Title: Hate the Game, Not the Player
Author: Darth Claire
Beta: NiennaAngelWord Count: 156
Pairing: Momo/Ryo
Rating: G
Disclaimer: PoT is not mine.
Prompt from argentdragon Momo/Ryo: videogames.
Ryoma frowned at the screen as the surly brunette waited for him to respond. He selected the first answer and was rewarded with a date. A few answers later, Ryoma was receiving a kiss and the dialogue was starting to sound familiar.
"Do you get all your lines from a dating sim?" he asked Momo who was behind him on the bed doing homework. He heard a crack as Momo's pencil snapped in half.
"Eh, well," Momo began, ignoring the ruined pencil as he ran through the list of answers Inui's Echizen dating sim provided for this situation. None of the ones he had tried so far had worked. Desperate for help he glanced at the TV. "Let's go get some ice cream."
Ryoma turned off the game and walked out of the room. "Mada mada dane."
Momo hung his head as his bedroom door slammed shut. Too bad Ryoma didn't come with a reset button.
Ooo The End ooO