It was a beautiful day in the gardens considering the fact that it was mid autumn. And though the sun was out and shining, the air was cool and refreshing to the guests that were attending the wonderful event on this special day that was October 1st. A woman dressed in many layers of kimono had a unique expression on her face: disgust and defeat for this wedding. That's right. This woman was no one else other than Sesshomaru's mother and though she still disliked her future daughter-in-law, previous events had convinced her to be there. Of course, that is another story altogether.

Another guest that drew curious eyes was no one else other than Sango in a fine kimono, looking through some strange contraption that apparently captured everything it saw so that it could be viewed later. Yuki had brought it back from the future so that the pictures could be delivered back home. She had also brought something else called a camera that Sango was also in charge of. Like the first device, it captured moments. The camera only captured one at a time though and was to be used later for wedding pictures.

However, regardless of any of these distractions, there was one person in particular who was not as relaxed as his guests were; the groom. Yes, it was indeed true the beneath his regular calm expression that Lord Sesshomaru of the Western Lands was actually a nervous wreck. What if he really was making a mistake by marrying Yuki? She was a human after all and demons were never supposed to marry into human lines! What would become of his heirs? They would most likely all be half demons like his brother! They would be teased, ridiculed, and even shunned by all because the poor children would have no specific place in the world. Maybe this was a mistake…

"How you holdin' up, fluffball?" Inu Yasha whispered out of the corner of his mouth as he stood beside Sesshomaru as his best man.

"What sort of question is that?" came the reply, "I am perfectly fine."

"C'mon, Sesshomaru! Don't try and lie to me! You've been glancing around and fidgeting for the passed ten minutes!"

"It's because we've been waiting this long at all that I am uneasy!" Sesshomaru countered, "How much longer will we have to wait?"

And as if on cue, the music in the background began to play the first few notes that would bring in the rest of the wedding ensemble. First came the flower girl, Rin, in an orange-red kimono that seemed to match the trees themselves. Then bride's maids stepped onto the scene. The all looked so nice! No ugly, poorly picked dresses for them! These outfits were made of the finest yellow, orange, and red silks that any noble could buy so that they may honor both bride and season. And though many were in awe over these girls, Sesshomaru was still not set at ease.

Suddenly, a few notes sang out, beginning the song that Sesshomaru had anticipated and dreaded the entire day, ever since he had woken up. And just as all were arising, the bridegroom turned to his best man, panic finally showing on his face. "She's coming!" he whispered frantically, "How do I look?"

The younger brother looked his half sibling up and down in serious concentration, dusting something off of the shoulder of his black kimono and then going to fix a strand of silver hair that had come out of place from his loose ponytail. "You're good," he finally approved so that they could both return their attention to the ceremony.

Off in the near distance, the white gossamer curtains of the palace parted as if by an invisible force, only to reveal Kazuhiko in a navy blue robe, his future daughter and the co-star of this wedding on his arm, dressed in a white gown, embroidered with flowers and other beautiful things. Upon first sight of his future wife, Sesshomaru stopped worrying. How on earth could anyone think he could despair as he had been now that the mere sight of Yuki had taken his breath away? He couldn't even yet see her and already he could remember every reason that he ever loved her.

Everything seemed to slow down as he watched his beloved come towards him, her smile apparent even behind her veil. Yuki was truly beautiful that day; absolutely glowing. It seemed during these few moments that this dog demon was on cloud nine and that he would probably never come done. But this silent trance ended with the music; luckily the happiness stayed. "And who gives this woman to this man?" the monk Miroku, friend of Inu Yasha and rival to Sesshomaru asked.

"As her future father, I give this woman to him," Kazuhiko answered, his expression completely serious, his emotional guard up more than usual. But still he handed Yuki away so that she could take Sesshomaru's hand instead, staring up into his golden eyes as he stared down into her violet pools.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the holy union of this man and this woman," Miroku began, "But if there is anyone here who would object to them, please keep it to yourself because none of us really care."

Over to the side, Inu Yasha tried to sustain his laughter while the couple of the day shot warning glances at the monk, who was now playfully smiling back at them as he began to have fun at this enemy's wedding. "May we have the rings?" Miroku went on, causing Shippo to rush up bearing a silk and lace pill that harbored the two rings. Both Sesshomaru and Yuki took the other's ring into their hands and awaited instruction.

"Sesshomaru," the monk went on, "Do you take this fantastic, beautiful, wonderful woman to be your wife and mate, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

With that, Sesshomaru lifted Yuki's hand gently to his mouth, kissing it lovingly before staring back down into her face over her hand and answered, "I do." Then he slipped the wedding band onto her left ring finger.

"And Yuki," Miroku went on, "Do you take this heartless, cruel, demonic bastard to be your lord and mate, to obey and to worship, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?"

This was the one trick that made the groom avert his gaze from his bride to glare over at the monk in astonishment, amazed that he had the gall to do such a thing. Luckily for Miroku though, Sesshomaru's vengeful thoughts were distracted by two sweet words: "I do," Yuki answered as she was now smiling at her friend's words, slipping Sesshomaru's ring onto his hand, "I do take him to be my lord and mate because he will never be that heartless, cruel, demonic bastard in my eyes."

These words could only make Miroku smile and pause for a moment as everyone else stared at the couple, the sappy words giving the crowd different reactions such as adoration or disgust. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. May you both lead long and happy lives together," Miroku praised, "Sesshomaru, you may kiss the bride."

After finally hearing those words, Sesshomaru lifted his mate's veil and kissed her, holding her closely as the music started up again and as applause started up. Then, as if this moment couldn't be magical enough, a swarm of pigeons were released so that the may fly by, beautifying the scene.

Hearing, then seeing this, Sesshomaru pulled slowly away to look at the swarm, then turned to Yuki, smiling. "I thought we agreed on not having any birds," he reminded her.

Yuki could only smile mischievously at him, explaining herself, "I couldn't resist."

Then finally they both turned and began to walk arm in arm back down the aisle, now officially husband and wife.

Sweetly the newlyweds kissed each other as the husband hovered above his bride on the bed. Both had changed into robes and were now just getting into what every couple did on their wedding night. However, Yuki used the moment that Sesshomaru pulled away from her to ask one question, "Sesshomaru… how do you feel now that it's official?"

The demon gave a sigh as he played with a strand of his wife's hair. "If my feelings have changed at all it is because I have fallen deeper in love with you," he finally replied in the softest of whispers.

Yuki smiled at the response. "I love you," she told him.

Hearing this, Sesshomaru gazed down at Yuki for only a moment before leaning down and kissing her tenderly. "I love you too," he returned before continuing the process that they had started not too long before.

In moments his hands had found the collar of the robe that she had changed into, slowly sliding it down and off of her as the seconds passed. And even though he had seemed to be enjoying himself, Sesshomaru suddenly stopped.

First realizing what had happened, Yuki began to worry. "What's wrong?" she asked, voicing her concern.

"Your mark…" Sesshomaru replied as a shaky hand traced it, "It's… begun to fade."

"What exactly does that mean?" she asked, knowing that it probably wasn't good news.

"Yuki…" Sesshomaru began as he looked from the mark to her as a smile spread across his face, "You're pregnant."

And so it was good news after all. A cherry on top of the perfect ending.

Dulcet: Yes, it is true. The end has come!

Koneko: Sort of…

Dulcet: You see, in case you didn't know, there's a sequel!

Koneko: Yep! So just right on down to our profile and read it! It's gonna be fun, fun, fun!