The only sound in the room was the clock on the table going tick-tick-tick-tick shrilly. It usually drove you mad, but tonight, you weren't paying attention to it. Instead, your eyes were focused on the individual standing before the window, your boyfriend, Lawliett. He was thinking deeply. You know you had to take his mind off whatever he was thinking. You had a very good idea of how to.

"Law, come here." You said, in a low voice.

"Not now, Elen. I'm thinking." He said, absentmindedly. You smiled at his nickname for you. It was a joke, actually. While many people might think it CAME from Elena, or Helen, or something like that, it actually came from the alias you shared with this man. Nobody, apart from you and Watari, knew the great detective L was, in fact, a pair of detectives… or a couple of detectives, to be exact. You laughed when he told you he was going to call you L-en from now on. The L came from his name, Lawliett. The "en" came from "en mí", or "inside me" in Spanish, one of your three native languages (let's face it, your family was weird). He said that, the way he saw it, he was deeply inside of you all the time, therefore you were L-en mi. However, Elen sounded better.

"Law, I'm not joking." You stood up from the couch and walked to him, grabbing his hand and pulling him from the window. "You already made the choice, you asked them to meet you here. Stop stewing over it and pay me some… attention." You shoved him on the couch. He just accepted your attentions with a blank stare, very characteristic in him. You sighed inwardly, as you went to stand behind the couch. You wrapped your arms around his neck. "Pay a little attention to me."

"This is no moment for this." He said, taking a strawberry from the plate on the small table in front of the couch. "I need to think."

"You better surrender now… you know I'm going to win, no matter what you do." You whispered in his ear. You felt him shiver a little. Just a bit more and you would have him.

"Elen, they will be here soon…"

"We'll be fast."

"This is a stressing situation, don't you…"

"Let me help you relax, then." You nibbled his ear as you ran a hand down his chest. Suddenly, faster than you could register, he had stood up and was standing before you.

"You asked for it, but I warn you, I won't be gentle." He said in a low growl. However, you weren't worried. You knew he would be gentle. You knew he loved you. He bent over and kissed you passionately, then threw himself at you.

About half an hour later, you lay on the floor, curled against him, and tired out.

"God, Law… you were incredible" you said in awe. "That was the best one yet."

"He looked at you, his eyes open in surprise.

"So were you. I can't believe you did that. It was amazing."

You smiled mischievously at him.

"I have a few aces up my sleeve that you wouldn't imagine."

Then, a look that no one in the world but you had seen crossed his face. It was a tender expression, of love and peace that made him look even more handsome to you eyes.

"God, I'm lucky…" you thought, smiling at him and kissing him. "I love you."

It was then that it happened again. The door to your hotel room opened and Watari came in. Instantly, Law got on top of you, covering your body with his. The scent and firmness of his skin made you want him all over again, but you at least had to wait until Watari left.

Watari didn't even blink at the scene before his eyes, although the color did rise to his cheeks. Still, he was getting used to it. It was a bit shameful to admit, but since you always were all alone on the hotel room working on the Kira case, sometimes your emotions got the better of you and you ended up making love anytime. Many times, Watari was unfortunate enough to walk in, since you never heard him knock and he couldn't stand outside forever. When this happened, it was always the same reaction. You gasped and Lawliett got on top of you to cover you from view. Since he was so fast, you doubted Watari had seen much of you. However, it troubled you that he knew your boyfriend's backside as well as you did.

"What did you need, 'Tari?" you asked, trying to sound as natural as possible.

"I just needed to get a file from the secure computer." Watari answered, his eyes glued to your faces, and trying to keep his cool.

"Go ahead, take it." You said, smiling, acting as if nothing was wrong.

Watari went to the computer, inserted a portable USB memory on the special drive, downloaded the file and left, saying goodbye as politely as ever.

"Poor Watari." I said, giggling. "although he should really learn to knock louder." You waited for Lawliett to get off you. He didn't move, Instead, you felt him get harder again.

"Oh, come on, not now!" you complained, although you wanted him again. However, one of you had to b the responsible one. Both of you had to take a bath and hurry before the Japanese police arrived. It was going to be the first time you were going to show yourselves as L to the world. You at least had to be presentable… and fully clothed.

Law paid no attention to your complaints. Instead, he kissed you and caressed one of your breasts. You sighed and shoved him off. He landed heavily on the floor beside you, giving you a hurt look.

"That was painful." he said, emotionlessly but rubbing his head where he'd hit it. You felt a little guilt.

"Ok, ok. Let's take a bath together. But no fooling around!" Not even you believed that. In a flash, Law was on his feet again and had picked you up in his arms, carrying you to the bathroom.

Let's just say it was a very… pleasurable bath.

Here ends the first chapter. Hope you liked it… the plan is to try and write my version of Death Note, with you keeping L company and helping him catch Kira. It could be interesting… I have some pretty good ideas, if I say so myself. Please leave some reviews, or give any ideas on what you'd like to see. You can also flame… It would give me a few laughs.