From this point on, this will hold episodes 6 to however many it can hold. I really want to thank those that have read and commented on my fic. Please keep reading and commenting.

Mariner Bay

Everything seemed calm in Mariner Bay as the S.P.D. Rangers walked amongst the city just taking in the view.

"I gotta tell ya, I really see no difference between this time and our time." said Jack.

"Well there is the fact that there are no aliens walking among us, and the major difference in technology." said Sky.

"Yeah, thanks Sky. Glad to see you haven't completely lost your 24 hour serious and strict man persona." said Jack sarcastically.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I just feel kinda guilty."

"Why would you feel guilty?" asked Z.

"It's just that we're supposed to be on a mission and here we are just walking around without a care in the world."

"Well, the mission was to eliminate the source of evil and whatever it unleashes. But thankfully, because there are so many of us that can eliminate whatever is unleashed, we get time to enjoy our trip to the past. So just loosen up for now and enjoy." said Syd.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Funny, as Red Ranger, I have to act as the glue that keeps us in order, but really, it's you guys that are keeping me in one piece."

Just then, Bridge noticed something not too far from the distance.

"Hey, isn't that Leo and the other Galaxy Rangers?" asked Bridge.

"I think so." said Z.

The S.P.D. then decided to head over to them. As they quickly headed over Bridge started ranting.

"Of course, I could be wrong. I mean, they are from quite the distance, so it could just be some regular people. It wouldn't be the first time either. Not to mention the fact that we are now working alongside so many different Rangers that sometimes it difficult to figure out which is which and—never mind. It's them."

"Hey, Leo." said Sky.

The Red Galaxy Rangers and is team turned to see Sky and his team.

"Oh, wow. What are you guys doing here?" asked Leo.

"We figured with the free time, why not walk and look around. How about you?" said Sky.

"More or less the same thing. We didn't really get the chance to enjoy this place the one time we were here. Plus, I need to help Maya with picking out some casual clothing." said Kendrix.

The S.P.D. Rangers turned to see Maya wearing a yellow shirt with a white t-shirt under it, a pair of jeans, and a pair of outdoor sandals.

"Wow. You look so different without the loincloths." said Z.

"Yeah, we all thought and said the same thing." said Damon.

"It's true. They did." said Maya.

"Here's a thought, why don't we all walk together? I would love to help shop for Maya." said Syd.

"Uh, sure." said Kai.

Both Ranger teams then started to continue walking down the streets of Mariner Bay.

Opening Credits (Opening theme performed and sung the same way as the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie theme)

They have survived the most deadly quests.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers:

Jason/Red Ranger

Zack/Black Ranger

Kimberly/Pink Ranger

Billy/Blue Ranger

Aisha/Yellow Ranger

Tom/Green Ranger

Tommy/White Ranger

Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers:

Delphine/White Ranger

Aurico/Red Ranger

Cestro/Blue Ranger

Corcus/Black Ranger

Tideus/Yellow Ranger

Power Rangers Zeo:

Adam/Red Ranger

Katherine/Pink Ranger

Tanya/Yellow Ranger

Krista/Green Ranger

Rocky/Blue Ranger

Trey/Gold Ranger

They have proven themselves to truly be the best.

Power Rangers Turbo:

Justin/Red Ranger

Kapri/Blue Ranger

Marah/Yellow Ranger

Cassidy/Pink Ranger

Devin/Green Ranger

Power Rangers in Space:

Andros/Red Ranger

TJ/Blue Ranger

Carlos/Black Ranger

Ashley/Yellow Ranger

Cassie/Pink Ranger

Zhane/Silver Ranger

Karone/Purple Ranger

Power Rangers Lost Galaxy:

Leo/Red Ranger

Kai/Blue Ranger

Damon/Green Ranger

Kendrix/ Pink Ranger

Maya/Yellow Ranger

Mike/Magna Defender

No one will ever take them down

Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue:

Carter/Red Ranger

Chad/Blue Ranger

Joel/Green Ranger

Kelsey/Yellow Ranger

Dana/Pink Ranger

Ryan/Titanium Ranger

Power Rangers Time Force:

Jen/Pink Ranger

Wes/Red Ranger

Lucas/Blue Ranger

Katie/Yellow Ranger

Trip/Green Ranger

Eric M./Quantum Ranger

Power Rangers Wild Force:

Cole/Red Ranger

Taylor/Yellow Ranger

Max/Blue Ranger

Danny/Black Ranger

Alyssa/White Ranger

Merrick/Lunar Wolf Ranger

The power lies on their side

Power Rangers Ninja Storm:

Shane/Red Wind Ranger

Dustin/Yellow Wind Ranger

Tori/Blue Wind Ranger

Hunter/Crimson Thunder Ranger

Blake/Navy Thunder Ranger

Cam/Green Samurai Ranger

Power Rangers Dino Thunder:

Conner/Red Ranger

Ethan/Blue Ranger

Kira/Yellow Ranger

Eric Mc./Black Ranger

Trent/White Ranger

Power Rangers S.P.D.:

Sky/Red Ranger

Bridge/Blue Ranger

Jack/Green Ranger

Z/Yellow Ranger

Syd/Pink Ranger

Power Rangers Mystic Force:

Nick (Bowen)/Red Ranger

Xander/Green Ranger

Madison/Blue Ranger

Chip/Yellow Ranger

Vida/Pink Ranger

Daggeron/Solaris Knight

Udonna/White Ranger

Leanbow/Wolf Warrior

Go, Go Power Rangers






Alpha 7




Sensei Kanoi Watanabe


Go, Go Power Rangers











Go, Go Power Rangers

Ultimate Alliance

All the zords are walking together

Power Rangers Ultimate Alliance

End of Opening Credits