Okay sorry for taking so long. I basically blew you all off. I used to live on here but then I just got sidetracked after I got writers block. I mean it's been like a year almost since this was updated. I want you all to know SoraxKairiislove is BACK FOR GOOD BABY!

I love you guys!!!


Disclaimer: I don not own KH1, KH2, or COM.

Chapter 18: the end of my life as a gang member

My eyes fluttered open, and I sat up and stretched. I ran my hands through my auburn hair. It was almost down to my back now, I haven't cut it in months. I yawned as I got out of bed and stumbled sleepily into the kitchen. My dad was sitting at the table on phone and my mom sat next to him, with a huge smile on her face. I haven't seen her smile like that in months.

"Uh, of course….That'll be fantastic! I mean, that sounds great. My wife and I will be down there by three. Thanks."

"What's going on?-" I asked quietly. My mom shushed me while my dad stayed on the phone. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the cabinet and pulled out a box of cereal to fix myself breakfast. I sat down next to my mom. My dad hung up the phone and turned to my mother.

"Honey, that was my boss. He said the company is willing to relocate us. They'll sell our home to the bank and buy us an apartment in North Destiny Islands until we find a house, we'll be only a few minutes away from my job, and we can send Kairi to private school again! I knew everything would work out!" My mother stood up and started clapping. I spit my orange juice out of my mouth.

"What?" I asked dumbfounded. "We can't leave, not now….when?" I could feel my eyes tearing up. "Well, my boss said we can leave as soon as we're packed. Everything is taken care of. Your mother and I are going to check out the apartment this afternoon"

"Chances are, we can be out of here by next Sunday." My mother squealed. "We need to hire movers, rent a truck, get some boxes, buy bubble rap! Get the other stuff out of storage. We have so much to do! We have to start now."

"Okay sweetie, you have to calm down." My father said chuckling. "I'm so excited, we've been here for too long!" My stomach started flip flopping. "We can't move!" I screamed banging my fist on the table. My parents looked at me with shock. I was even surprised at how loud I had gotten.

"What do you mean we can't move?" My mother questioned. "It's just….I made friends here, and I finally got use to it. And I have to start another new school next year….now's just not the best time." I said…I kind of was telling the truth.

"Kairi, last time I checked you hated it here. Your new "friends" got you suspended for fighting, your friend Axel got shot, your grades slipped, and you acted like me and your father just let you run wild. Like we don't set rules."

'I also joined a gang, went to school with felons, and lost my virginity.' I thought. My parents had no idea what was really going on in school. "And besides Kairi" My father started. "It's not like you're starting a new school in the middle of the year like you did here. You'll be a lot happier where it's a lot nicer, and not so….ghetto." My mother nodded in agreement.

"Whatever" I mumbled and turned my attention back to my bowl of cereal. I guess this was good enough for my parents. My dad got up to breakfast and my mom searched for a phonebook to go look up movers.

I wiped away the tears from my eyes and shoved my cereal down my throat. Why am I so attached to this stupid place? I was the first one who wanted to get out of here. I had to tell Sora and Axel that I was leaving. I suddenly felt my heart sink. Axel and Sora were probably the reason I didn't want to leave. I feel like Axel got hurt because of me, he showed me kindness, and was a friend to me. And what did he get for being nice? He got shot.

I had such a love/hate relationship with Sora. At times he was so sweet, like when he walked me down to the beach. But other times he was such an arrogant jerk But I guess I loved both sides. Sora kind of forced me to break out of my shell. I ran my hands through me hair and stood up to put my bowl in the sink. The phone on the counter rang and I carelessly dropped my bowl and it clanked to the bottom of the sink. "Kari!" My father scolded. "You have to be more careful, your lucky the bowl didn't break."

"Sorry dad!" I apologized. I reached and grabbed the phone of the base. "Kari?" A voice on the other end asked. It was a female voice. "Yeah?"

"This is Axel's mother, Trish."

"Oh, hi! Is Axel okay?" I asked nervously. Trish just laughed. "Oh, he's fine. But thanks for being so concerned. He actually has been bugging me to let you and Sora see him ever since he got out of the hospital. Even though Sora's his best friend I've only met him a few times. But I had to meet the amazing Kairi he's always talking about." She joked. I couldn't help but blush at this.

"That's great. So uh, where do you guys live and what time am I suppose to be there?" I asked. She gave me the address and I wrote it down on a napkin. "As for time. You can stop by whenever you want."

"Thanks…Is two okay?" I Asked. "That's great, bye sweetie" I smiled Axel's mom seemed so nice. I wondered what time Sora was going to get there. I hung up the phone and ran upstairs to get ready. I showered, through on some decent clothes. You know the usual stuff. When I was done I just hung around the house watching tv. My mom was still running around the house frantically. I just laughed and rolled my eyes.

My parents left around nine thirty to go check out the apartment. And they said while they were there they were going to register me for private school. I don't think they should go register me without even letting me see the school first.

Around one I walked to the bus stop it was a little ways from my house. It was so hot that after noon. I sat down on the paint chipped bench waiting for the bus. Axel's mom had given me directions. A few months ago I would cringe at the thought of riding the bus, but I guess it was better than having a car, well to me anyway. Back where I use to live you had to have a car. Not for transportation or anything, but more for status reasons.

Where I use to live everyone had a car, it was kind of like a competition to see who could have the nicest one. But I like riding the bus, once you get past all the creepy people that ride it, it's not so bad. My parents made me get a job so I could help maintain my car. I had to buy gas, take it to get fixed and stuff like that. It took up at least half of my paycheck. Before we moved here I sold my car to help pay for college. It was so embarrassing explaining to my friends why my car was gone. Everyone had so much where I use to live. But here, I felt like I didn't have to keep my guard up so much.

The bus pulled around the corner and screeched to a stop and the door swung open. I took my spot on the bus and just enjoyed the ride. I looked over the directions one last time before I pulled the cable for the bus to stop. It stopped on a small back street only three small houses were there. They all looked similar to each other except they had different color flowers in front of them. The houses were actually really cute. They were kind of like little cottages which was kind of weird to see in a city like this.

Axel's house was the house on the end of the street. It had white chipped bricks on it and little yellow flowers in front of it. I went up the loose steps and knocked on the door. I heard a dog start barking and the door slowly opened. A woman around my height opened the door. She had fiery red hair like Axel's and it was tied back to stay out of her face. She had some bags under her eyes and she looked pretty tired. But her face brightened and she flashed her white teeth at me. She was really pretty.

"You must be Kairi! I'm Trish!" The red headed women said as she pulled me into a hug. She pulled away and smiled. "Sora's already here, he's with Axel in his room. Come in!" I stepped inside the small house. It was actually really warm and inviting. To be honest I really wasn't expecting this. I was expecting some torn down house. Is that wrong?

Trish bought me to Axel's door and then she went into the kitchen. I knocked softly on the door. And heard a small 'come in'

I walked on to see Sora and Axel playing video games. I don't know which one it was. It was some sort of fighting game. Axel was laying on his stomach on his bed and Sora was sitting on the floor. The paused the game when they saw me. Axel grinned at me Sora smiled too. "Hey Kairi." Axel said still smiling. Sora started laughing. I was so confused. "What's so funny?" I asked slowly. I was kind of scared to ask.

"The way you're dressed!" Axel said as if it was obvious. I looked down. I had on a pink shirt and light colored jeans and flip flops. "I knew deep down you were still a saint." Sora said still laughing. I didn't want to wear black today because it was so hot. "Whatever" I mumbled before reaching over to grab a pillow on Axel's bed to chuck at Sora.

"Hey, be careful. I cleaned my room today. It took me hours!" Axel said rolling over to sit up. I walked over to sit next to Axel. "How are you feeling?" I asked quietly. Axel's stopped smiling. "Better than I was before. I really wanted to see you two since I'm not going to be going back to school for the rest of the year." Axel said. "But the other reason is because of what Sora told me." Axel's face hardened. "He told me what was going on. What you're doing. And that you're trying to prove it was Roxas who shot me."

Sora stood up and sat on the edge of Axel's bed. "Did you call the cops yet?" Me and Sora nodded. "We got Namine to admit to what happened and we recorded it on Kairi's phone" Sora piped up. "But we can't prove anything unless Roxas says it himself. For all we know Namine could be lying." I said looking down at the design on Axel's bed sheets.

"Wait. Namine? The saint, Namine?" Axel asked confused. "She runs with Roxas now?" I nodded. "And Tifa betrayed us." Sora said looking down too. "Wow" Axel said. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be Axel, none of this is your fault. I want to kill that bastard for hurting you." Sora said clenching his fist. "But Namine said Roxas shot you to get to Kairi." Sora said quietly. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as I looked at Axel. His face softened before saying. "I want to help."

"Axel, are you stupid!? You got shot because of me! You'll just hurt yourself." I shouted. "Kairi! Pretending to be in Roxas's gang is stupid too! You'll hurt yourself too. And Sora told me what you have to do to really get in. You would have to kill him! How stupid are you for trying to pull this off?" Axel screamed. His face started to get red and I burst into tears. Sora looked kind of shocked. He stood up. "I have to go to the bathroom. So I'll leave." Sora bolted out of that room really fast. I don't think he liked seeing me cry. And Axel didn't either. He moved closer to me and pulled me into his arms. "Shhhh, it's going to be fine. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. It's just that I'm scared. I've seen how this gang violence has effected me and how much it's hurt sora and wrecked his life. I don't want to see you hurt Kairi."

I buried my face in Axel's chest still crying. He rubbed his hand up and down my back slowly. "Please stop crying Kairi, I can't stand to see you cry. I don't want anything to happen to you. I…..I love you too much."

I sniffled before lifting my head to look Axel in the eyes. He was looking at me meaningfully. I could feel his heart beating fast and could tell he was nervous. "What?" I asked confused. "I…I know we've only known each other for a few months. But I just…I feel like I love you." Axel was searching my eyes for an answer. I was so stunned. I never expected this.

"Axel….I just.." I couldn't finish my sentence before Axel pulled me close to him and kissed me passionately. I quickly pushed away not knowing what to think. Axel looked down. "I knew this was going to happen." He said quietly. "What?" I asked. "I knew you wouldn't feel the same way, that you wouldn't love me back."

"But Axel, I do love you……Just not the way you love me. I can't…..It's just that."

"You love Sora." Axel said cutting me off. I looked up in surprise. "I know you do Kairi. I can tell when you two are together that you have strong feelings for him as he does for you. You two belong together. I just wanted to see if I had a chance."

It felt like my heart hurt. I pulled Axel into a soft hug before whispering a faint 'I love you' to him. It was meant in a friendly way and I think Axel understood this. I think Sora was listening outside the door, because he walked in when me and Axel were done talking. Sora came and stood next to me and Axel reached out for his hand and he put it with mine. I squeezed Sora's hand and got a small grin from him.

It was silent. But it was a good kind of quiet. Sora broke the silence. He let go of my hand. "I think I know how to make Kairi's plan work. But Kairi you have to be careful to make sure this works.

Me and Axel looked at Sora for a moment before nodding our heads.


On Monday morning I woke up early and got changed into red clothes. My stomach was flip flopping. Me, Sora and officer Kio went over the plan last night. I finally got my cell phone back from the police station.

Me, Sora and Axel were skipping school that morning to eat breskfast that morning. It was my idea. I had no idea of how to tell them I was leaving. We sat at a booth in the back and ate pancakes and eggs and just talked for a while. I felt I would cherish this moment for ever.

Me and Sora told Axel the plan and he nodded. "It sounds like a good idea, I don't know why you guys didn't try this to begin with." Axel said taking a sip of his orange juice. Me and Sora looked down.


Later at night me and Sora went to the police office to go see officer Kio. "Now Kairi. What ever you make sure Roxas admits he killed Sora. If he can do this without you actually having to go near Sora, that would be great." Officer Kio gave me a small microphone to place in my pocket.

"Oh, and Kairi. We've notified your parents about this." I looked down nervously. I wanted to try to do this without the, knowing. But I guess they would find out eventually. "Just make sure he says it clearly. There's always going to be a police officer near you, and because of the mic, we'll always hear what you're saying."

I nodded slowly, and walked down to the corner where I was supposed to meet Roxas. I pulled up my red hood and leaned against a street lamp trying to look as cool and calm as possible. I looked up and down the street. Was Roxas even coming? He probably thought I would chicken out so he didn't even bother to show up. I picked at some of the dirt under my finger nails and tapped my foot on the ground impatiently.

"Saint! You decided to show after all. I thought I give you few minutes to calm your nerves before I came. You still don't have to do this if you don't want to. I know how much wittle Sowa means to you." Roxas hissed walking up behind me. His voice sent a shiver up spine. My heart beat picked up and I started to shake. I could feel Roxas's eyes piercing into me, they were burning a hole into my soul.

"I said I'd show, didn't I?" I said snapped turning around. I folded my arms across my chest returning Roxas's glare. He walked up to me and I could feel his breath hitting my face. I flinched a bit.

"Are you read for this, Saint?"

I took a gulp and nodded my head. Roxas descended down the trash filled side walk and I followed in pursuit. I glanced behind me and saw no sign of Sora or officer Kio in sight. I gulped again and tried to take deep breaths. My breathing was staggering as I walked down the street. I thought I was going to pass out. I stopped for a minute almost losing balance. Roxas turned around and grabbed my arm. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded my head.

We continued down the street until we reached a small apartment building. It looked like no one had lived there for years. The windows were boarded up with wood and the rails on the steps were rusted. Axel went up the steps and pulled me along with him. "Why are we here?" I asked quietly.

"Shut up"

I cleared my throat and stood back as Roxas heaved a giant bar of wood from between the two door handles. Dust and wood fibers flew up into my nose making it burn. I went into a sneezing fit for about a minute until Roxas was no longer amused and pulled me into the dilapidated apartment building. The inside was dark, from the little light inside I could make out some graffiti on the walls and floors.

"Well, this is classy" I mumbled looking around. Roxas glared at me. "Come on we don't have much time." Roxas said pulling me along with him. He walked towards the elevator and pressed the "up" button.

"Are you sure the elevator is safe? It looks like no one's been inside this place for years." I pointed out.

"This elevator's never failed me yet, me and my crew are in this place all the time. It's perfect, it's secluded so no cops or stupid saints can some snooping." Roxas growled. The elevator came to the first floor. Roxas pushed me in first and then followed me in. "Press seven." He ordered and I did just that. The elevator creaked as we went up and I shifted my weight to my right foot. Did Officer Kio know where I was?

When we reached the seventh floor Roxas got out and pulled me with him. We walked down the hallway, the only light was the light streaming in from the cracks in the boarded up windows. When we got halfway through the hallway Roxas stopped at one door and opened it. He flipped the light switch up. The room was slightly more clean than the rest of the apartment was.

"Take a seat" Roxas ordered me. I quickly sat down on the beaten up plaid couch in the corner. Roxas went into the kitchen area and I heard some rummaging around. I sat with my feet flat on the floor. Roxas came into the room holding a large knife. I gulped as I saw the silver glimmer in the light. Roxas came over and sat down next to me.

"I know, you have feelings for Sora, Kairi." Roxas said breathing into my ear, I could feel his hot breath tickle my neck. I squeezed my eyes tight. "Why do you even want him? He obviously doesn't care about you. Not like I do anyway." I started to shake. Roxas sneaked his hand onto my knee.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked nervously.

"Kairi, it's not too late, you can still change your mind." Roxas persisted. "I would hate to see you get into trouble, even though Sora deserves everything coming to him." Roxas lowered the knife and kissed my neck. His warm kissed made me shiver, Sora never kissed me like that.

"I never thought I'd fall for a Saint."

I felt like at that moment I was about to throw up. I stood up and ran to the other side of the room. "What do you want with me?" I asked pressing my back against the dingy wall. "Isn't it obvious, Kairi?" Roxas asked me standing up and walking closer to me. "Please, get away or…."

"Or what? No one can hear us" Roxas smirked. I tried to back up realizing there was a wall behind me. Roxas bought the knife up to his face and played with it. "You know, I don't have any reason, to kill Sora and make you feel guilty for the rest of your life. I want to hurt Sora not you?" Roxas placed his hand around my neck.

"What's one thing Sora loves more than anything?"

I was quiet.

"Come on, take a wild guess."

I could feel tears welling up into my eyes.

"It's you. If something were to happen to you, how do you think Sora would react? He probably couldn't live with himself, the only person that truly loved him would be gone…."

Roxas put the knife close to my face. "But how longs until he fins out you're dead? Could be days, or weeks, months even years until someone smells your rotting body and decides to come up here."

The tears rolled down my face. "Are you going to hurt me?" I whimpered.

"Maybe….Maybe not"

I took a deep breath and looked into Roxas's dull and uncaring eyes. I had to do something or I would end up dead. Roxas inched the knife closer to me. "I'm sorry this had to happen to you Kairi."

The room was silent and the air was heavy the only sound was from my heavy breathing. I screamed at the top of my lungs and this took Roxas back a bit. I then proceeded to kick him…. you know and bolt for the door. Every step I took it seemed like the door would inch away. I was on fire and I had to leave. I then felt something hard hit me. Roxas had thrown a thick hard covered book at me making me tumble down onto the creaky floor.

I clutched the back of me head whimpering in pain. I heard Roxas stagger over. He knelt down next to me holding the knife above my head. "Please don't" I begged, chocking back on my tears. Where were the police?

I couldn't stand there and be helpless. I was fighting for my life that day in the apartment. I quickly stood up and ran to the door slamming it before Roxas could even move. I heard the door bang open and footsteps behind me I pumped my legs faster and faster but it didn't seem to make a difference. I heard a funny noise and turned around Roxas had a gun! I ran quickly for the stairs hurrying down them. Roxas was right behind me, I anticipated the cold bullet digging into my tender skin. I stumbled down the stairs falling onto my stomach and quickly scrambled up to the door. I was in the lobby I could make it. I ran for the door I was almost out. I pushed hard on the door and it wouldn't budge.

I kept pushing and pushing nothing would make it move. The footsteps slowed and Roxas had the gun cocked ready to shoot. "You're making this a lot harder than it needs to be." Roxas said.

He walked up to me and put the cold gun under my chin. "I wonder what Sora would think right now if he saw you like this."

I shook, this was the end for me.

"Well, I guess you'll never know."


Roxas looked over to see Officer Kio hiding behind an over turned piece of furniture. I felt a rush of relief.

"Get away from me or I'll kill you both." Roxas murmured.

Officer Kio stood right where he was. Roxas didn't even flinch.

The air was tense and then it happened the one shot was fired off. I expected to feel a rush of pain but the bullet didn't hit me, it hit Roxas. Roxas fell down clutching his leg. I turned around and quickly giggled the knobs on the door until they finally opened.

"KAIRI! KAIRI GET BACK!" Officer Kio shouted after me. But I never stopped running until I got home.


Dear Sora and Axel,

There is no way to describe the time I've spent with you two. Memories come rushing to my mind, some are good and some are bad. I think about you two and Tifa and Namine everyday. I'm sorry I left without telling you guys it was to painful to say goodbye. That island is full of too many painful things. My new home is great I feel safe here but I'll never forget the time I've spent. This has been a very eventful year for me. Even though it's been a year and you are doing only God knows what I hope you are safe and happy. You two deserve the best in your life and me coming back would make everything complicated which is why I have not put a return address on the envelope. I felt that this letter is the thing that officially ends everything. This is tell you my life as a teenage gang member is over.



Okay the ending was lame, but I have major writers block. Thanks for still giving this fic a chance. I lover you all. Please review.