Hey! So sorry it took me so long to update. Anyway, once again thanks to all of those who reviewed, and enjoy reading!

Chapter 6: A Whole New World

When it was already nearly evening, Will, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia, Hay Lin, Caleb, Matt, Martin, Eric, Nigel and Elyon gathered at the gate to decide how to spend the rest of the day. All of them came to the conclusion that it would be best to have a romantic evening and that each couple would go out to the town on a date.

But then they remembered that Elyon couldn't take part in their plan since she was currently single.

«Don't worry about me, guys! » Her Majesty waved her hands trying to convince her friends «I'll be alright; I'll stay at the theatre for the evening and find what to do»

But Cornelia knew her best friend too well – she immediately got that Elyon had been intending something. «Nah, I know you have something in mind! » she smiled playfully «Spill it, girl! »

Elyon flushed slightly but there was no chance to deny it. «Well…» she smiled shyly «You know Jake Donavan? »

«The guy who plays Tybalt? » Will guessed «Yeah, why are you asking? »

«Well, Jake and I have already been acquainted, before we came to the theatre» Elyon explained. Everybody raised an eyebrow. «Cornelia, I must have told you» she turned to the blonde «Remember, about two years ago Jake came to Heatherfield for a week and we became good pals. Then he returned to California, but we kept in touch by e-mailing each other and managed to get to know one another perfectly. And now he's here at the theatre! We have so much to talk about, so I definitely won't be bored while you're out having dates»

The guys shared cunning glances and although Elyon was insisting that Jake was only a good friend to her and nothing more, everybody understood what was in the air.

«That's great, Ely! » the Earth guardian cheered for her friend. «Now go and don't make Master Tybalt wait! » she added with a teasing smile.

Elyon crossed her arms. «Cornelia! You know we're only friends! »

«Anyway, we wish you a good time! » Hay Lin said with a from-ear-to-ear smile on her face. «Have fun»

«You also have a romantic pastime, guys! » Elyon bid farewell to her friends as she went back through the gate and headed towards the theatre building.

The girls giggled to each other for the last time – their plan to find Elyon a new decent match seemed to have come to be even without their extra interference. But time was not waiting and the couples told goodbye to each other and went away in different directions.

Caleb and Cornelia stayed back at the gate for a minute to watch their friends leaving.

Will and Matt were going along a narrow alley holding hands and chatting nonstop. They haven't yet decided where to go, but this didn't really matter – they just enjoyed each other's company and were able to extract little joys from very common things. Those two were a very cute couple, indeed.

Taranee and Nigel, who were walking the opposite direction, also looked good together. The Fire guardian had always seemed shy and timid but next to her boyfriend she gained her freedom and although her cheeks were covered with bashful blush she could show her real self and was in the seventh heaven.

Then Cornelia and Caleb looked at the direction of leaving Irma and Martin. Nobody had ever thought that those two would be together. A few years ago, when the guys were still at secondary school, Martin was a short frail barnacled nerd and the proud Water guardian didn't want to reciprocate his feelings. But who would expect that guy could change so much? He started working out, looking after his body and eventually turned into a pretty attractive hottie who captured girls' attention. The guardians remembered the period when in 9th grade 3 most popular girls of their school – the eternal cheerleaders Courtney Bishop, Stacey Sommerton and Lisa Redly – were dragging after Martin trying to get hold of him as their boyfriend. Mr. Tubbs even ended up dating Courtney but he never forgot his affection towards Irma. And only then, when he practically slipped through her fingers, the guardian realized that she had also liked Martin during all those years despite his looks. Well, this was a very dramatic story the whole school was witness of, but as it should be in all kinds of that love stuff, everything finished well – Martin broke up with Courtney after less than a month dating (don't worry about her, when Courtney realized she had been given up, she declared herself the instigator of the break-up, told all her friends they were never to be a couple and quickly found herself another boyfriend – the typical sequence of actions of a born cheerleaders' captain) and ended up going out with his beloved Irma. They had been dating over a year now and it seemed that they had always been meant for each other.

Hay Lin was skipping and jumping around Eric while they walked and chattering without coming up for air – the hyper suggested going to the bowling, although she hadn't knocked down a single skittle in her entire life. But despite this even such a ball of energy as Hay Lin succumbed to the whole romantic atmosphere and was behaving calmer than usually, sincerely looking at the crush of her life.

The Earth guardian and the rebel leader gazed at their friends for another minute and then turned to each other.

«So, Mr. Saleman, is it a date? » she asked with a charming smile.

«Well, yeah, it is» he grinned playfully in reply – how much he loved that smile of hers!

«Then I'll go to my dorm to change into something smart, I'll be in a minute» the blonde decided and turned to go – at least it was a special occasion for her and she wanted to look her best.

But Caleb didn't want to lose precious time and stopped her. «Come on, you look awesome right now, let's better go before it's too late» he convinced her. And it was true – Cornelia really looked very pretty in her dark-green turtle-neck sparking sleeveless top, dark denim jacket over it and a pair of matching dark jeans.

«All right, thanks for the compliment! You know how to persuade a girl! » Cornelia giggled softly «So, where do you want to go? » she asked as they started to walk.

The rebel shrugged. «I don't know, maybe we could eat out somewhere? I've heard there are a lot of cafes and restaurants here, in Los Angeles. » he suggested.

«That's true, but I'm not hungry» the Earth Guardian pouted «Let's better just stroll around here, the evening is so beautiful and I just want to be beside you, with nobody else to bother us» Truly, they couldn't spend too much together because of Caleb's Meridian stuff, and the young guardian wanted just to be by his side during this fortnight – it seemed like a rare chance to both of them and just the feeling of presence of their loved one could make each of them happy.

«You're right, my fair lady. This will be only our evening – time just for you and me…» Caleb replied and took her hand as they continued walking away from the theatre. A few years ago he could have never regard himself as a romantic, but this blonde angel by his side aroused the very poetic feelings in him.

The evening was really magical. It was midspring, and although it wasn't 9 o'clock yet, soft darkness started to fall over the city and the sky had already obtained that nice violet shade. The air was filled with some strong sweet flower odour and the suburbs of L.A. seemed to live with their own life.

Caleb and Cornelia were slowly walking beside each other, they were silent, but there was no need to talk, they just enjoyed every moment of being together. Cornelia was thinking about a lot of things, she was pondering about the theatre and the forthcoming premier, and about how good it was just to stroll down the street with her boyfriend and what a surprising coincidence were the latest events. Her heart was beating evenly and she thought about singing, about how much she liked it and her soul wanted to sing out loud.

Caleb was also reflecting upon something, from time to time he seemed to be deep in thoughts, from time to time he glanced at the Earth guardian and then a tender smile appeared in his warm emerald eyes. The he lowered his head and went on walking, staring at his shoes.

Cornelia noticed a shadow of concern on his face. «What, nervous about the play? » she guessed.

Caleb looked at her and shrugged. «Not really nervous, but the thing is that I've never done anything like that before. And Mrs. Scott said it's a big responsibility and all that jazz»

«Come on, I never thought a rebel leader would be afraid of responsibilities» Cornelia smiled «It's also new to me, I've never done such a big thing, but it has actually always been the dream of my life, I mean, singing» she looked at the sky dreamily. «And now we have such an opportunity.., it's even weird how everything turned out like that. But you know, I'm sure we'll do it greatly, don't worry»

«Yeah, you're right» Caleb put his hands in his pockets «But it's also about Dad, I'm still not sure he approves of it»

Cornelia sighed and smiled again. «Elyon was right, you do like dramatizing! » she pointed out «But your father agreed to let you go and you said he had promised to come to the premier! Why should you worry? »

«I know that, but for some reason I still have a feeling he doesn't like my decision and I doubt he will come. » Caleb innocently glanced at Cornelia «I must sound silly, right? But it can't be helped; my dad likes Earth, but he's still a Meridian person, he said he was born there and he would die there. I feel he might think I'm becoming a too much of an Earth guy. He used to say my initial duty is to protect my homeland and be a warrior, I don't think he's now delighted I'm going to try myself as an actor. »

«I know Mr. Saleman and I know he's not against this whole thing» Cornelia assured him. «Moreover, who said that professions of a warrior and a minstrel can't be combined in one person? »

Caleb really liked her manner – she was always able to calm him down. «I just never thought myself I would be able to sing» he said in justification. «Yeah, I've been a warrior since early childhood and I never even tried to, but then pretty recently I discovered it myself. It just turned out all of a sudden»

«It seems you're gonna say you've discovered your singing abilities after you met me! » Cornelia grinned.

«Well, but it is true» Caleb smiled widely. «Cornelia, you changed me a lot, don't know how it happened but you did and I'm grateful for it. The thing I can say is that my soul has been singing since I met you…» (I know this sounds sappy, but anyway)

«Wow, you said it exactly like a poet! » Cornelia laughed brightly «I knew you've always been a romantic, and it was useless to pretend being such a serious guy at first! Now catch up with me! » and she laughed and ran quickly along the street leaving the a little bit melancholic Caleb far behind. «Hey! » Caleb cried and ran after her to catch up – she really had changed him a lot and next to her he was able to forget of all his problems.

The time was passing by but neither of them seemed to notice that. They continued strolling around and their hearts were full of delight. Los Angeles was truly a wonderful place. First the two of them passed the quiet residential area on their way to the city centre – it was a nice peaceful place with small private houses on both sides of a neatly paved road and trees planted in orderly rows along it, each one had its special territory with earth surrounded with a small stone border. There were practically no signs of the city in this part of L.A., no cars, just a few passers-by, birds sitting on the branches of tress and flowers in the gardens of the inhabitants of the area, but it constituted its peculiar, special fascination and the air was really marvelous.

Finally the two travelers arrived in the city itself and made their way to the centre. It was all different from the sleeping district, but was also wonderful in its own way. Even Cornelia was surprised, she had never seen so many signs of a cosmopolitan at once – sparkling lights and window displays of the shops, the unique air of Hollywood, cars and people and life in its every corner. It was already evening, but life in the city was only beginning. It was something she had been dreaming about, big life of a big city, and Heatherfield, although she liked her home town, had never been as grand as this.

It's not necessary to mention Caleb's reaction. He had already been pretty accustomed to Earth life and got rather used to the ways things were done there, but the sight of a big city made a great impression on him. It was the direct opposite of the medieval Meridian, but he liked it in its own way. Perhaps his dad was right about Caleb becoming an Earth guy, but the rebel leader himself didn't think of it as anything bad. He liked looking around this strange but nice place, seeing all kinds of new, unfamiliar things and asking his girlfriend about each of them. Cornelia liked his cute ignorance about Earth life, his naivety – it made him different from all the other guys she knew – and patiently and with pleasure explained him the simple things which every child on Earth knew. He, in his turn, liked her delight about being the part of the big city, he smiled when Cornelia ran to the rich window displays and examined the latest brands of expensive cloths with childish delight; sometimes when she ran a bit forward to examine a new part of a big city, young male passers-by whistled playfully at her to show she was a pretty girl, then Caleb hastily caught up with her and put his hand around his waist to show that this "pretty girl" wasn't free, and when the guys shrugged in disappointment he gave them a triumphal smirk. It was also a pleasant part of the Earth life. Both the guardian and the rebel knew this evening would live in their memory forever.

After a long time of walking around the city, Cornelia stopped in front of a tall building – presumable a block of flats. Caleb approached and stopped behind her back. The building was really high – about thirty floors, no less.

«It's such a tall building» Cornelia said throwing back her head to look up at it. «We hardly have such a thing in Heatherfield. I wonder what it feels like being on top of it – the stars must seem really close. Oh, if only we could go up there…» she pronounced dreamily.

Caleb grinned and slightly screwed up his eyes. «We can, let's go up! » he told Cornelia.

Cornelia looked at him in a bit of surprise. He was always venturesome and rebellious towards the rules, her Caleb. «You really think we are allowed to go there? » she asked with a smile.

«Why not, come» the guy assured her and grabbed her hand. They swiftly ran inside the building and took the lift to the top floor. In a few minutes' time they went up the stairs and went through the small door which led to the roof. Then they found themselves on the large flat roof, with the entire city below them and the immense endless sky just above.

Cornelia had been right – from the top of this high block of flats the little sparking dots on the starry night sky seemed closer than ever. It was an indescribable, breathtaking feeling. The two lovers gazed at the sky and felt as if they were going to take flight. «I'm on top of the world…» the Earth guardian whispered in delight «The stars are so close that it seems I can touch them»

«Yes… The stars here seem as close as from the highest hill in Meridian» Caleb nodded in response. He had the very same feeling and it appeared to be one of the best moments of his life. With no doubt, love to Cornelia changed him. He would never think a few years ago he would admire the stars like this. No, it was a lie; he had always liked lying on his favourite hill in Meridian at night and look up at the starry sky. But what he was experiencing now was different and better in some way. He was wondering if Cornelia's love to him had also changed her as much as his own feelings to her did to him, and it was true, the blonde had never felt anything like that before that accident day when she found out about being a guardian and met him…

While admiring the stars Cornelia suddenly heard beautiful sounds of music. It sounded as if somebody was playing the saxophone. «Do you hear that? » she asked Caleb, who was standing beside her.

«Yeah, it's music. I wonder where it is coming from» he replied.

«Let's go and check» Cornelia suggested and the two of them came closer to the edge of the roof and slightly leaned against the high border. Right opposite them was an open window of another tall building which was standing nearby (that building was even a few floors taller, but neither Caleb nor Cornelia noticed it at first) and on the wide window-still was sitting a man and really playing the saxophone (it was amazing how the man wasn't afraid of the danger of falling out). The Earth guardian and the rebel leader smiled at the beautiful melody and both of them had the same thought.

«May I ask you for a dance, milady? » Caleb asked with a playful smile after turning to his girlfriend and bowed gallantly.

«Why certainly, my lord» Cornelia answered with the same smiled and curtseyed elegantly. He gently took her hand and slowly led her to the centre of the roof. The music was loud enough and he couldn't resist and started singing:

A whole new world (from Aladdin, Disney)

« I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid.
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?

I can open your eyes,
Take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride…
» he slightly twirled her in a dance.

«A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming…

These words were true; there, on a roof of a tall building in the middle of the large city of L.A. a whole new world was spreading right in front of the two young people.

«A whole new world…» Cornelia started singing in her beautiful voice, which soared high up in the sky,

«A dazzling place I never knew
But when I'm way up here

It's crystal clear
That now I'm in a whole new world with you
» - it seemed that the shining stars in the heaven were evoked by this night music and responded to the two lovers with their bewitching glow. The entire city seemed to have fallen silent to hark to the song of two young souls.

«Unbelievable sights
Indescribable feeling
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling
Through an endless diamond sky…
» the Earth guardian continued, feeling that her entire being was imbued with the music.

They were like dancing on a cloud and every moment they felt that the magic carpet was just about to appear and take them up to the skies, away from the entire world.

«A whole new world…» she continued.

«Don't you dare close your eyes» Caleb sang.

Cornelia: «A hundred thousand things to see»

Caleb: «Hold your breath - it gets better»

Then they sang in duet,

« I'm like a shooting star
I've come so far

And then again Cornelia:

«I can't go back to where I used to be…»

«A whole new world
With new horizons to pursue
I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
Let me share this whole new world with you

«A whole new world…» Cornelia spread her arms.

«A whole new world» Caleb's voice was like an echo to hers.

«A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming.

A whole new world,
Every turn a surprise

With new horizons to pursue

I'll chase them anywhere,
There's time to spare
Let me share this whole new world with you
» in a duet.

As the song was coming to its end, both of them started slightly moving towards the edge of the roof.

- A whole new world…

-A whole new world…

-That's where we'll be

-Where we'll be,

-A thrilling chaseCornelia sang.

« A wondrous place» the rebel finished.

« For you and me…» the stood opposite each other, their hands linked, singing together the final words and gradually turning back to reality. Caleb twirled his lady for the last time and she ended up in his arms (like in tango, you know).

The man played a beautiful passage and winked to the two crazy lovers on the roof of the opposite building with a smile – he had seen everything from the very beginning.

The Earth guardian and the rebel leader flushed and smiled to each other as saw this wink, but those few minutes were worth the fact that they had been being watched.

«I had a wonderful time…» the blonde whispered softly when her boyfriend finally let her go.

«Same here» Caleb replied «I didn't even expect it would be such an evening»

Cornelia slowly passed her hand over the smooth surface of the border as if thinking about something and then merrily looked up at her companion. «You know what, I've got pretty hungry! » she smiled playfully at him «Say, Romeo, is your former suggestion to eat out somewhere still in power? »

«It is» the Romeo nodded with a smile of mischief «I hope will find a café worthy of my princess»

The couple headed towards the exit. No-one can describe what feelings they were experiencing at that moment within their souls and what those few hours spent together meant for both of them. That evening in L.A. seemed to become a new world for them; it was like an overture to something new, unknown, impending.

«I know these are going to be the best two weeks! » Cornelia said as they were approaching the exit «I'm sure they will be perfect, I so much want nothing to spoil them!.. »

Well, this chapter wasn't really important for the entire plot, but I just wanted to write something fluffy and romantic using one of my favourite songs! I'm generally very fond of Disney and I like music in his cartoons, so I thought this one would be suitable. So, here's the link for this song on youtube so you can listen to it)

http // youtube. com / watch ? v MDjRdx1P8Q (You'll have to delete all the spaces first and then copy this URL link into a new Internet Explorer window. I know it's really incontinent, but this stupid fanfction thing wouldn't show any URL links. Hope it works this way)

Sorry for such little lyrical digression, I'm going to put one more chapter devoted to a song and then I'll promise the real action with the "Ghost of a rose" thing will begin! Hope you liked the chapter, please review, I really need to know your opinion!

And one more thing: I've never been to Los Angeles myself, so sorry if any of my description is wrong – that's just what I imagine this city to be. Now wait for my post of "The royal peasant girl"!

Belated Merry Christmas to everybody and kisses!))