Title: Peeping Slytherins

Summary: Blaise buys some enchanted chalk that is supposed to be used to draw doors which lead anywhere you want them to. Draco is very disbelieving and decides to put this chalk to the test by drawing a doorway into Hermione's apartment. Chaos and hilarity ensues. Hermione x Draco & Ginny x Blaise.

Blaise Zabini came running into his apartment, screaming out incoherent phrases. He ran about it frantically, searching for his arrogant, blonde roommate, who was probably admiring himself in the bathroom mirror. The crazed boy slammed open the bathroom door, hitting his roommate square in the face.

"My face!"

"Draco! I have great news!"

"It better be bloody magnificent!" Draco pouted, rubbing his nose. "You almost knocked all the beauty out of me and that's near damn impossible."

"I saved money on my car insurance by switching to Geico!"

"That is it! No more muggle television for you!"

"I'm kidding," Blaise said quickly. "I love my Spanish soap operas. You really should start watching Betty La Fea with me."

"Screw that! It's about a nerd who falls in love with a rich guy and then bam, one day she's pretty and he loves her too. Total crap."

"It's really sweet and funny. You should be more sensitive."

Draco rolled his eyes dramatically. "You should have been a woman. You can't even understand what they're saying!"

"My mother is from Spain, stupid!"

"Can you please explain to me why I live in this shitty apartment with you?"

"Because you want to be my lover?"

The truth was that during the war, Draco and Blaise had switched to the light side creating two very disgruntled pureblooded families. They quickly cut off their sons from their money and inheritance. Both had a job at the ministry but neither had yet obtained the position most lucrative of their department. They were only nineteen and, even though they fought in the war, were still treated as children by their elders. They had to climb up the social ladder all over again since they were disowned. Narcissa sent the two boys money every other week but it all disappeared quickly on rent and food. Nothing seemed to be enough anymore but they still managed to be content with life.

"Please, refrain from saying that. Now, can you tell me why you came running in here like a pregnant woman about to give birth?"

"When a woman's water breaks they can't run around as frantically as I can."

"Blaise, get on with it!"

"I have something cool," he said in a sing-song voice. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out two pieces of chalk.

"What the hell do you pretend to do with that? Play hop-scotch on the sidewalk?"

"You've been watching the television…"

"Zabini. What is the chalk for?" Draco asked, with an edge to his voice.

"Oooh, last name basis. You're cranky and I'm hurt."


"Okay! We can draw doorways!"


"To other places!"



"We'll draw a doorway to St. Mungo's and leave you there."

Blaise stuck out his bottom lip. "You're a mean fuckface!"

"You've been tricked," Draco said. "Who in Merlin's Underwear Drawer convinced you that these two little sticks will take you other places?"

"A hooded man in the Leaky Cauldron…"

"What did I say about strangers?"

Blaise shook his head and crossed his arms like a child. "I don't want to say."

"What did I say about strangers, Blaise?"

"Never talk to them or take things from them unless they are a hot woman with fantastic legs."

"Good Blaise."

"But it was so cool and I wanted them! You draw something you can fit through and then push it. The piece will move out and then you can go through! Anywhere you want!"

Draco stared at him, eyebrow raised. He took one of the sticks of chalk from Blaise's hand and eyed it warily. "You mean to say this chalk draws doorways to anywhere we want?" Blaise nodded feverishly. "Alright then. Let's put this to the test and draw a doorway to…hmmm…Granger's flat."

"Hermione Granger? Why her? We could go to that famous girl's house. What's her name?"

"Haris Pilton?"

"Paris Hilton!"

"Yeah but she has weird feet…"

Blaise rolled his eyes. "You're picky."

"I'm not; I just don't want to see crusty feet all over my bed."

"The girl you did last week had a funny looking pinky nail. It looked like it wasn't there."

"She made good conversation!"

"Invisible pinky nail! Invisible pinky nail! Invisible pinky nail!"


"Fine," Blaise sighed. "But why Granger?"

Draco shrugged. "I don't know. She's as random as I could spontaneously get and she was the last person we saw at the ministry today. She was bringing in a report from St. Mungo's for someone about I don't know what…"

"That's a lie. The last person we saw was Finnegan."

"And you want to go there, fruit basket?"

"I was just calling you on your lie!"

"Could we just get this over with already???"

"Okay, okay," Blaise said. "Let's do this."

Draco and Blaise positioned themselves in front of a plain wall in their living room. They had never bothered to put anything on it and it was the perfect space for their experiment. Blaise put the chalk to the wall and started to draw but then Draco stopped him.

"Wait, how do we close it back up?" he asked.

"The guy said you tap the wall with your wand and say 'Peeping Passed'."

"'Peeping Passed'?! This is for perverts!" Draco said, horrified. "It's easy access to spy on naked girls!"

"What are you, a nun? You are perverted!"

"Yeah, well…I don't buy this chalk made for horny people."

"No but you'll use it."

"Just shutup and draw."

Blaise rolled his eyes and continued to draw his idea of a doorway. When he was finished, he smiled at it, satisfied.

"Isn't it pretty?"

"Blaise, it's a giant heart. A crooked one."

"You know, you should learn to compliment people."

"You draw like shit!"

"I want to see you draw the next doorway!"

"I will!"

"Yeah, and we'll see who's laughing then!"



"Monkey's asshole!"

Blaise gasped. "How could you?"

"Oh geez!" Draco muttered and he pushed on the wall. To his, and Blaise's surprise, the wall disappeared leaving a big gaping hole in the middle of their living room shaped as a bent up heart. The only problem was that they didn't specify what part of her house to gain entrance to so the chalk played Russian Roulette with it and they got any random room.

Hermione Granger was cooking dinner for her and her roommate, Ginny Weasley. She was trying desperately to cheer her up because Ginny had recently gotten her heart broken for the second time. Sixth year was a disaster for the red head; she fell in love with someone totally forbidden during the war and her family had a fit. The boy proved to be good in the end but the Weasleys would hear none of it; they didn't want her associating with someone who had once joined forces with a group that was such a threat to human kind. Her heart yearned for this boy still and she was already eighteen years old. Seventh year, she steered away from all male contact and fell into a depression. Hermione helped her out of it and Ginny finally tried dating again when she got out of Hogwarts. She met a guy named Xavier and they lasted about seven months until she found out he had cheated on her numerous times.

"Ginny! Dinner's ready!"

Hermione finished setting up the table and sighed. She attempted cooking Ginny's favorites but they never tasted as good as Mrs. Weasley made them. The young red head came into the kitchen and smiled at the food.

"Thank you. It means a lot to me," she muttered.

"Nothing to it," Hermione said. "I just want you to enjoy it, okay?"

Both girls sat in silence and ate before Ginny finally spoke up. "I had a dream about him last night…"

"It's been really long since you have. What, almost a year, right?"

She nodded. Neither girl dared to speak his name because it brought too many negative memories into Ginny's head. Whenever they spoke of 'him' they knew exactly who they were referring to.

"I miss him," Ginny sighed.

"I do, too. As a friend of course. He was a great guy, really. I wish your family could have seen that."

She shrugged. "Too late now."

Hermione nodded sadly and squeezed her shoulder encouragingly. "You alright?"

"Yeah, I just…I'm going to bed early tonight. Thank you for the food, it was really good," Ginny said. Sighing, she got up and retreated to her room.

Ginny entered her room and closed the door with her foot. She closed her eyes and pulled her shirt off with a deep sigh. She was so tired and just worn out. Things weren't getting any better for her and she was sick of it. She missed him and Xavier was never enough for her. She was more upset that Xavier wasn't a good enough replacement for him rather than the fact that he cheated.

Taking another deep sigh, she opened her eyes and what she saw almost knocked her over. A tall guy was standing in a heart-shaped passageway in her room and he was beautiful. His brown hair fell shaggily over his eyes, which were a gorgeous blue with a golden ring around the pupil. He was tan and obviously muscular. He had a lip ring on the left side of his bottom lip and Ginny felt her stomach tie in knots. She had once pressed her lips against that lip ring and shivered at its coldness.


"Ginny…I…hola cariño."

The red head felt her knees go weak at the familiar greeting and almost passed out. Ginny hadn't seen him ever since her family forbade her. She was forced to avoid all areas he was in and next thing she knew, years passed and she hadn't seen his face. She was awakened with the rudeness of a brute voice.

"Oy, this isn't Granger's apartment! Peeping Passed! Peeping Passed!"

"Wait!" Blaise yelled but it was too late; the doorway had already closed. "You're a fucking idiot!"

"What? We were in the wrong place!" Draco said defensively.

"Did you see who it was?! It was Ginny!"



"What?" Draco asked with a shrug.

"Seventh year! Remember?!"

"…Whoops, sorry mate, I panicked. Draw the doorway again."

"No, now I'm all nervous!"

Draco rolled his eyes. "Fine, then just go tomorrow."

"Right. Tomorrow."

Blaise's eyes lingered on the wall for a minute and then retreated to his room. Draco sighed and shrugged and then also went to his. The night could not get any weirder than that.

A/N: I'm back and quick, lol. I have like fanfic fever; I can't stop writing! Anywho, here is my new attempt at being original, lol. This story will focus equally on both relationships. It is just easier with Blaise and Ginny because of their past but not to worry; Hermione and Draco will be together. Anywho, this is deff going to be a comedy. I'm better at that then angsty stuff. It's not my forte. I hope you really like this and laugh the entire way through. I just adore my Blaise. He's such an adorable dunce, lol. Don't think anything else is needed to be said. Thanks for reading. Remember: Read, enjoy, & always review!

Wow, I just read a flame I got on "Smile" and it dampened my mood. She says that I lost admiration, that people would have been happier had Draco and Hermione been together, and had my story been longer. She says I screwed it up. Wow. I write for the enjoyment of others and so people can be happy but I also write for MYSELF. Had I gone against my idea I would have hated my story. I choose my happiness over others, as greedy as that sounds. I think I did a damn good job and I'm fucking proud of what I produced. Life isn't rainbows and butterflies, why should all stories be so? God, and if you're going to flame don't make it anonymous, okay? Be proud of your opinions. Gosh, this is the last time I defend my ending, lol. I'm leaving it as it is and people can keep talking about it and saying it sucks. It was fabulous, so boo you whore.

I love you guys who support me or atleast respect my decisions. UGH, enough of this, lol. I'm over it. Yay, read my story!