FantasyFreak03: Two girls fighting over Sasuke? That doesn't happen often…It's Betty vs. Danielle in the fight over Sasuke!

Danielle was quietly sitting at her desk, doodling a picture of Sasuke holding her hand. She quietly giggled as she ripped the picture out of her notebook and slipped it in her pocket.

Next to her desk was Betty, an obsessive emo, who watched Danielle, drawing the picture of her crush.

'Damn bitch… I'll show her that she has not chance with Sasuke.' Betty thought.

When the bell rang, everyone exited the classroom.

Danielle started to walk over to her locker but was stopped by Betty.

"So you think Sasuke would ever date you?"


"I know you have a crush on Sasuke." She said. "Sasuke…" she mumbled as she took out a small razor and pressed it against her wrist and slid it across. (This happens every time she says his name.)

"What's your point?" asked Danielle.

"He's mine."

"Hello ladies!" Sasuke said.

"Sasuke is mine and only mine." said Betty. "Sasuke…" she mumbled as she cut her wrist again.

"Hello?" asked Sasuke.

"Don't be so selfish." said Danielle. "You're not even dating. And even if you were, well, you wouldn't be. He wouldn't want to go out with you. He's too hot for you."

"Ladies, ladies." said Sasuke, putting his arms around each of the girls. "There is enough Sasuke to go around for every one."

"I challenge you," shouted Betty, ignoring Sasuke. "to a duel after classes today. Meet me at the flag pole."

"I look forward to kicking your ass." said Danielle as she walked away.

During our "youthful" classes…

Neji folded a piece of paper into an air plane. "Please don't get stuck in anyone's eye…" he whispered to himself. He threw it to Tenten, and it landed on her desk.

Tenten opened the letter. It read:

Dear Tenten,

Betty is getting her ass kicked by Danielle after school. Do you want to come watch with me?

Tell everyone to go to the flag pole when class gets out. I hear they're fighting over Sasuke…Well you don't see that very often. Maybe someone will hurt Sasuke… I hope that really happens.

Sincerely, Neji

Tenten looked behind her, there was Neji, looking for a reaction from the letter. She smiled nodded her head yes.

"Can anyone tell me the circumference of a moose?" asked the teacher.

At the same time this question was asked, Neji had thrown his arms in the air and shouted, "Yes!"

Ok Mr. Hyuuga, tell us."

Neji stared at her blankly. "Uh…Purple? Wait what was the question again?"

The bell rang and the laughing kids exited the classroom.

Neji walked out of the classroom as quickly as he could.

He didn't look where he was going and bumped into Deidara.

"What do you want little one, yeah??" laughed Deidara.

Neji scowled at him. "Nothing blondey."

Deidara scowled back at him. "It's not like brunette is any better, yeah."


"Brunette's suck, yeah!" he laughed.

Neji took his hair band and ripped it out. He slowly brushed back his smooth brown hair.

"Oh you can't say that this isn't sexy!"

"That would sound really gay if I did. And watch this, yeah." said Deidara as he took his hair band out, letting his blonde hair fall below his shoulder blades. "What about this? This is way sexier, yeah."

Tenten and Sakura stared at the two boys with their jaws dropped as they let their hair out of a pony tail.

"Oh my God…" Sakura said.

Tenten's face turned a light shade of pink. "He should keep it like that…" she giggled.

And that's where Neji got his time skip hair style.

"Well Neji, are we going to have to have another contest?" laughed Deidara.

Neji stared at him wide eyed. "No!" he shouted.

"Afraid you're going to get beat, yeah?"

"No, and are you going to see Betty get her ass kicked by Danielle?" asked Neji.

"Where the violence goes, is where the Akatsuki goes, yeah."


Sasuke was in the boy's bathroom, styling his hair. "Well if I have to be fought over, I'd rather be fought over looking good." he said to himself.

"Hey little brother."

Sasuke was startled and jumped. He looked behind him to see Itachi. "What do you want Itachi?"

"Well, I hear you're getting fought over after school." confirmed Itachi.

"Jealous much?" laughed Sasuke.

"Girls fight over me every day."


Itachi grabbed Sasuke's hair gel and looked at the label. The label read: 'Hair Gel For Cats' He shook his head in disappointment. "Well little brother," he sighed. "If you want to look good, you can't use crap like this."

"What do you mean? This was the most expensive stuff in the store!" exclaimed Sasuke.

"What store did you go to?"


"Petco? Why the hell would you go to Petco for hair products?"

Sasuke shrunk into a corner. "I t-thought there m-might be good b-brands there…" stuttered Sasuke.

Itachi calmed down and sighed. "Let me do your hair."

Sasuke covered his hair with his arms. "And why should I trust you?!"

"Because I'm your big brother, and that's what big brothers do?"

"Well…okay then…"

One hour later…

"Oww!" yelled Sasuke and he started to shake his head. "That hurts!"

"Hold still I'm almost done!" Itachi shouted back.

"Can I see it now?" asked Sasuke.

"No, not until I'm done. Which will be right…now!" said Itachi as he pushed Sasuke in front of a mirror.

Sasuke screamed in terror.

"Isn't it great?"

"What the hell did you do to my head!" shouted Sasuke.

"I fixed it."

Sasuke's hair was put into two black pig-tail braids, with many assortments of colorful bows. In the back of his head, Itachi shaved in the words 'Itachi was here'

"What the hell was the back for?!"

"Well I was here wasn't I?" Itachi said.

"Just shut up and fix it as it was before!" demanded Sasuke.

When the school bell rang and all of the kids poured into the halls.

"Sorry lil' bro I'm going to watch the girls fight. Have fun!" he said as he exited the bathroom.

"My God I hate you!" shouted Sasuke. He tried to fix his hair as best as he could and then ran out of the bathroom.

Sasuke took out his new razor. (Yes, he got a new one for his birthday.) He lightly pressed the newly sharpened razor against his wrist and slowly slid it across. "I hurt myself to feel alive…" Sasuke quietly said to himself as he repeated the method and began to walk down the hallway.

Later at the flag pole…

Danielle was all ready to fight with her Tifa outfit on.

"You go Danielle!" yelled all of Danielle's friends.

Betty was ready with her good luck emo razor handy.

"Go Betty…" said some of her friends with no emotion. "We love you Betty…Rah…"

"You ready to fight Betty?" asked Danielle with her arms crossed.

"Sure…" she sighed.

"Don't start without me!" shouted Sasuke as he ran over to the flag pole. "Ok…start now…" he said, completely out of breath.

"I'll let you go first Betty…" said Danielle. "You'll need it."

"Fine then…" said Betty as she took her emo razor out of her pocket and flung it at Danielle. Danielle quickly moved out of its path.

"Is that the best you got?" laughed Danielle. Danielle motioned her hands various formations. "Bahumut!"

A purple vortex appeared in the sky. Out of the vortex emerged a silver dragon.

"What the hell this isn't Final Fantasy!" Sakura yelled.

"Well that sucks for you…" said Danielle. "Bahumut, attack!"

The dragon's silver scales gleamed in the sun light as it swooped down to Betty. It opened his mouth and devoured Betty.

Sasuke stared at the dragon with wide eyes. "What a pleasant day at school…" he said as he licked the blood from his wrist.