Sara Tancredi's Secret.

By: Monica

CHAPTER 1: Blast From The Past. Part 2

Sara laughed as the triplets tugged at her shirt when they walked into the shopping mall. "COME ON MOM!" Shouted Liam as he saw the Build-A-Bear workshop. The triplets took off in a cynch. "HOLD IT!" Sara yelled and her kids turned around. "What?" They asked impatiently. "I'm going to be in Toys-R-Us for a while and you 3 can't be in there for a while." She spotted the triplets babysitter. "So I got Maggie to watch you." Maggie walked over.

"Hey Sara. Hey Liam! Hey Mikey! Hey Sam!" She said as the triplets smothered her in hugs. "Okay Maggie I want you to give each of them a piece of paper and a pencil. They're going to look at teddybears and clothes and write down the prices. After they do if any teddybear is over 75 dollars they have to bring it down. Then can you get them the teddybears and bring them to Toys-R-Us?" Maggie nodded. "Okay Ms. Sara." She said as she lead Mikey, Sam and Liam away. Sara turned and headed for Toys-R-Us.

Within 20 minutes Sara still didn't have any toys picked out. "Gosh I'm going to run out of time." She said as she headed down isle 11. Immediatly she saw a barbie toy carriage and she thought of Samantha. She smiled and grabbed it. She checked the price and groaned. 50 dollars. Way too much to spend on a 4 year old's birthday gift, especially if it was only for one present, especially if she had 2 other 4 year olds and especially when she had a budget to spend only 150 dollars on each triplet plus the teddybears. She couldnt spend a third of it when she usually got each triplet a lot of cheap presents.

Sara all the sudden saw a toy truck that was on a sale truck. She looked at the price and sighed a breath of relief only 15 dollars. She put it into her basket as she looked around for other things. She saw a tiny hotwheels racetrack for about 30 dollars and also put it into the basket. She continued down the isle until she had found a bunch of things.

For Liam... a toy truck (15 dollars), a hotwheels racetrack (30 dollars), a game for his gameboy (40 dollars), a growling dinosaur toy (25 dollars) and a pack of 3 dvds (40 dollars for Pirates of The Caribbean 1, Spiderman 1, and Shrek 1)

For Sam... a princess gown (30 dollars), a cinderella barbie (20), the swan lake set (40 dollars), The Shrek's princess fiona doll (15), A package of princess playing cards (15 dollars) and a dvd television series of strawberry shortcake.

For Mikey... a book on craft making (20 dollars), personalized writing kit (40 dollars), a bouncy ball (10 dollars), a typing programme for kids (40), and a 3 dvd pack (40 dollars for Home Alone 1, 2 and 3)

On Sara's way to the cash register she saw a little girl go running past andf she laughed as she saw a man probably her father rush after her. Sara turned to keep going to the cash register when she accidently got ran into. Getting knocked to the floor all the toys went scatering. The man that bumped into her helped her up and gathered back the presents. As he gave them to her she looked at him and nearly collapsed. "Michael?"