kawaii-firestar-My first chaptered story is started! My family's over so that's all I really have to say.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

"Yes!" Naruto cheered, leading the group of shinobi behind him. He pumped a fist into the air enthusiastically. "Granny Tsunade finally gave me a mission!" The Number 1 Hyperactive ninja started his victory dance but was stopped by a very cruel fist. A small gasp was heard when he fell to the ground.

Sakura winced mentally and rubbed her knuckles. His spiky haired head was hard! "Naruto quit thinking of only yourself!" she yelled as Inner Sakura laughed evilly at his crumpled form. "Tsunade-sama gave all of us an order for the same mission," she pointed out, motioning to Sasuke and teams 8,9, and Gai.

It was true. Rock Lee had burst into each team's training session reporting that the Hokage had wanted each of them to come to her office immediately for a mission assignment. Oh, did I mention that Lee told everyone this with overflowing youth that made Gai cry, and then caused the sunset background to appear as he hugged Lee in joy, even though it was 9 A.M.? Well, that's what happened. Anyway, all the ninja were supposed to go to Tsunade's office without their sensei, which caused some confusion. The genin obeyed without question though. Tsunade was scary when her orders weren't filled. Especially if she was drunk.

Within a few minutes, the 12 ninja had reached Tsunade's office and were knocking on her door.

"Come in," the Hokage's voice slurred from behind it. It was obvious she had been drinking... again. The genin looked at each other, silently debating if they should really go in. Shino, Sasuke, Tenten, and everyone else whose brain could operate had already turned around when Neji pushed through the mini crowd and opened the door. Leave it to Neji to get them all screwed. They all shuffled in and stood before their Hokage. Well... they would have been if not for the three other genin blocking their way. All the Konoha ninja blinked before Naruto broke the silence.

"Granny Tsunade what are they doing here?!?!" He pointed an accusing finger at the Sand Siblings to add to the effect. Naruto wasn't happy to see Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro again to say the least.

Tsunade stood up shakily to get a better view of her village's genin. Too bad the sake was affecting her vision right now. "I assigned these three the same mission as all of you genin, Naruto." Wow, she was so drunk she couldn't even snap back at the 'granny' comment.

"But they tried to destroy our village!" everyone except the cool, calm, and collected ones yelled. (aka Sasuke, Neji, Shino, and Shikamaru, who is too lazy to care.)

This didn't seem to faze Tsunade. Big shocker there. "No buts. Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro are going on the same mission as you and you're gonna like it!" She puched her desk straight on and it snapped in half. Everyone flinched and shuffled slowly away. Yes...even the cool, calm, and collected ones. And the one who didn't care. "By the way Kiba, Akamaru can't go. Health problems and all." Holy mother! The alcohol was even giving Tsunade mood swings! Or was it PMS? Wait... isn't she too old to have PMS?

Grumbles of ineffective protest came from the group. The Sand Siblings didn't care. They had nothing better to do than go on a Konoha mission. A light bulb turned on in someone's head. "Hey! What kind of mission has health issues with dogs!"

"A very good question," Tsunade said, switching to another mood. "You are all going to go to..." the blonde paused for a dramatic effect. "A..." the ninjas who cared eye's widened. "A..." their eyes are now the size of dinner plates."... a carnival." Everyone paused. Three seconds later, maniacal laughter filled the room. Man! Tsunade's got to lay off the sake once in a while. Smack! The overly drunk maniac passed out on her desk, which was amazing since it had snapped in half. Even Gaara was surprised.

"How much sake did Tsunade-sama have this time?" Tenten asked in shock at her idol. Everyone looked at the floor by Tsunade's now limp form. So much for a floor! Eight bottles of sake lay empty at her feet. Well...that explained a lot.

"Yay!" Naruto cheered, "A fun mission!" Kiba and Lee jumped up to join their friend and cheered with him. The three danced around Tsunade's office while the other twelve stared on in disbelief. A glass bottle popped out of each of the dancing idiot's pockets. Being too drunk to care, the dance continued. There was a smash from one of the bottles and Tsunade woke up. She shoved all 15 people out of her office in a rage.

"Here are tickets to get in to the carnival," she said and shoved 15 tickets into the closest teens hand. After making sure that Shikamaru wouldn't lose them, Tsunade slammed the door in everone's faces. A "Get moving bright and early tomorrow morning!" was heard behind the door.

15 ninjas blinked. "She was serious?"

kawaii-firestar- And that concludes chapter one of Carnival Antics!