AN- Okay, I am sooo sorry this took me like a year to update! I've just been busy because my uncle got MARRIED!!! Yay. Anyway, that has made writing difficult plus I had writers block and, anyway, here it is! Yayoi + Soubi …'ll see.

DISCLAIMER- I don't own Loveless, Ritsuka, Kio, Soubi, Yuiko, Yayoi or any of the other characters in this fanfiction. I do, however, own this story so if you steal it "I'll bite your legs off!" (I don't own the Monty Python movie that quote is from either tehe)

Smile For Me, Sweetie

"Yayoi! Yayoi!" Ritsuka called his friends name as he softly shook his small body. Yayoi rolled over and stared up at Ritsuka's big beautiful eyes. They were gazing at him lovingly but there was something else hidden behind the loving gaze. Something pain filled and hurt. Something that Yayoi couldn't kiss away no matter how hard he tried.

The angry red clock read 2:31AM. Yayoi and Ritsuka had been together for almost two straight days and Yayoi had never been happier. Maybe he didn't have such a thing for Yuiko after all. Ritsuka spoke quickly, interrupting Yayoi's thoughts.

"Yayoi, I just heard my mother. She's coming down here, so you need to leave."

"Okay," whispered Yayoi softly and began to reach for his shirt running his hand along Ritsuka's chest on the way. He tilted his head up and slightly parted his lips, begging for a kiss but Ritsuka just tilted his head up to the ceiling as he heard a thump and a "Ritsuka!" overhead.

"Now," Ritsuka said sternly, ignoring the hurt look on Yayoi's face. Once Yayoi had climbed up to the windowsill he turned to look back at Ritsuka.

"When can we…when will I see you again?" he asked.

"I don't know, Yayoi, just leave, please." Ritsuka put a hand on the small of Yayoi's back and pushed him out the window, hard. Yayoi's feet landed on the fire escape and walked sadly down onto the street. He didn't know what had happened between him and Ritsuka but he figured it was over. A one night stand was okay with him he just would have preferred to have done more if he would've known it was a one time thing.

"YOU!" Misaki screamed upon entering Ritsuka's room. "You, you give back my Ritsuka!!" Then she started. She had beaten Ritsuka before but each time still hurt. She threw punches to the left and the right. She punched hard right into the center of Ritsuka's jaw and he heard a crack. Then it was like he was floating away. He saw his mother beating him and slapping him. Then he saw her grab Yayoi's knife. He must have left it behind and at four inches long it could easily go most of the way through Ritsuka. He saw her drive it into his stomach, heard his own garbled scream but felt nothing. He only felt the distancing of his body from earth. Only heard his body's slow mournful cry of



Soubi didn't know where he wanted to go. He wanted to see Ritsuka really bad but he didn't want to see Ritsuka with that other little kid. He wanted Ritsuka to be all his. He knew that he was walking to Ritsuka's house but he told himself it was just so he could feel Ritsuka's presence. It had taken them a while to develop the fighter/ sacrifice bond that allowed this almost psychic knowledge of one another but now that they had it Soubi loved it.

As he stood outside Ritsuka's house he heard a sound on the fire escape. A rattling sound, like someone was coming down it. Then he saw the cause of the noise. Yayoi, the boy who had stolen his beautiful Ritsuka. Yayoi who had ruined everything that Soubi had built his life around. "So I trust you had fun in there." Soubi spat out with all the contempt he could manage.

"I don't see what it matters to you." growled Yayoi, fixing the buttons on his pants.

"Don't see what it matters to…oh, Ritsuka didn't tell you, did he?" said Soubi, assuming that Yayoi didn't know about him and Ritsuka. Yayoi picked up on it.

"Oh no, I know about you two. I just don't care. I know Ritsuka is with me. I'm secure enough in what we have to let him be. Unlike some people." Yayoi smiled rather smugly and began to turn when Soubi broke out of the trance Yayoi's words had put him in. The shear amount of cockiness that statement must have taken…

Soubi grabbed the boy by the collar of his shirt and yanked him up so their faces were close "You are-" but he was cut off by a scream. Not an "I stubbed my toe" scream either but a blood curdling scream of sheer unadulterated pain. Soubi glanced to Yayoi and then headed up the fire escape. But before he reached the window he looked down at a frightened Yayoi and mouthed We'll finish this.

Soubi reached the window in record time but when he looked in he made up for all his running by heading to the edge of the fire escape and vomiting. He saw Misaki drive a knife into Ritsuka. His beautiful, wonderful, sexy, shy and sweet Ritsuka. He couldn't handle it. Past this point, he didn't remember really being in his body, more like just watching.

He watched himself run into Ritsuka's room. Watched himself feel Ritsuka's arm for a pulse and find a small, faint one. Watched himself grab Misaki's arms and pin her to the floor. Watched himself grab the knife she had been holding and drive it through her leg. Misaki screamed and asked why he had hurt her. He heard himself tell her about meeting Ritsuka and about being Ritsuka's boyfriend. He heard her say how badly she was going to hurt him for being gay, how unacceptable that was, how her Ritsuka would never do a thing like that. However, she didn't get very far into this extensive list. Soubi (now back in his body feeling every sensation) slit her throat before she could say enough to make him want to kill her slower.

He felt himself shaking but he realized that he couldn't think about what he had just done. He had to get Ritsuka out of there.

"Soubi…" he heard. It was faint and garbled but it was still a cry. "S-sou-soub-b-i" Ritsuka choked out, his hand clenched tightly over the hole in his stomach, "I'm s-s-sor-ry."

"Oh, sweetheart, don't be. Don't be sorry," said Soubi softly as he picked him up and carried him out of the house. "I should be sorry."

"Why…is….that?" moaned Ritsuka softly. He hadn't seen Misaki on their way out of the house.

"Because I…" he couldn't bring himself to tell Ritsuka, as they walked down the quiet early morning streets towards the hospital "Because I fucked Kio and I should never have done that to you."

"It's….okay…I…love…you…any…wa-" and then Ritsuka closed his eyes and his body fell limp.

"Ritsuka?" asked Soubi hurriedly shaking Ritsuka's small body to try and wake him up. Soubi knew this should have scared him as much as it did. Ritsuka had passed out before. But this time he was horrified, this time was different.

This time, he couldn't feel Ritsuka anymore.