Kai's Nightmare

Warnings:Contains the following angst,
character bashing,
possible yaoi,
slight humor,
and other stuff I can't think of right now disclamer:Beyblade belongs to Takao Aoki not me and any songs tv shows and other stuff like that belong to who ever owns them

Bladebreakers Age,Star Sign, and Zodiack Kai-15,Scorpio,Ox 11\9\85 Rei-14,Cancer,Tiger 7\13\86 Tyson-14,Leo,Tiger 7\25\86 Hillary-14,Libra,Tiger 8\4\86 Max-13,Gemini,Rabbit 5\24\87 Kenny-12,Virgo,Dragon 9\10\88 Daichi-11,Aries,Snake 4\17\89

Note:The years and signs are correct but except for Kai I do not know the exact day of their birth. Also if you pay attention too the laser show thing in episode 4 season 3 you'll notice that it says 2000 so it must be the year 2000.

(End Extras)

(...'s POV) (A\N:Guess who)

It was around 1 A.M. when I awoke to the sound of someone whimpering and speaking...begging in what I belive to be Russian.I paused and carefully looked over to where Kai was sleeping and as I thought it was coming from Kai,,he seemed so scared, it was weird in a way Kai being scared.Suddenly Kai shot up and looked around,he didn't seem to relize I was awake.

(End Rei's POV)

(Kai POV)

...I shot up and looked around it was dark, still, and quiet, then I relized it wasn't quiet because Tyson and Daichi were snoring as loud as bears which actully made me feel a little bit better...but I was still trembling with fear ...of the Abey...

(Flashback Normal POV)

"No,please I won't do it again,I sware."

"Enough of that, you are a Hiwatari and Hiwatari's do not beg!"

"B...but Grandfather...I..."

"I said enough Kai you broke the rules now you must pay for it! Gaurds take him to...Boris."

"Yes sir."


(End Flashback, Kai's POV)

Just thinking about it made me tremble even more. I brought my knees to my chest and rested my arms on my knees to try and quell the fear but to no avail,
the fear would not die or even die down so that I could sleep. After a few minutes I relized I wasn't going to sleep any time soon so I just sat there in the dark listening to Tyson and Daichi argue in their sleep. Soon Tyson and Daichi stoped sleep talking, so I listened to the crickets...exept there weren't when there should have been. I knew right then and there that something or someone was outside. So I waited and waited in silence. I was so tence that I didn't even relize Rei was watching me, when all of a sudden this huge dog just bulldozes right through Tyson's wall and charged right at me. Just when I thought I was dog food I here a gun shot.

(End Kai's POV)

(Normal POV)

"Oh man, Kai are you alright?"

"Uh...yeah I'm fine Max."

"Well thats a relief I thought that dog was gonna eat you."

"...you and me both."

"Are you sure your alright you seem kinda pale?"

"I'm fine."

"Mmmm...hey guys...why... is there a dead dog in here...?" All sweatdorp

"Tyson, don't you know what's going on here?!"

"Probally not Max, since he asked."

"Good point, so I guess I'll have to tell him what happened. Unless you will Rei?

"Alright, Tyson listen you see that dog there?"


"Well it busted through your wall and tried too eat Kai but your grandpa shot it,

"Oh...I'm going back too bed." All fall over anime style

"Tyson! Kai could have been killed and all you can say is I'm going back too bed are you on drugs!?"


"Grrrrrrahhhhhhhhh" Max begins banging his head on the wall while the others sweatdrop

"Um...Tyson are you really on drugs?"

"No way Rei, I was just messn' around."

"Do you even care that Kai was almost killed?"


"You don't do you?"

"Can we just drop it, I don't really care if Tyson cares or not I wasn't hurt and that's all that matters, becides who cares what Tyson thinks he's an idiot."

"Uh yeah what he said...Hey wait a second!"


"I am not an idiot!"

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not"

"idi.. ..ys ..at."

"what?" Max and Rei sweatdrop

"Hey Tyson."

"Grrrrr what do you want Monkey Boy."

"I just wanted to point out that you just proved your an idiot."

"What! How?"

"When Kai said idiot says what, you said What so there. Hahahahaa"

"GRRRRRRR, How do you know what he said Monkey Boy?"

"Because anyone with half a brain would'ev seen that."

"That still dosn't explain how you figured it out."

"What did you say? You...you Chimpanze."

"Chimpanze? your one too talk Monkey Boy."


"Monkey Boy!"


"Monkey Boy!"





"...;whimper;" Tyson's puppy face

"...;whimper;" Daichi's puppy face

"...uhhhh." Ray is a scared kitty

"...wow" Max is stuned

"...what?...what?" Kai is a little cofuesed

"Woh little dude you need ta chill out. Ya dig?"

"Huh?" Translating,translating,translating,Error,error.

"I'm say'n ya need ta take a chill pill my little homeboy."

"Uhhh...What the heck does he meen?"

"Ummm Kai, I think he meens you need to relax a little bit."

"Oh...thanks Max.Why couldn't he just say so?"

"Well I guess I should call animal control and have 'em get this dog out'a here."

"Oh now I can understand him."

"Ok my little homies time ta clean up this mess"

"..." Kai is irritated now

"Hey Grandpa can we listen to some music while we clean?"

"Sure Why not."

"Cool. Lets listen to Fall Out Boy."

"No way, I wanna listen to Toby Keith."

"No, Keith Urban Is way better"

"No way, they all suck, Lets listen to the Black Eyed Peas."

"What, Max there's no way I'm listening to Keith Urban, and Rei forget Toby Keith,
I might consider the Black Eyed Peas But not Toby Keith or Keith Urban."

"What about Greenday?"

"Kai, there is no way in hell that we're listening to thoughs, thoughs...GOTHS"
(A\N:Tyson has a bad case of Goth phobia.)

"...fine I guess my vote goes to Fall Out Boy"

"Alright!" All glare at Tyson



"Was it something I said?...Rei?"

"No lets just get this giant dog out of here before it starts too stink."


(2 hours later)

"Oh man where finally done,no thanks to Kai."

"Shut up,Tyson."

"Yeah it's not his fault he has a weak stomach."

"I know that Max but still..."

"Tyson, enough just get over it."


"Oh man it's almost 4 o'clock in the morning!"

"Really, I hadn't noticed."

"If we go back to bed now we should be able to get 3 or 4 more hours of sleep"

"Good idea Max."





(A\N:So they all go back to bed.)


Ok so there's the first chapter please review if you do you'll get a free Kitten Not really you can't E-mail live kittens but I can send you a picture of the three little fluff balls in fact their 6 weeks old and their mother is a phyco cat I'm meen it ok bye...Oh! before I forget do any of you have volumes 3,4,6,and 7 of the Beyblade manga cause I can't find them in English anywhere if you do tell me where you got them cause I all ready have volumes 1,2,5,9,10, and 12 and I can find volumes 8,11,13, and 14 in English. please R&R