TO ALL YOU NEW READERS... I would really appreciate it if you still reviewed on the story about your likes and dislikes of it! Just because the story is complete, doesn't mean I don't love the love!

Disclaimer: If I did own the characters of Inu Yasha, I would use them to do my evil bidding and/or to entertain me.

Chapter One: Jump Into the Past

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Yuki lazily reached for the noisome alarm clock and quickly turned it off, slowly opening her rare violet eyes as she awoke in her room. However, she did not immediately rise. For some reason unknown to her, just getting out of bed was usually the hardest part of her entire day. "Yuki Miyamota!" came the sound of her mother's voice, "Get out of bed right now young lady! Your breakfast is getting cold!" Hearing this lifted the sixteen-year-old's groggy spirits as she smiled and stretched at the thought of the meal that was awaiting her in the kitchen. There was absolutely no better reason to leave her warm, comfortable bed than breakfast made by her darling mother... truly. Yuki adored her mother's cooking! Any meal prepared by Ms. Miyamota could make anyone jump for joy and do back flips across town!

So, Yuki sprang out of bed and reached for the clothes that she had set out for herself the night before: a white and green school-girl's uniform that she of course wore every school day of the week. Moments later she was checking herself in the mirror, just like she did every day. And just like she did every day, she found nothing pleasing about herself. Exactly what was it about her that seemed to repel boys and any other sort of peer? Yuki sighed. The crimped green skirt was too short for her liking, as it always had been and as it always would be. If there was one thing she hated about school, it was not the fact that she had little or no friends. It wasn't that she was teased about being a "brain". It wasn't even that all of the after school activities she went to sucked up what little social life she had. In fact, what she positively detested about school was the short skirts that the boys were always looking up. As mentioned, Yuki wanted boys to notice her, but not like that.

Finally, the last thing that Yuki did to improve her appearance was to brush the bed head out of her mid back length raven hair, then put it into a loose and low ponytail so that it wouldn't be in her way throughout the day. "Good morning Yuki. You want milk or orange juice?" asked Ms. Miyamota.

"Orange juice, please," was her daughter's reply.

This was an average day for Yuki. It started out no differently than so many days before this one that had taken the same exact pattern: wake up, eat breakfast, go to school, eat lunch alone or not even bother with it, do some after school activity, go home, do homework, find a filler activity, go to sleep. It was the same thing over, and over, and over again. There seemed to be no end!

Yuki sighed at this dreadful truth as she walked through the gated entrance to the hell that she called 'school'. But just then as she was just entering through the gate, the day's routine course was suddenly broken as she heard a voice calling after her. "Hey Yuki, wait up!" it beckoned.

Instantly Yuki obeyed the request as if it were an order, stopping and turning around to see a classmate, Kagome Higurashi, running towards her. Yuki raised a confused and curious eyebrow at the approaching peer, this disturbance in The Pattern a strange one in her opinion. What were the odds? She and Kagome had never really ever spoken to each other, much less called after the other in such a way that Kagome had just done. In fact, Yuki was surprised that Kagome even knew her name.

Then when the other girl finally caught up to Yuki, she didn't waste time with a polite greeting or friendly conversation. No, instead she got straight to the point and she instantly asked, "You wanna come over to my house after school to help me study? I would really appreciate it since you're like, the smartest kid in our class and I've been really falling behind in everything lately."

Yuki could only stand in her spot, statue still, and stare at Kagome for a bewildered moment, hardly believing that one of the most popular girls in school had even noticed her in the first place. But Yuki was finally able to snap out of the trance once she realized what she was doing, standing and looking like an idiot. "Well... I'm sure I'm not the smartest..." she replied, "…but I could help you out, I guess."

Then, as if on cue, the bell rang throughout the campus grounds right on time. "Cool," Kagome smiled, "It really means a lot to me."

Then the two girls hurried of to class… together.

After school, Yuki walked with Kagome to her house, conversing as if they were old friends even though they hardly knew anything about the other girl. Was this what it was like to actually come over to someone else's house? The last time Yuki could actually remember going over to someone's house before was when she went to sleep over at her cousin's while her mother went out of town to attend a funeral. It had been totally different than what was happening now. Now, she was actually having fun! Even while they studied the girls smiled to each other, especially Yuki since she had to desperately try to ease some of Kagome's stress as they moved on to Geometry, obviously one of Kagome's least favorite subjects.

But it hadn't taken very long for something very strange and bizarre to happen. About half an hour into the arduous study session, Yuki began to hear a sort of tapping noise coming from an unknown source. The distraction made her instantly look up from her text book to see Kagome staring nervously out the window, her eyes filled with panic. Of course, this caused Yuki to also glance over in curiosity. Unfortunately, she was denied to see the source of the sound for Kagome had hurriedly risen from her seat and gone to the window, blocking Yuki's view.

In the next moment she seemed to lean out the window and reach for something. This action was followed by a slight thudding sound below on the ground, accompanied by a few grunts of pain outside. Had Kagome just pushed someone off of the awning and onto the dirt? "What was that for?!" a male voice yelled, almost answering Yuki's question for her.

"I have someone over, come back later!" Kagome called back, a mountain of authority in her voice.

Yuki waited until the other girl had closed the window to ask, "What was that about?"

Kagome sat down as her eyes darted around nervously. " guy next door has a crush on me and is always climbing up to my window," she answered, although it sounded more like an unsure question and a lying cover-up than a statement. Kagome apparently wasn't good at spontaneously lying.

But since the hesitant reply instantly signaled Yuki that Kagome didn't want to tell her the truth, she decided to let it slide. It wasn't her business anyway. "Oh...I see..." she said, then tried to change the subject for Kagome's sake, "Can I use your phone to call my mom really quick?"

Kagome gave a sigh of relief when Yuki accepted the poor excuse and nodded yes. Slowly Yuki rose from her chair and left the teenager's bedroom to the use the phone that she had noticed earlier while walking in the hallway. After slowly dialing the home phone number, Yuki then looked out the window to occupy her mind while waiting for her mother to answer the phone. But as she noticed the distance from the top of the awning to the ground on which the unseen boy had landed, she concluded that it was far beyond the distance any average teenage boy could get onto, let alone fall off of with only a grudge. And there was no ladder, no vine, no way whatsoever to reach the spot that he had fallen from. So how had he done it? How had he come to that place from which he was removed?

Then the sound of her mother's voice recording on the answering machine picking up brought Yuki out of her thoughts. She then left a laconic message, explaining everything about her absence and why she would be home late.

When the two students were finally finished studying a few hours later, Yuki was putting her books and supplies away into her backpack and saying goodbye when she noticed someone just outside of Kagome's window; it was a rather strange looking youth. The boy's hair was not only far longer than the average person's, but it was also the unnatural color of silver! Completely and totally silver! Not only that, but he was dressed oddly too, wearing red, traditional clothing that almost seemed to suit his classic appearance. But the most peculiar thing of all that Yuki noticed was that he had dog ears on top of his head instead of human ones on the side of it!

The man peered into the room with eyes of gold and grew frightened and worried at being seen by a stranger. Kagome looked over at the window to investigate the shocked looks that Yuki was sending over towards it. Then, at spotting the new presence she tensed, then turned back to Yuki as she started rushing her out of the door saying, "Yeah well, thanks a lot for helping me out! See ya at school!" And before Yuki could ask any questions, Kagome slammed the door in her face.

But neither Yuki nor her curiosity would be disposed of so easily! So, she devised a plan. It was a plan so cunning, so daring, so dangerous that it had to be executed with care and precision. And so, she began immediately: she found a place where she could see both the front and the back of the house and hid in the bushes to await some action that would fulfill her curiosity. It's not like Yuki had anything better to do anyway than to see what was going on with Kagome and that... boy. Now that she thought about it, Yuki couldn't help but question if that man had even been HUMAN!

But finally Kagome exited her home through the back door, wearing her backpack that was looking like it was far too overloaded to just be carrying school supplies. She and the boy rushed into a small shrine that Yuki hadn't seemed to notice before now. Unfortunately, when Yuki ran after the duo and went inside to snoop about the situation, she found that there was nothing inside the walls except an ancient well. Yuki walked curiously and cautiously towards it and looked down into it to see if they were possibly hiding in it, but alas, it was too dark to clearly see the bottom.

By this time, Yuki's curiosity had temporarily banished her common sense, so she jumped in to investigate if they were indeed at the bottom of the bottomless well. It was only as she was falling that Yuki realized that there was probably nothing at the bottom to break her fall, so she began to worry frantically about the result. What had she gotten herself into? Fotunately, her troubled mind was instantly interrupted by the purple lights that were surrounding her, filling the darkness around her. When it died down she found that she landed softly at the bottom, her feet seeming to float to the dirt floor.

As she looked around once more, the teenage girl realized something had changed: sunlight was shining down into the well when only moments earlier it had been shaded by the shrine. Also, there were now vines hanging down inside. Now, an athlete Yuki was not, but she managed to climb up said botanical ropes to the outside. The first thing that she noticed was that she was no longer in the confinements of the small structure outside of Kagome's home. In fact, there was no house, street, or city in sight; only beautiful green grass and a thick earthy forest. It was as if society had not even touched this place that Yuki could have only dreampt about before! Alas, along with a lack of society there was also a lack of Kagome. Not even the strange boy was in sight.

Yuki glanced around in panic. What would she do now? She knew not of where she was, let alone how to get home or what dangers resided here. That's when she spotted salvation: a dirt path that entered the forest. Upon seeing it, Yuki immediately made her way over to it, hoping that it would lead her to someone that could help her get out of this place and return home, for this surely was no home that she knew of.

But as she wandered the path, Yuki took in the habitat's earthy scenery: the trees that were so thick they only let an occasional ray of sunlight shine through, the bushes where little woodland creature probably dwelt, the random positioning of each boulder, each flower, and each patch of grass almost seemed as if it was not casual, but planned to add to the wonder of this place. It all seemed so serene. It all seemed so perfect. Maybe there was nothing to fear in this place after all...

And as she gawked around at the magnificent sights, Yuki hadn't even noticed the village that was coming into sight, small and quiet as it was. She did notice eventually though, the medieval town that marked the first sign of possible aid. It was a small community filled with citizens dressed in peasant garb, as if this were a time hundreds of years ago instead of the era that Yuki knew. A farming town of old is what it seemed to be.

However, for Yuki the matter of the possible time skip was not what worried her. What made her the most uneasy was the attention she was receiving from those whom passed her. All of the locals seemed to be pointing and staring, whispering to a fellow onlooker as the newcomer walked by. Yuki's cheeks burned as they darkened with embarrassment from all of the notice she was drawing to herself. What bothered her the most though was that she didn't even know what on earth she was doing to cause such a fuss. Hadn't they ever seen a teenage girl before?

Luckily she soon spotted a familiar face. Kagome and the dogman were sitting idly with a few others in front of a hut, talking with one another nonchalantly. So Yuki hurried over, eager to find out what this place was. At first, no one seemed to notice her as she approached the group. "Uh...Kagome," Yuki interrupted the discussion as she came to them, drawing all eyes onto her, "What is this place?"

Kagome stared at her peer with wide and disbelieving eyes, as if she had just been shown the most shocking of sights. "Yuki?" she asked, "How did you get here?"

Looking down at the ground in recollection and in avoidance of the stares of these new strangers, Yuki shook her head. "I don't know," she replied, "But can you please tell me where we are?"

So, she was told everything about how Yuki had come to be there, that she was now in Feudal Japan, and why Kagome was there herself. But by the time Kagome had finished her tale, Yuki's violet eyes had grown large as they had been filled with amazement and her jaw had dropped in total disbelief. But the startled girl soon recovered and asked, "Okay, so who're all these people?" And she pointed to the dogman and company.

Kagome smiled cheerfully. "This is Inu Yasha," she answered gesturing to the dogman. Then, she continued the introductions and went around the circle of allies, "This is the monk: Miroku, the demon slayer: Sango, and the fox demon: Shippo."

Yuki smiled and went behind Inu Yasha, finally having worked up the courage to begin to pull on his dog ears to double-check that they were real. "Pleasure to meet you," she told him, "Are these things real?"

The half demon's eyebrow twitched with impatience at the new acquaintance's forwardness. "Can you get her offa me?" he asked, folding his arms in front of him. It was another minute or so until Yuki finally grew bored with playing with Inu Yasha's dog ears and was able to leave them be. That's when she took Shippo into account for the first time.

She let out a squeak of excitement as she rushed over to him, pulled the small kitsune onto her lap and began to play with his animal features. "He's so cute!" she smiled, petting the child lovingly. But unlike Inu Yasha, Shippo seemed to enjoy the attention he received from Yuki.

"Yuki was your name, right?" the monk questioned, moving so that he was now sitting next to her. In response, she nodded to him. "Well, Yuki," he began lowering his head and closing his eyes as he spoke, "I have a request for you."

Yuki's eyebrows raised with interest as she stared over at the holy man. That's when she made the mistake of replying with, "Anything, good sir monk." Miroku smiled and snatched Yuki's hands from their work on Shippo. The confused girl looked from her hands that were now held in Miroku's to the face of Miroku himself, then back again.

"Would you do me the honor of bearing my children?"

A light blush formed on her cheeks as she noticed for the first time just how warm the monk's hands were. Yuki had been so surprised by this request that she didn't know what to say. "We… just met," she pointed out.

"That may be so, but I believe in love at first sight!" Miroku countered, a friendly smile strewn across his face.

Then his grip was loosened as the companion named Sango brought a mighty fist down upon Miroku's head. "Watch yourself, monk," she growled as Yuki pulled her hands away from the lecher's.

Now having a desperate need to get away from this man, she turned to Kagome. "Kagome," she said, "Would it be all right if I took a little walk? I would like to see more of this place."

Nodding, she replied, "Yeah. But someone should probably go with you. Shippo? Sango? Would you?" Both nodded and came to their feet, as did Yuki.

Yuki couldn't tell what it was exactly about that forest that she loved so much, but she knew that unlike what the perverted Miroku had spoken of, this WAS indeed love at first sight. Maybe she just wouldn't go back to her own time at all. Maybe she would just remain here for the rest of her life, living in the calm of the trees. Ha! If only... If only she didn't have to go home to a world of responsibilities. After all, she couldn't just disappear from existence! People would wonder where she went. There would be inquiries, rumors, maybe even official investigations. No. As much as she wanted to Yuki couldn't simply decide to live here for the rest of her life. Instead, the best that she could do at the moment was to enjoy this place as best as she could before she had to return home.

But the peaceful state of mind that Yuki was experiencing was ended by a rustle of leaves from a bush that was nearby. The three stopped in their tracks and looked around for what had caused the disturbance. It didn't take long for them to discover the source of the noise because he was standing in plain sight. A tall, cold looking man was approaching, adorned in fine clothing and even finer armor. His white hair reminded Yuki as much of the moon as the blue mark on his forehead that was one of many other strange symbols on his body. He stopped and stared at the ensemble with emotionless golden orbs, freezing Yuki's heart with fear and terror.