Disclaimer: Don't own, it'd be amazing if I did

Disclaimer: I don't own, it'd be amazing if I did.

A/n: This is my first Gilmore Girls fan fic so please be kind, I do appreciate any suggestions you'd have to make the story better though. In case you're wondering this is as if the finale hadn't been the finale rather only the end of a season instead of the series.

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"What'll you have?" Luke asked as Lorelai and Rory sat down to a table. It was unusually early for the diner to be open— and though, technically it wasn't, it was for his two favorite customers, Lorelai and Rory.

"I don't know but it's a lovely menu." Rory joked pretending as if she'd never been there before.

"I think it would help me if it had pictures." Lorelai added thus further teasing Luke. Then after looking at Rory she added, "I don't know, I think we need more time," and Rory's silence agreed.

Earlier they had decided to keep their morning tradition of heading over to Luke's for breakfast even though and especially because of Rory's departure later that day.

"More time it is." Luke agreed smiling at the both of them.

"Although in the meantime," Lorelai spoke suddenly as Luke was heading to the back to give them some time, "while we're deciding, how about some eggs? ...and bacon?" Lorelai suggested, but after taking a quick look at Rory she giggled before saying, "And some pancakes."

"Sure." Came Luke's simply reply as he continued on his way to the back.

Rory looked at her mom, noticing the necklace she was wearing - the same one Liz gave Luke as a gift for Lorelai, "Pretty necklace." She said.

"Thanks." Lorelai said touching it briefly.

"So? When were you planning to tell me?" Rory asked inquisitively.

"Tell you what?"

"That you and Luke are back together."

"No. No. We're not..." Lorelai began stating as Luke rummaged around the counter straightening things. She turned around once she heard Luke moving stuff around.

"What?" Luke inquisitively asked as he saw Lorelai look over at him.

"Rory thinks we're... you know." Lorelai babbled.

"'You know' What?" He asked having unheard the previous statements.

"Together." She announced trying halfheartedly to whisper it.

Luke didn't say anything he just gave a mock look conveying surprise. But, seeing Lorelai with the face she was giving him told him he had to lie his head off. So, he went on over to their table. "No, we're not...your mother and I aren't..." He babbled completely flustered, in fact, he was so flustered that he started using hand gestures from Lorelai to himself. He only stopped after babbling on for several minutes, but once he realized he'd embarrassed himself long enough he folded his hands across his chest defensively.

"Yeah, that," she said looking at Luke, "doesn't convince me." She said looking towards her mom.

"Nice job." Lorelai spat, faking annoyance with Luke.

"Don't blame me! I was fine with telling her." Luke announced offended that he was getting the blame for this.

"See." Rory proclaimed, vindicated.

Luke just threw his hands up in the air, and walked away. He couldn't win and he knew it. As he left, Lorelai just smiled. Then after a few seconds she put a wicked grin on her face and added, "I need to teach you how to lie better."

"Your mother and I kind of made up yesterday after the party." Luke said ignoring what Lorelai just said to him.

"Luke!" Lorelai huffed.

"What? Clearly, she knows." Luke said gesturing towards her daughter.

Lorelai turned looking at Rory suspiecously, joking around as if she didn't know whether her daughter knew or not. But Rory on the other hand, just sat there smiling enjoying their "fight."

"Yeah, I can see that Columbo. But where's the fun in just telling her, where's the drama? The suspense?" Lorelai said relishing the words. "Have you no desire for a little intrigue now and then?"

"Has she been watching 24 again?" Luke asked directing his attention to Rory.

"Yeah, even the re-runs," she replied saying it in a sad tone causing Luke to shrug and roll his eyes.

"Hey, What's wrong with watching Keifer Sutherland?" Lorelai inquired.

"Nothing. Except the more you watch it the more dramatic you are." Luke replied walking away. "Plus," he added turning back towards her, "you're almost more addicted to that show than coffee."

"Not true." Lorelai said turning to visually follow Luke.

"He said almost." Rory replied.

"What are you the preposition police?" Lorelai said turning to Rory.

"Actually... it's an adverb I think..." Luke said thinking about it.

"You too?!" Lorelai said.

They all stopped and laughed, enjoying their last moments -together.

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As Rory stood at the airport waiting to board the airplane, she and her mother stood there in silence for a little while. Then her flight was announced over the loudspeakers… the time had come and she was trying very hard not to cry.

"I love you, Rory." She heard Lorelai tell her. Rory hugged her back, trying to avoid thinking about how long it was going to be till they saw each other again.

Lorelai was facing the same emotions, but she was doing her best not to show them. During the ride here neither of them said to each other in order to hold it together, but now...well, now was the very last moment she would have to see her daughter –for a very, very, long time.

A tear fell from Rory's eyes, one which didn't go unnoticed. Lorelai held her even tighter after that as if she were protecting the most important thing in her life and never wanted to let it go. But then again, she was.

"I almost don't want to leave you, mom." Lorelai heard and she pulled from the embrace to look at her daughter. "Yeah, yes, you can." Lorelai said, still trying her best not to break out in tears too.

"No, I can't. I mean I can, I have before, but it's just I don't know when I'll see you again." But, before she could continue Lorelai cut her off, "Yes, you can. We'll see each other…" Lorelai replied, trying not to sound pessimistic. "I love you, kid."

"I love you too, mom." She said, hugging Lorelai tightly once again, but it broke off suddenly when the loudspeaker called again.

"Oy with the poodles already! We get it - board the plane or else!" Lorelai said, looking up to the ceiling as if they could listen, laughing. They backed up a couple steps from each other and Rory picked up her carry-on and called to someone behind Lorelai, who Lorelai hadn't noticed up till this point at all.

"Good-bye Luke!"

"Bye Kid! Wish you the best!" Luke called, as he waved glancing up from a magazine he was pretending to "read" so they didn't notice his presence.

Lorelai turned around completely shocked, as she hadn't noticed him once this whole time. She turned around again, as Rory walked to the hanger. And as Rory boarded the plane, Luke walked up behind Lorelai.

"She'll be fine." He assured her.

Lorelai barely noticed Luke wrapping him hands around her to hold her, "I know she'll be fine, but I'll just miss her is all." She said, still staring at the last place she saw Rory.

He turned her to face him, and he kissed her gently. "It's going to be okay." He said as he held her tightly.

And she buried herself in his chest.

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A/n: Ah! So emotional. I actually cried during the finale. But, enough of that. If you want me to continue the story let me know. Any suggestions or thoughts would be good too. I'm really going to miss this show!

(July 22, 2008) Chapter has been edited and revised for errors. Let me know if I missed something. Thanks.