
Set after season 3 finale…

Burke left her. Burke left her. How did she let that happen? How did she let herself slip away? She let herself go; she dressed up in a dress, she got her hair done, she wore a choker, she let 'mama' take her eyebrows, she agreed to a big wedding, and she agreed to marriage. She's not the marrying type. She said she'd never get married. She's a surgeon. And he dumped her. How'd she let it happen to her?

"It's all over…" that's what she said. He couldn't get that out of his head. "It's all over." Did she mean them? He didn't want to lose her. He loved her. She kept leaving him. Was this just pay back? Is she doing this just because he hurt her? Does she just want him to feel what it's like? Or is she really not going to stay? He can't do this anymore…he has to let her go. But how?

They're having a baby. What the hell! They're having a baby? She told him she was in love with him. She told him. She poured her heart out to him. And he's going to have a baby with her. How's she supposed to do this? How is she supposed to work with the man she loves and the woman he's married to, knowing full well they're happy together and having a baby? What's she going to do?

He failed. He will no longer be a surgeon. While all of his friends will be residents, he'll be an intern; again. Or else he can stop being a surgeon. How can he do that? He can't just do that…can he? And Izzie admitted she loved him. And now, Callie wants to have a baby. And he said yes. And they tried. Now what's he supposed to do?

He let her go. He loves her. He knows it and so does she. But he let her go. And now she's gone. She's gone back to her husband. What the hell is he going to do now? Addison was great for a one night deal, but Ava was different. He knew he could stay with her. She liked him, even though he's an ass. He knew her before she knew her. How's he supposed to get her back?

"You either need to get a new job, or a new life." The chief had said that to her. To HER. How dare he! She is Addison Montgomery. She is the best OB/GYN in the nation. THE BEST. And he's not going to promote her to Chief-of-Surgery. This is not fair. But he was right. She needs a new job…a new job and a new life. Should she go?

He made them all work. He was the reason they fought so hard. And now, he's not going to be chief. That's all he really wanted. That besides Addison. He wants her. Oh boy does he want her. But she wants Karev. He went almost 60 full days without sex. He was going to go those full 60 days. But then she slept with Karev. He finally knew what it felt like to be rejected. He finally knew. Now what's he going to do?

He named her Chief Resident. She's worked her ass off. She started a free clinic. She kept her interns under control, even when she was out on maternity leave. She took everyone's comments about the Duquet incident. She's been there for her interns. She's been there for the chief. She has done the best she could possibly do, and he still didn't name her Chief Resident. So now what's she supposed to do? Should she just call it quits? Can she do that?