Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
'Sakura's thoughts'
'Inner Sakura's thoughts'
Chapter 1: Just a dream
"Sasuke-kun! Sasuke-kun! "Sakura yelled cheerfully.
"Hn." Mumbled Sasuke. He turned towards her with a menacing look. Those crimson Sharingan eyes, glaring at her as if he could see right through her. His raven colored hair brushing the frame of his face perfectly.
"You're weak, and annoying. You're even more annoying than Naruto." Sasuke disappeared, and everything and everything around her faded to black. Sakura lost all expression on her face, and fell to her knees. She stared into the nothingness mumbling, "I'm weak, I'm weak. . ."
Sakura's eyes snapped opened. She was only to find her self squinting at the ceiling of her bedroom. There were beads of sweat going down her face, as well as strands of pink hair stuck to it too. Sakura wiped her face off with her hand. She then let out a sigh of relief as she eyed the ceiling, "It was just a dream."
"Sakura-chan! Breakfast is ready!" Her mother called from behind the door.
"Coming mom!" Sakura called back. Sakura swung her legs over the edge of her bed and pushed herself off. She dragged her feet towards the closet. Sakura slid the doors open revealing her pinkish-red, double slit-side skirt. It came with navy leggings, gloves, and her leaf village headband. She swiftly changed clothes and went downstairs.
"Good morning honey," Said her mother with a wide grin in her face.
"Morning mom." Sakura replied. She slid a chair out from under the table and took a seat.
"What's this?" Sakura questioned, eyeing the brown, fluffy things on her plate.
"Pancakes, they're delicious," Said her mother. Sakura shrugged and cut the pancakes with a fork and knife. She fumbled around with the silverware, because she was used to using chopsticks. At some point Sakura stabbed a slice and put it in her mouth.
"You're right mom, these are good!" Sakura yelled cheerfully while turning her head to the clock.
"Oh, no! I'm late!! Tsunade-shishou's gonna kill me!" Sakura stood up so quickly the chair fell over. She grabbed her bag as she ran out the door. While running to the hospital she pulled a brush from her bag and raked it through her gravity defying hair. Sakura carefully opened the doors to the hospital, she then tip-toed through the hall. As Sakura turned the corner she ran into someone. Tsunade-shishou.
"Sakura Haruno!" Tsunade barked, "You're late, and I've been as busy as Hell! We've been swamped, and here's my student tip-toeing through the halls!"
"Um . . . g-gomen Tsunade-shishou. It took me a while to eat breakfast. . ." Sakura stammered.
"No excuses!" Yelled Tsunade. "Get back to work." Tsunade stormed off down the hallway, mumbling some profanities. Sakura went into the lobby to see if Tsunade was being serious. She was. There were many ANBU and other shinobi injured, not to mention average people with everyday sicknesses.
"Crap." Sakura said.
'It's gonna be a long day.' said Inner Sakura.
'Shut up, you gotta help too.' Sakura thought to her Inner-self.
Sakura tended to 37 ninjas and citizens by the end of the day. She slouched in a chair next to the directory desk, huffing from overuse of chakra.
"Okay, you're free to go Sakura-san. Just don't be late again," Said Tsunade as she walked over to take a seat next to Sakura. Sakura let out a huge sigh as she pulled herself up from the chair, and trudged out the doors of the hospital.
"Teme-Tsunade. She needs anger management." Sakura mumbled as she walked down the dirt road through town. It was getting dark. She needed to get home. Suddenly a blonde and bushy headed boy came out of some shrubbery.
"Hi Sakura-chan!" Naruto said with an idiotic grin on his face. "Naruto-kun it's late and I need to get home or my mom will worry." Sakura said, "And you know people are after you, stop spending so much time in public. You'll be a lot safer."
"Don't worry about me Sakura-chan, worry about yourself a little more . . . I swear." Naruto said.
"Ja ne Sakura-chan", Naruto said while running off into the night, probably to find Jiraiya-sensei. The thought of it made Sakura giggle a little bit. But, she then focused her thoughts on getting home before dark.
So there's the first chapter! What do you think? Sorry she hasn't met Itachi yet but I have to get my story straight first. Sorry if it's not very good…. It's the first chapter of my first written story in a long time. And it's short, but the next one's a lot better. So please be merciful.
Ja ne!