke just stood there knowing he had encountered a private joke. "Very funny," Rory said dryly.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Lorelai added in mock fear of offending her, "She doesn't want second breakfast, I believe it's more like elevensies."

"Elevensies?" Luke asked as his eyebrow rose in confusion. He had almost since given up trying to understand Lorelai's jokes when she was like this.

"You know," Lorelai said as if obvious already, "Hobbits – Lord of the Rings— there's first breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, noon luncheon, afternoon tea…"

Luke just looked at Rory as if knowing she wanted something different, "The usual." Rory said.

"Dinner… supper!" Lorelai called after Luke started to walk away.

"You never quit." Rory said.

"No, I never do, Methuselah." Lorelai added.

Rory looked over and saw Jess smirking in the corner behind her.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

"What's with the Lord of the Rings jokes?" Luke asked Rory a little while later. Lorelai had stepped outside to see what Kirk wanted and was outside currently.

"I had breakfast before we came." Rory said simply.

"And the 92? … Is that some part of that joke too?" Luke asked, curiously.

"She runs like a 92 year old woman." Lorelai interjected.

"What's this?" Luke asked, only half curious to actually find out.

"We saw a thing on the news where this lady ran a 5k race in 45 minutes." Rory cleared up for Luke's benefit.

"Wow, that's like a mile every 15 minutes right?" Luke asked.

"The thing was she was 92 and had a broken hip!" Lorelai smirked teasing Rory.

"So what?" Luke said, "A 15 minute mile is pretty good—that's how fast I run on average."

Lorelai started laughing. Luke and Rory just looked at each other for support. "You both run as fast as a 92 year old lady!" She broke out in laughter.

"So…" Luke asked, "How fast can you run a mile?"

Lorelai stopped laughing. They both stared at her waiting; she lowered her voice in hopes that they wouldn't hear her reply, "About twice that." But they DID hear it.

"So, that means what?" Rory said, for emphasis.

"That your mom runs as fast as a 184 year old woman?" Luke said smirking evilly before leaving their table.

"Hey! That's not funny!" Lorelai shouted after him.

Rory sat there forcing down a laugh. "Drink your coffee!" Luke called back.

Then, Lorelai turned, and saw Rory laughing hysterically.

"Oh, don't start." Lorelai pouted.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

"Luke?" Kirk hollered after he had sat down in a chair.

Luke came out a few minutes later from the Kitchen.

"Hey, Kirk." Luke said in his usual tone of voice. "What do you want?"

"I'll have you're help with nothing on it." Luke was about to write it down, but then stopped. He gave Kirk a curious look to which the reply, "You heard me," came.

"What's this about Kirk?" Luke said, not desiring the question to be answered, but asking it anyway.

"Can we talk here?" he asked Luke in a whisper.

Luke, on the other hand, looked around the place, "I think it's safe," he mocked slightly.

"It's about the election."

Luke made a mental note never to get into politics ever again and he was mentally rolling his eyes before he said, "What about it?"

"I've realized I don't want to run." Kirk said monotone.

Luke put his hands on his hips and sighed deeply, "Does Lorelai know about this?"

"No," Kirk replied, "I haven't told her yet."

"Well, I think you should go talk to her first." Luke said starting to walk away, trying to avoid being in the middle of yet another mess.

"I can't." Kirk said, following Luke back to the Kitchen.

"And why not?" Luke chided.

"Because, she's done so much for me already, I can't just tell her that." Kirk said, as Luke shooed him out of the kitchen.

"Tell me this," Luke said leaning on the diner counter, "why don't you want to run anymore?"

"Because I realize I've always had more than one job at a time." That was an understatement, Luke thought to himself.

"…I like getting new jobs, being available at any time for any need; I just realize then if I won that I'd have an actual job." Kirk said, slightly worried.

"Welcome to the rest of society, Kirk" Luke said throwing his hands in the air in emphasis.

"I just don't know," Kirk paused, "Running that much of the town has always been Taylor's thing."

"You know, I can't really help you." Luke said as Kirk just looked back blankly. "I can't tell you to drop out or not. Quite honestly, I want out of this whole mess. So I want nothing to do with it. But, you did get rid of the dogs."

"I did, didn't I?" Kirk told himself.

"Yes, you did. And people commented on it."

"They did?"

"Yeah, they did." Luke affirmed.

"And you took care of the town's water situation. Lorelai was very grateful for that."

"She was?" Kirk asked.

"To this day, I still don't even know how you did it." Luke commented.

Kirk thought about this for a minute, debating.

"Truthfully, I have another job." Kirk announced, a moment later— just as Luke thought he had gotten through to him.

"With who?!" Luke exclaimed.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

"What's up Luke?" Lane asked walking in.

Luke, who was currently holding the phone to his ear, pulled the receiver end of the phone away from his mouth and said, "Hey, sorry to call you in like this."

"It's okay," Lane said, "What happened?"

"Caesar took off today which was just fine… until this afternoon…" Luke pulled the receiver back to his mouth, "Yes, yes… this is Luke Danes…"

Lane walked past him to the kitchen but as she passed him he mouthed, "Sorry." She smiled her acceptance and got to work.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

"Hey," Jess said as Luke walked in.

"Hi." Luke said, looking to Jess who was sprawled out on the couch reading something. "... Have you been up here all day?"

"No. I was out for a while. Don't you remember?" Jess said, sitting up.

"Oh yeah," Luke said, remembering, "It's been a long day." He said as he headed over to the fridge for a beer.

"I noticed you were on the phone a lot today. What was that about?" Jess asked as he put his magazine down and walked over to Luke.

"Oh, nothing. You don't want to get involved—trust me." Luke said knowingly.

Jess went back and sat back down on the couch. "You know, I've been meaning to ask you something." Luke said after a moment of forethought.

"Yeah? What's that?"

"What's up with you and Rory?" Luke asked.

Jess made no reply --not willing to give up the truth just yet. "I saw you two." Luke said until Jess looked at him like he'd been snooping. "I was at Lorelai's the other night when you dropped her off."

"Oh." Jess replied.

"Just…" Luke began, he continued when Jess looked at him, "don't break her heart. Be careful with her this time—will you?"

"Yeah." Jess replied more honestly than he had before.

There was a moment where neither of them spoke. Then Jess asked, "How's it going with you and Lorelai?"

"Good… I guess."

Jess looked at him questioningly, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"We're still together. I mean things are good. We've been seeing each other a lot—it's good." Luke said, rather at a loss as how to explain it.

"You still want to marry her don't you?" Jess asked a little bluntly.

Luke didn't affirm or deny that statement; he just gave Jess a look that asked him how he came to that conclusion.

Jess, on the other hand, returned the look with one of I have my ways of knowing.

"Take her out."

"What?" Luke asked.

"Here," Jess said, "I have a plan."

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

"Lorelai, you got a couple of calls." Sookie said, as Lorelai straightened up the living room of the Inn.

"Who are they from?" Lorelai asked as she stopped.

"One…" Sookie began.

"…was from me." Rory finished.

Lorelai turned, to see Rory standing behind her.

"What are you doing here?" Lorelai asked.

"Covertly checking up on you."

"Ah there's my little, James Bond in training." Lorelai said hugging Rory as she went to stand next to her.


"What? James Bond is giving up his cover?!" Lorelai exclaimed.

Rory and Sookie rolled their eyes then Rory continued, "I wanted to tell you that I talked to Grandma and Grandpa. And, since I'm back, they invited us to come to come over for dinner tomorrow. If that would be okay with you?" Rory asked.

"Do I have to come?" Lorelai said jokingly.

"Mom!" Rory said sourly.

"I'm kidding, I'd love to spend another weekday with Emily Gilmore sometimes known as Magneto and more commonly known as Lex Luthor."

"You want me to tell you your second message?" Sookie asked, before Lorelai could continue her rant.

"Go ahead."

"Luke called, and he wants to know if you're free to go out tonight." Sookie said, smiling.

"Did he say when?" Lorelai asked.

"I don't know… I don't remember." Sookie said a little apologetic.

Lorelai shrugged, "It's alright I'll call him back."

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Later that day…

It was 6 in the afternoon, and although voting had been going on all day, most of the town hadn't shown up until now. There was an hour left for voting and everyone was in line waiting to vote.

"Okay everyone," Miss Patty announced, "the time has come to cast your vote for town selectman."

Everyone had gathered outside the place they had their town meetings to vote. One by one people went in to drop their ballot in one box or the other. Taylor and Kirk stood outside waiting. Kirk was nervous and so was Taylor.

"Good people…" Taylor spoke up suddenly, "Fellow townsmen and townswomen of Stars Hollow." Everyone looked at each other trying to figure out what was going on, "Today you vote, not only to see who will be in charge, but the future of our small town. And I just want to let you know that, no matter who you vote for. I will still be ready to step in at any point in time for guidance, direction, and …" Taylor paused trying to think of something else to add, but on thinking of nothing he finished, "well you know. Thank you."

"Can I switch my vote?" Jackson asked Miss Patty.

"He's kidding right?" Luke asked standing behind Lane and Zach, to Lorelai, who had been standing behind him replied, "Does anyone ever know the answer to that?"

Lane & Zach turned and laughed with Luke and Lorelai.

"Oh, sorry what'd I miss?" Rory said running over to her mom. "Here." Lorelai said moving so Rory could squeeze between her and Luke in line.


"Where were you?" Lane asked.

"Oh, sorry. Grandma called me." Rory stated.

"Emily called you?" Lorelai asked.

"What did she want?" Lane asked peering around Luke & Zach.

"Ever since she found out I was back she keeps calling. I don't know."

"I thought you had caller ID on that thing?" Lorelai said.

"I do." Rory replied turning to her mother as the line progressed forward a few spaces.

"Well, then why don't you use it?"

"I do use it. How do you think I know to say 'Hello, mom' when I pick up the phone?" Rory whispered loudly.

"No, that's not using it." Lorelai retorted.

"How is that not?" Zach asked.

"Because her using it, would imply knowing not to pick up the phone when it says 'Emily Gilmore' on it." Lorelai replied.

"Mine says, 'Grandma'." Rory announced.

Luke shifted his weight and moved up before replying, "Cell phones are just a darned nuisance if you ask me. If you don't want people calling you get rid of the phone."

"Now that's what I'm talking about." Zach interrupted. Lane just gave him a look in response.

"She can't do that." Lorelai replied.

Luke turned to face her, "And why not?"

"Move up," Lorelai said, as they all moved, "What if I really need to call her? Or she would need to call for help? What if it was a life or death situation… or I need milk?"

"How do the two of those correlate?" Rory asked.

"Never mind." Lorelai replied.

"I'm with the kid," Luke added, "How does needing milk even wind up in the same thought as a life or death situation?"

"Next!" Miss Patty shouted as Lane went in.

Lorelai pouted for a second, "You know I guess you really have to be in the same mind set to understand."

"Rory doesn't even get it!" Luke said.

"It's true," Rory added.

Lane came out moments after and Zach went in.

"So are we still on for later?" Lorelai asked Luke.

"Yeah." Luke said, replying to her face.

"How do the two of those correlate?" Rory asked kidding. She got a look from her mom and a smirk from Luke before, "Next," was uttered from Miss Patty's lips.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

About an hour and a half had gone by, they – and by they I mean Miss Patty, Jackson, and Henry – had been tallying the votes.

Then, Miss Patty came out with the scores, and Jackson followed.

"The votes have been tallied … and the new town selectman of Stars Hollow is…"

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

It was nine o'clock, the time Luke told Lorelai he'd be at her house to pick her up for their date.

"Hey, come in." Rory said opening the door for Luke, "She's almost ready."

He walked in and Rory went back to the couch.

"Luke, hey!" Lorelai said as she came down the steps, "Can you do me a favor and help me with this?" she said handing him a necklace.

"Uh, sure." He said as she turned around and lifted her hair out of the way.

He put the necklace around her neck and carefully clasped the necklace around her throat.

"Thanks," she smiled once he had finished.

"Sure." He softly replied.

"Have a nice time." Rory called as Lorelai picked up her purse off the back of the couch.

"Don't wait up." Lorelai called back teasing.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

"So where are we going?" Lorelai asked as Luke drove.

Luke just replied secretively with a, "You'll see."

They drove a few more minutes and Lorelai noted the direction they were taking—the only thing was it didn't make sense.

"Where are we going?" she asked as they turned into the center of town.

At first he didn't reply—leaving her to wonder, yet another dangerous thing for Lorelai Gilmore to do.

Now, she was sure he was taking her to the diner, or some other "Luke-esq" thing to do. It didn't help that they drove right in front of it or that Luke was parking the truck right outside of it. She was completely sure she knew where they were going.

"Luke?" she asked as he stepped out of the truck.

"Are you going to get out?" He said as she hadn't even unbuckled her seat belt by the time he was out of the truck.


"Come on." He said walking a few feet towards the diner.

She got out and walked to where he was standing, waiting for her. However, as she reached his side, she turned and took a step towards the diner.

"What are you doing?" Luke asked, in a lost-in-translation kind of way.

"Uh?" Lorelai said noticing he was headed in the very opposite direction, she looked down at her foot as if just realizing how awkward the situation was, and babbled a "Oh nothing, being strange like Monk—or maybe one of those guys from the office." As she hurried to catch up with him.

"Who?" He asked.

"Never mind, wrong audience." Lorelai replied, still attempting to cover up her embarrassment.

He led her over towards the direction of the gazebo and she still had no idea what was in store for her. They were almost to it when he caught sight of her eying him in suspicion. He gave an illusive yet knowing look in reply and they kept walking, then… they passed the gazebo.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

On the other side, she found that a picnic had been set up on the ground with a brown wicker basket and a rose on top. There was a gleaming silver ice bucket and a couple glasses on the lawn. But that wasn't all—it wasn't just any picnic in the square—there were candles … lots of candles.

"What is this?" Lorelai asked in amazement as she looked at the many candles and candelabras that were spread out all over the back of the square. "What's it look like? Come on, sit." He said, as if this entire gesture had been nothing at all.

She stood a moment longer taking in this beautifully scenic moment before she sat down quite taken by it all and asked, "What did you do? Become part owner of a Yankee Candle Store?" She asked still unable to even comment on how romantic it was.

"Hardly," Luke replied with a raise of his eyebrows. "Here," he said handing her the long stemmed red rose off the top of the basket. She hardly found the nerve to reach out and take it from him—it all seemed so surreal, like one of those perfect dates you spend your entire life dreaming about, and wait forever to see. Even going to France with Christopher almost hardly compared to this.

In France they had been nearly broke… they were still in France, but without money they couldn't really enjoy it quite as much as they planned.

She began to stare at him, and then the rose. Finally, when she gathered enough nerve to take it from him, he began to take the food out of the basket, placing it in front of them. She couldn't say anything.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

"I don't believe you did all this." Lorelai said after they had finished their meal—amazingly food and a little wine had cured her inability to speak.

"Why not?" Luke asked.

"Because, it's just amazing. I mean, who expects something like this—for all I knew we were eating at your place."

"Well, I'm glad you like it." Luke smiled.

Then he thought about what she had just said, "Is that was that was earlier back at the…?" he said stifling laughter.

She playfully hit him before adding, "Thank you—for everything." She said, looking from him to the candles around them as if in a trance.

"I love you."

"What?" She said turning her head.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

A/n: Okay, so I left you a few cliffhangers… well, okay, three to be exact. Hopefully you won't hate me for doing that to all of you. I know it's absolutely cruel… with Luke saying that to Lorelai, and the hope of Jess reuniting with Rory… and what happens with Kirk and Taylor…. It's just mean not telling you how everything turns out. But, hey there's writing for you. There can be no satisfaction if everything is explained all at once.

By the way the "running as fast as a 92 year old lady" story did in fact happen! I saw the news report with my mom a few weeks ago and she didn't stop teasing me about it. (lol) So, I decided it was funny enough to add to the final chapter.

I am going to miss not writing this particular story, which okay seems kind of odd but somehow strangely true. You may be wondering why I've decided to end a good story now, but that's because there are no more lyrics to Fall Away for me to use, (as it was my muse for this story). But, most likely the next story will be called something like, "This is the Time", "Rising from the Ashes", or "Time of My Life"… I don't know which just yet. And hopefully, with any luck you'll soon see the sequel after this is posted.

Finally, thanks to: Jeremy Shane, PeterPanTinkerBell27, Curley-Q, OTHlover04, and like2CUhappy24-7 for the reviews on chapter 11.

And to everyone:

Thanks again for the alerts, reviews, messages, and favorites to Fall Away. Writing the story was of great help to me (in many ways), and I had a lot of fun finishing it up this summer. But, so long for now.

Hope to hear from you in the sequel.
