Title: Coming to a Realization
Author: kawaiichiisaikitsune (Dana-chan)
Information: Movie - Remember the Titans - GerryXSunshine
Summary: Sudden thoughts seemed to randomly pop up in Gerry's head. Not all of them being things he's able to deal with.
Author's Notes: I'm totally disregarding the fact that Gerry gets paralyzed and whatever else happens in the movie after that point (I've only seen up to there). Uhm... So this is a new, fresh idea so I would request you to give me all your thoughts on it, whether they be good or bad. Thanks a ton, I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter One: The Beginning
"He looks good today."
Gerry started in his mind, frightened by what he had just subconsciously thought. It was positively unfamiliar to him to think of another male in such a way. Of course, he wasn't necessarily complimenting the guy (or so he told himself), just making a nice, friendly statement. It was nothing else.
The only thing that really seemed to bug him was he was thinking of Ronnie "Sunshine" Bass.
"Hey Gerry," Sunshine said with a wave as he passed the captain, leaving the room soon enough, which in turn left Gerry to his thoughts. The blonde watched the quarterback take his exit, contemplating the odds of his supposedly shortening heterosexuality. He, however, pushed such horrid wonders away and set himself surely on the fact that he was straight and infatuated with his ex-girlfriend. She was beautiful, and willing to try for him, and caring, and just an overall beauty.
Yet, frighteningly enough, he couldn't keep his mind on her, it instead turning to a certain person he didn't want to ponder on.
"Damn you, Sunshine," he grunted under his breath, placing his elbows on his desk, cradling his head in his hands. His eyes were squeezed shut and his lips pursed, fingers curling into his blonde locks in aggravation.
"What was that, Gerry?" his friend in front of him asked. Quickly he started out of his pity state and raised his view to look his comrade in the eye. He threw on a small smile, doing his best to appear happy and go-lucky. Well, maybe not go-lucky, but okay at the most.
"Nothing . . . Nothing at all." He fibbed with accuracy.
"Well, okay. If you say so," the boy stated before turning around and paying attention to the teacher who had now walked to the front of the room. In a few brief moments, the school bell rang, and the professor got everything started, his lesson going in one ear of Gerry's and out the other. Unfortunately, his mind was in a whole different world.
With one elbow poised on the desk, his hand held his chin securely, eyes took on a glazed look as he was no where near the thought process he was supposed to be. "Sunshine . . . " he breathed, unknowing of his actions.
"You're so . . . I just . . . Gerry, I think . . . I think I love you . . . " he could've sworn he heard Sunshine say to him in a cute little voice that was filled with tender affection, slight apprehension, and faint bravery. Gerry could just see the emotions flow through those beautiful orbs of color, unable to contain him from falling into them. He noticed the facial expression his features had taken on; the look that said he was just rejected. The captain quickly regained his speech and did his best not to look at those luscious lips of Sunshine's.
"I think I..." he began.
"Mr. Gerry!" the teacher exclaimed, throwing a pink eraser at the dazed boy. "I will have no daydreaming in my class, now pay attention or stay after school with me for your detention. Your choice." He scolded in a commanding tone, causing everyone in the class--with the exception of a few students--to turn around and stare at the accused boy.
"Of course, Professor. Sorry, sir." He replied in a feigned apologetic tone, appearing to look interested in what the professor was lecturing about.
Soon enough, to everyone in the room's relief, the bell to transfer classes rang, and all the students in the classroom packed up their book bags and started dispersing through the threshold. Gerry was one of the later ones to leave, taking a little longer of time to pack up and stand up. All he could focus on was the feeling he got when he daydreamed that whole scene with Sunshine. It was a friendly feeling by any means, and he was more than a little hesitant to accept that. Hell, he hadn't even begun to accept that. He was only about to ponder about it.
Finished with zipping up his bag, he slung it over his shoulder as he stood up to leave the room. Right as he crossed over the threshold, he saw Julius leaning against a wall nearby. He placed a smile on his face and briskly stepped over to his best friend.
"Hey Julius. What up?" he greeted, the two doing a little handshake.
The African-American boy gave a thick-lipped smile and replied, "Nothin', Superman. Took you long enough to get out here. Let's go to class, now."
Before even waiting for an answer, Julius started walking through the crowded halls in the direction of the class he and Gerry shared. As they stepped in synch, they conversed over mundane things and failed to truly pay attention to where they were going. Luckily, they ran into not a single human being in the halls, at least not literally. Instead, they met Petey in the halls and the three walked together to the next class.
Just as they entered the room and took any vacant seats, the bell rang to signify the end of transferring classes. Gerry, seated away from any close friends, had no distractions to the thoughts that were bound to show up. At least his next class was one he could most likely lose himself in and not worry about any certain daydreams. Finding solace in that information, he tried to pay attention to the teacher of this classroom. He pulled out his notebook and pencil and took notes like the rest of the class.
"There's a test tomorrow so study up!" the teacher announced, passing packets of papers down the rows of students, "Here's what will be on your test. Be sure to answer these questions correctly. These guides, however, will not be allowed to be used in class tomorrow," he informed, walking back to his desk to get settled. "You have the rest of the hour to work on it. Get to it."
"Damn," Gerry cursed lightly, taking his packet and passing the rest behind him. He looked under his desk, joyful to find a book there and placed it atop his desk. Opening it to Chapter 13, he wrapped his fingers around the utensil and began to write down the answers he knew on the first page of the guide.
Time flew by as he worked on the assignment given to him. Before he even realized how much he had done, the bell to transfer rang once again, and this time he was happy to note he had no disturbing thoughts of Sunshine. That must mean it was only a fluke and he didn't have to worry about his sexuality. Of course, he never really did. He always knew he was straight.
Not bothering hurrying in his packing, he took his pleasant time, hearing his friends calling to him. "Go on without me guys, we don't have the same class next anyway," he yelled back, head bowed as he placed things carefully into his bag. Gerry realized they had truly left when he stood up and left the room, not seeing them anywhere near. With a small smirk on his face, he walked rhythmically to his next class.
Unfortunately for him, the class he thought he'd be the safest in was the one he most likely would be worst in as he forgot one important fact. His next class was physical education, and he shared it with no one but Sunshine himself. And as he entered the locker room to see a bunch of guys changing into their P.E. clothes, he realized he was only a row away from Sunshine. When he walked along the side of the rows, he found himself looking in at everyone. He claimed it be just because he didn't want to miss his and he'd know by whom he saw in the one before.
The moment he walked by Sunshine's row, peeking in somewhat, he noted that the boy was just barely taking his school shirt off, P.E. shorts already on. Gerry found himself unable to turn away from the abdomen that was amazingly fit and especially Ronnie. Just as clothing was placed over that delicious body part, his eyes ripped apart frightened of what he had just thought and seen. Quickly, he rushed to his own locker and forcibly undid his combination lock. Eventually it clicked open, and he began to change into his own physical education attire.
Right as he was pulling the shirt over his head, he heard someone call his name. Poking his head through, he secured the clothing around his torso and looked to the sound of the voice, finding the person a little closer than he expected. He glared at the boy, seeing it as the dumb jock that always acted like a jerk to Gerry. Finishing his changing, he headed out to the gym, where the class took roll call.
After the coach took the attendance, he announced to the class that he didn't care what they did today as long as they stayed inside the gymnasium. He groaned, as he needed to physically work himself out, and he didn't want to be stuck in the gym.
"Anybody want to play some basketball? One on one, or teams, I don't care," Sunshine called out, balancing a basketball in one hand and looking happily out into the crowd that was his third period. With a large smile whisking his lips upward, he eyed everyone near him down, hoping to have someone to play basketball with.
"Shut up, fag. No one wants to play with you," a random male called out, getting a few reactions from other people. Some agreed, some acted in a disgusted fashion, and some just ignored it all together. Gerry found himself watching Ronnie for the boy's reaction to that comment. He was saddened to see the hurt that flickered in the boy's eyes, but right after, his eyes turned to a fraudulent happiness, smile having never left.
He turned and spotted Gerry walking closer to him, "You want to play, Gerry?"
That seemed to have caught the room's (for the most part) attention, and they looked on to see the Caucasian boy's answer. "Sure, Sunshine, love to." The captain knew he'd regret what he just said in a matter of moments, but it was okay, he'd learn to accept it. He and Sunshine were brothers, and he figured he could act like it on and off court. And that there would be his excuse later on.
"Well then, Captain, I hope you know you're going down." Ronnie smirked dribbling the ball and talking, "We're playing half-court, one on one. Get ready to lose."
Semi End.
Author's Note: Hope you like the story. I'd be saddened in my writing if you didn't. So, drop me some reviews to tell me what you thought of this chapter, and of any previous or latter chapters. And, also, drop me a review to tell me whether or not you'd want a sequel, or another story, or anything of that. Thank you for reading, though. :D