A/N: Congratulations for getting the question right, Ikarishipping! The question I was looking for was "What is Green's real name?" We haven't been able to think of a name, so if you have any ideas, please tell me! Also, like I said, I will be making a sequel to this story. But I'm not sure when I'll be posting it up. I might write other fics first. But I'll try to post it up as fast as I can! Now on with the last chapter!
Santas floats next to my head as I slowly make my way down the stairs. I glance down at my shirt once more to see the tears in it. I really need some new clothes. Leaf and Aaron must've gone back down, 'cause I don't see them on the stair case. Once Santas and I reach the bottom of the stairs, the others come up to me, asking if I'm okay. I nod and turn to Darkrai.
"You have done well, Green."
"Thanks Darkrai," I take his pokeball off of my belt and hold it up to him,"Return."
With that, Darkrai gets sucked into the pokeball. Placing the pokeball back on my belt, I motion my friends over to the entrance of the cave. Just as I'm about to leave, I glance back at Santas who is staring back at the stair case.
"Santas?" I question, tilting my head a bit.
Santas turns to me quickly, waving. Does this mean that it's gonna go off to some isolated area just like the other legendaries? Hmph. I half-smile, slightly waving back at it. The new legendary smiles back and flies off above the stair case. As it ascends, the stairs begin to vanish along with it until nothing else remains; not even the platform.
Slowly, I nod my head and walk back through the entrance where my friends are waiting.
(Five Months Later)
(Dawn's POV)
Alright! I haven't had this much fun shopping since before I got kidnaped by those Galactic Admin. Speaking of which, their old headquarters is here. I've heard that the team broke up after that battle at Mt.Coronet. Maybe I should go visit them. I mean, it's not like their gonna do anything bad to me again.
I continue through Veilstone City carrying my bags from the department store. Speaking of the battle at Mt.Coronet, Daimon said that he was going to train at Stark Mountain until he was powerful enough to defeat his father at the Battle Tower. And Lucas; he decided to go and take on the Pokemon League. I wonder how their doing.
I stop in front of the old Galactic HQ building. It still gives me an eerie feeling. Nevertheless, I enter the building. Inside, I notice some Galactic grunts just sitting around and not doing anything. But then I notice him, casually leaning against the wall across the room. Regretfully, I walk over to the former blue-haired Admin. I stop in front of him but he doesn't seem to notice me.
"Saturn?" I whisper, leaning a bit forward to see his face.
He slightly glances up at me, then looks back down at the ground,"Oh, it's you. What do you want now? Didn't your little friends do enough damage to us already? Come to rub it in my face or something?"
My gaze shifts to the ground as I answer,"No. I just wanted to see what became of Team Galactic."
He smirks,"Really now?"
Slowly, I nod my head and start walking to the door. "Well...it was good seeing you."
"Bye, Sweetheart," Saturn jokes and I wince a bit, making him chuckle slightly.
As the automatic doors open, I rush outside with my bags. Suddenly, I bump into someone, dropping my bags and falling flat on my bottom.
"Oh, I'm so so-" I begin until I notice who I bumped into.
"I believe you dropped these," he says, handing me my bags and helping me up.
He looks at me smiling," It has been a while, has it not?"
"Yeah," I nod in agreement, noticing the few changes in his features, but not too many.
"You know, I was just heading over to Paul's house. Would you care to join me?" he asks.
"Of course," I smile and follow him through the streets of Veilstone City,"Vidar."
(Daimon's POV)
I rush through the crowds of people blocking my way to the Pokemon League. Darn that Lucas. he should've told me he was going to take on the League challenge! I'll fine him once he's done. Then he'll know better than not letting me know about this!
Once in the lobby, I notice an overhead TV showing a live battle of Lucas VS Aaron.
(Lucas's POV)
"Now just because we're friends, it doesn't mean that I'll be going easy on you!" Aaron shouts from the other side of the field.
"Same here," I inform him, sending out my trusty old Infernape.
(Elite Four Battle)
Infernape comes out and digs its claws into the ground. Aaron smirks, sending out his Heracross. At least he uses bug types. I have the advantage. But I really shouldn't be getting too cocky. I mean, he's one of the Elite Four. Aaron orders Mega Horn from Heracross, but Infernape dodges it, using Flamethrower on the bug-type pokemon. Heracross groans in pain, looking up from its injuries as Infernape's fist slams into it with Fire Punch, making it faint.
Aaron recalls Heracross and sends out his Beautifly. The butterfly pokemon starts off the round with Silver Wind, which doesn't do much damage to Infernape, considering that it's a fire-type. Infernape tries to hit it with Fire Punch, but Beautifly gracefully dodges the attack before it can hit. Beautifly's wings begin to glow as it charges up for a Solar Beam attack. Just as Beautifly shoots out the Solar Beam, I order another Fire Punch from Infernape. His fist cuts through the attack with ease and hits the butterfly pokemon with great force.
Gasping, Aaron shudders before returning Beautifly to its pokeball and sending out his Dustox. The moth pokemon starts out with Psybeam, but Infernape shields itself with its arms, still taking plenty of damage. Infernape hits it with Fire Punch, making Dustox faint instantly. Only two left!
His fourth pokemon sent out is Drapion. Infernape huffs and I notice that he's getting tired. I return him to his pokeball and send out my Clefable. Drapion attacks with Poison Jab, but Clefable swiftly dodges. Once Drapion is finished with the attack, I take the opportunity to order Dynamic Punch from Clefable. The attack doesn't do much, so I finish it off with Earthquake.
Aaron sends out his fifth and final pokemon; Vespiquen. Once again, I switch out, but with Alakazam. Alakazam starts off with Psybeam, but Vespiquen dodges with Agility. Vespiquen attacks with Power Gem, but Alakazam sends it back with Psychic; Vespiquen faints.
The crowd roars with excitement while Aaron congratulates me on my victory. With that, I walk back to the lobby to heal my pokemon with a slight blush on my face. Sigh. If you were only here to see me Dawn.
(Daimon's POV)
The moment Lucas steps into the lobby, I rush over to him and smack him on the head.
"Why didn't you tell me you were gonna take on the Pokemon League? I'm fining you for this, ya know! 1,000,000,000 poke yen!" I yell, causing the people in the room to turn and look at us oddly.
Lucas smiles sheepishly and shrugs,"Didn't know you wanted to come."
I smack my forehead and sigh.
"Just let me heal my pokemon first, Kay?" Lucas scurries off to the front desk.
Sighing once more, I lean against a nearby wall. He'll owe me ten times more if he loses.
(Green's POV)
"So did you two have a nice journey?" Gramps questions us as Leaf and I enter the lab.
"It was great," I answer apathetically while Leaf just nods, clutching her blue egg.
"Hm? Leaf, may I see that egg of yours?" Gramps asks her.
Leaf nods and hands him the egg. He begins studying it. Suddenly, he gasps and asks where she got it from. I answer for her, saying that she got it from a friend in Sinnoh. Gramps gives her egg back to her and asks me if I could walk Leaf home while he checks something. Once we're outside, he slams the door shut. Gosh. What was that all about?
Nevertheless, I begin to walk with Leaf back to her house. As we walk along the streets, I think about what happened earlier. I wonder if it had something to do with the egg?
"Hey Leaf?" she looks up at me.
"Let me see the egg," I slightly demand and she begins to hand me the egg.
Just as my hands touch the egg, it begins to glow brightly. What?! Is it hatching?! The egg then begins to morph into a small blue pokemon with fins, antennas, and a red jewel-like thing on its chest.
"Mana-mana! Phy!" the pokemon cries happily.
"It's a Manaphy!" Leaf cries out in alarm.
Manaphy turns to Leaf and points to her with its fin,"Mama!" Then it points at me with its other fin,"Dada!"
Leaf and I glance at each other, then look away. I can feel my face burning. I'm way too young to be a father! Manaphy jumps on top of my head and hugs me tightly. Leaf wraps her arms around my neck and kisses my lips softly. When we release, Manaphy snuggles into my hair.
"Love you Mama, Dada."
This young Manaphy; it's pure of heart. What adventures will you take us on next?
A/N: I'm finally finished with "Young and Pure"! And like I said at the top, I'm going to make a sequel to this but I don't know when. I want to write other fics first. Please read the top if you haven't already. And I want to thank everyone who has reviewed: Ikarishipping, Lalalagirl, Cem-chan, Blue the Evolver, Mayouh101, Xing Nagi, Keela, Kaikat, Dance to the Music Miror B., Alexis R Pokegirl, Sakura999, Mikataiyou, and Baronfly! And special thanks to Alexis R Pokegirl, Anim313loomer, Blue the Evolver, Cem-chan, Dance to the Music Miror B., HiddenSecrets831, Keela, Lnign Wrmag, Ikarishipping, Kaikat, Lalalagirl, and Mayouh101 for putting"Young and Pure" in your favorites! I'll see you next time!