Hey! I've finally decided to start a new story, yay! It will be a songfic based around Blackmore's night's (my fave group) song "Ghost of a rose" I adore that song! So, it's gonna be pretty musical 'cause I'm gonna use a lot of lyrics and I advise you to listen to all of those songs, they're great! You can find most of them on or just e-mail me and I'll send you the link on youtube or the MP3. This story takes place after the first season and is based on the show, not the books. And all the characters are a bit older: the girls are 16 and are in the last school grade and Caleb and other boys are 17. It's quite obvious that I don't own anything except few characters I made up by myself. Hope you'll enjoy that cause I like how this story turns out. So, go ahead and read it!

Main couples:

Caleb and Cornelia (the main one)

Matt and Will

Hay Lin and Eric

Nigel and Taranee

Irma and Martin (I think that they make a nice couple if Martin wasn't such a nerd as is in the show. In my story he's quite a hot guy: more athletic, without glasses, with a better hair-do, without that idiotic smile on his physiognomy and with not such a nasty voice. That'll do, I guess)

The song lyrics and flashbacks will be in italics.

The author's notes and comments will be in bold.

Ghost of a rose

Chapter 1: Under my balcony

It was the last school day before big two-week spring break, spring was in the air and the Sheffield Institute had a very lively and boisterous day (as it was meant to be on the last school day). The students were walking around in the halls and corridors and discussing their plans for the vacation. Irma's cheerful voice was heard from the megaphone (according to season 2 of the show, Irma was the radio speaker in school).

«Hello to everybody and it's Lair on the air with you again! » the Water guardian's extremely joyous and spring chirp spread around the whole school «We finally survived through the whole term and here it is, the last school day! Yay! Everybody can't wait the beginning of the big two-week holiday and I say it's worth waiting! According to the opinion poll data held last week more than 50 of Sheffield Institute teachers are looking forward to the vacation even with greater zeal than the students» she continued in a scientist-like tone «And there's actually no wonder why. We wish you a great pastime during the holiday, dear teachers! Pardon us for vexing and harassing you sometimes. Individual apologies to Mr. Bishop, biology teacher. Although we sometimes yell in class and refuse to do homework we all love you! And special gratitude from the bigger part of our boys for letting us carry out experiments on worms» she made a wry face.

«To other news, you can join Stephanie Sheridan's rally devoted to the topic "Healthier food in the cafeteria". Go, Stephanie! » she continued with enthusiasm.

All of a sudden there were signs of bustle and then everybody heard Uriah's typical mocking voice (since he was also in the radio speakers' team and was probably suffering from boredom, so he simply took the microphone away from Irma) «Nah, Stephanie is a loony vegetarian. She has become crazy about that healthy lifestyle of hers! » he commented caustically.

«Uriah! Stop that at once and give me back the microphone! » Irma's yelling was heard.

«Take it if you can, babe! » Uriah answered to her with challenge.

«Never call her "babe" and don't dare to offend my girl! » that was Martin, who as you remember was also in the radio room as the member of the genius radio speakers' crew, which besides him, Irma (the star of the school radio) and Uriah included the Grumper sisters, who were absolutely indifferent to anything except gossips.

Then the noises of brawl and Irma's yells were audible through the megaphone. The students stopped walking around the hall and raised their heads to the megaphone inquiringly. Mrs. Knickerboxer, who heard everything from her principal's office, frowned and had already gotten up from her chair to go and establish order. It was not the first time when she came across Uriah's pranks and not once she happened simply to take the "naughty boy" by ear and move him out of the radio room. But this time the conflict seemed to be fixed up before Mrs. Knickerboxer had to take serious measures.

Apparently, Martin managed to take the microphone away from Uriah, because Irma said to her boyfriend «Thanks, Martin, I adore you! »

After a few more seconds she completely took over the microphone again «We bring our apologies for this little… uh» she tried to get hold of the right word «…technical dislocation» she giggled nervously «And sorry, Stephanie, we didn't mean it. Nothing personal! » she added.

«All rightly, and now the main news of the day! » Irma went on as if nothing happened with even more enthusiasm and emotion in her voice «Our school has been chosen for selection of students with good vocal opportunities to take part in the chorus in the new musical performance "Romeo & Juliet", which is going to take place in one of the LA theatres in two weeks' time. The listening is going to take place in the Assembly Hall of our school tomorrow at half past twelve. All persons interested are invited to try their powers. Those, who are selected will spend two weeks rehearsing and at the end take part at the final performance. Please, come to Mrs. Knickerboxer today after classes for more details. » She was practically jumping on her chair with delight «This is gonna be so great! So, venture, people! These were the main news for today and Irma Lair, the queen of the air time, was with you as always. So, farewell, au revoir, hasta la vista and see ya! » the queen of the air finished her report in her usual form and darted off.

Will, Hay Lin and Taranee with their boyfriends and Cornelia were all standing near the lockers and discussing something. Suddenly they noticed Irma, who had flew out of the radio room like a bullet and was now scudding along the corridor with the speed of a meteor (she was dragging Martin behind her). When she came alongside to the guys she stopped at full speed. Poor Martin also stopped in exhaustion.

«Did you hear what I've just said???? » she cried to the guys in delight after recovering her breath a little.

«Yes, Irmie, we heard everything you said» Cornelia said opening her locker door «I think the megaphones are supposed for that everybody could hear what the speaker says, aren't they? » she pointed out a big sarcastically.

«Ah, yeah, right» Miss Witty muttered a little confused. It was pretty obvious that the guys heard her report to the last word. «But have you anyway heard the biggest news of the day? » she turned to her friends with former enthusiasm.

«You mean Stephanie's vegeteranian meeting? Is that the topic of the day? » Nigel teased with perfectly innocent face.

Irma slapped her forehead. «Oh course not! » she exclaimed.

«We mean the listening! » explained Martin «It sounds pretty cool, so is anybody interested in taking part? »

Will nudged Matt, who was standing beside her. «Hey, why don't you take part in the listening, Matt? » she asked her boyfriend «You sing very well since you're a member of the "Cobalt Blue" band and you may even get a role! »

«Nah, I don't think I really wanna participate» Matt replied after pondering a little «I'm more into playing in the band than all that opera-like stuff. And I doubt if I'll look good on the stage in "Romeo & Juliet" even in the chorus. By the way, Will, you can take part in the listening yourself, don't you want? » he asked Will as his face lit up with this sudden idea.

The leader of the guardians shook her head firmly. «I disclaim if I ever get even a scanty role» she admitted «And even if I do get one (which is very scarcely) I'll have to spend all the vacation rehearsing, moreover I'll probably have to go somewhere with the theatre and I wanted to spend the holidays with you, guys. So, I don't think it's gonna be much fun» she concluded.

«No, Will, you must be so mistaken! » Hay Lin jumped up and down with impatience «I'm pretty sure it's gonna be great! »

«But if you think it will be great, then why don't you try your powers in the listening? » Cornelia questioned the Air guardian after putting her book away in the locker.

Hay Lin sighed. «I would like to participate but I don't think they'll give me a role. My vocal possibilities are not very good» she explained.

«Hey, and I wouldn't say so, referring to one incident…» the Water guardian grinned as she remembered that occasion «Remember, on one Independence Day, when we all went out to some decent place to eat, you climbed on the chair with you feet and started to sing loudly the national anthem and everybody was staring at us! »

Hay Lin rubbed the back of her neck in a little confusion. «Yeah, I remember that…» she smiled innocently.

«Hey, Eric, don't you wanna participate? » Nigel asked his friend «I mean since you also are a musician and all that stuff»

Eric shook his head. «I don't think I'll take part in the listening. I'm a good saxophonist but totally not a singer. Besides, there won't be much fun without my Hay Lin» he added and put his hand around his girlfriend's waist (the Air guardian nearly melted in his arms from happiness).

«Nigel, Taranee, and what about you? » he asked turning to the couple «Do you want to take part? »

Nigel laconically shrugged his shoulders.

«No, no, no, no, no, no way! » Taranee jabbered throwing up her hands «Don't even tell me about it! I'll never get a role cause – first: I don't have really outstanding vocal capabilities and second, all of you know very well that I have stage fright! »

«Oh, please! » Irma waved her hand in disbelief «We all know perfectly that fable about your so-called stage fright! »

Taranee took a little offence for that Irma didn't believe her and asked in a bit haughty tone: «In that case, why don't you, Irma, or Martin take part in the audition yourself? »

Irma shook her head. «No, we don't suit musical performances» Martin added «As for me I don't have a talent of singing at all. Once I wrote a song for Irma and wanted to perform it to my girl, but when the neighbours' cat heard me signing it yelled and ran away » he remembered sadly.

«Yeah, and when you started the second verse the cat climbed on the tree and didn't want to get down. Poor Mrs. Puff had to call the fire brigade to take it down» Irma added and put her hand around her boyfriend's shoulder to support him when she saw he got a bit upset. «Oh, don't get upset, sweetie, singing is definitely not yours but you have many other talents» she comforted him. «Speaking of me, I either don't sing very well, so forget about me joining the listening» she turned to other guys who wanted to know if she would take part in the whole thing (since she was excited nearly most of all about that news). «So, neither I nor Martin will ever become big stars of theatre show-business, but we don't pretend to it» she added.

Suddenly Will got a wonderful idea. «Hey, and why doesn't Cornelia take part in the listening? » she turned to everybody «She sings greatly, we all heard her»

«Yes, yes, Corny, you sing like a professional, we all heard you singing» the rest of the company started to confirm vying with each other.

The blonde guardian, who had been silent during the whole conversation and was arranging books in her locker, turned round and met the guys with pretended surprise that they talked about her but in actual fact she was glad that they proposed her candidature. «Yes, that's a good idea» she said with obvious delight «I really wanna participate in that listening e I adore singing and perhaps I may even get a role» with these words Cornelia flipped her long hair beautifully.

«You know what, you can bring Caleb with you! » the Fire guardian suggested «He also sings very well. »

«Yes, he has a wonderful tenor» the blonde said with pride for her boyfriend. «And you're right, there was nothing mentioned about ONLY students of our school can take part in the listening (with these words Irma strenuously nodded since it was her, who paged the report). We can perfectly sing in duet. Caleb has never taken part in such things before but I think he'll agree. I'll talk to him today and if he agree I'll call you, girls. » she said to the guardians.

«I'm sure you'll get some roles, you look sooooo good in a duet! » Will said with an affectionate smile.

«Oh, and I know you'll impress them all so much that they'll give you the leading roles even before you start singing! » Hay Lin jumped up and down with joy. She was always ready to take part in the discussion of Cornelia and Caleb's romantic relationships «They will never find a better couple to play Romeo and Juliet's parts! »

«Hay Lin, they don't give leading roles there! They select people for chorus! » Cornelia explained patiently with a little sigh.

«Come on, Corny, Hay's right! » Irma smiled widely «You two really resemble Shakespeare's most romantic couple. I know all of your medieval love tricks. I bet he sings you serenades under the full moon under your balcony! » she flapped her eyelashes dramatically.

«Serenades…» Cornelia rolled her eyes dreamily and smiled as she remembered one event few days ago.


It was late evening and Cornelia was getting ready for bed. She was standing at the large looking-glass and admiring her reflection. The Earth guardian really looked gorgeous that night. She was wearing her new soft white sleeveless nightgown on thing shoulder-straps, it which nearly reached her ankles and very beautifully fitting tightly Cornelia's ideal figure. Her wonderful hair was fluttering behind like long friends of beaten gold and framed her lovely face like a shining aureole. She looked absolutely charming and innocent but at the same time extremely hot.

Cornelia took her hairbrush and set on the edge of her bed. Napoleon, her little kitten, immediately climbed on the lap of his mistress and peacefully curled up. Cornelia started to brush her hair when she heard some sounds coming from the closed window. It was beautiful music, which sounded like guitar and its melody distantly reminded the tune of medieval ballad "Greensleeves". The guardian became curious where those fascinating sounds could be coming from in the night, so she put the sleeping kitten on the bed (he purred and immediately fall asleep again) and came up to the window.

Cornelia lifted up the sash and slightly leaned out of the window. Fresh evening air softly touched her skin and light wind barely streaming her golden hair. The night sky seemed to be dressed in soft dark-blue satin and the shining stars and the full moon looked magnificent. Her heart started to thrill with delight as she looked at the distant line of horizon.

Just as she opened the window the sound of music became much louder and clearer. Now Cornelia could make out that that sounded more like lute than guitar. The music was absolutely charming and romantic, it was some kind of medieval music, which the girl liked so much. Cornelia still couldn't find out where the music was coming from but it filled her soul with the warmest feeling, like something dear to her was nearby.

There were a few trees and bushes growing right under Cornelia's window. Suddenly, when the blonde was curiously looking around, she noticed a guy coming from behind them. It was Caleb, who was playing the lute. He looked up at his bright angel in the window and smiled to her.

Cornelia was delighted to see her boyfriend again since it was quite a long time since he turned up on Earth last and she really missed him. She was a little surprised with his original and romantic was of courting (before meeting Caleb she could never think that a guy would play for her under her windows at night), but she actually always wanted it and her heart filled with sweet and tender sensation. She granted Caleb one of her most charming smiles and leaning on the window-still and propping up her cheek with her hand went on listening to the bewitching tune.

The music was really wonderful; it was overflowing in the night filling the air with some invisible substance, the strain of which couldn't be defined but which could be felt with one's heart. It must have been one of Meridian classic ballads and Caleb was performing it perfectly. There was no wonder he could play the guitar so well – he masterly managed the lute.

Eventually the musical composition came to an end and Caleb finished playing. He looked at his fair beloved and met her ocean blue eyes, which were sparkling with delight.

« He jests at scars that never felt a wound.

But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, Cornelia is the sun. » -

He quoted replacing Juliet's name with Cornelia's. The Earth guardian really resembled golden sun rising in the east – the light coming from her room through the window was framing her stately figure with a warm shiny aureole and even Juliet on the balcony couldn't compare with her.

« Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief,
That thou her maid art far more fair than she:
Be not her maid, since she is envious;
Her vestal livery is but sick and green
And none but fools do wear it; cast it off.
It is my lady, O, it is my love!
O, that she knew she were! » - the rebel leader continued.

Cornelia folded her arms on her chest and declaimed:

« What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Caleb would, were he not Caleb call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Caleb, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself. » also putting Caleb's name instead of Romeo.

Caleb smiled to her and uttered another quote:

« I take thee at thy word:
Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized;

For I will always be thine Romeo » - he added on his own.

«Oh, that just seems like Shakespeare wrote these words specially for us» the blonde noticed softly and leaned a little more out of the window so that the tips of her golden hair slipped down the window-still.

«Cornelia, tonight you're beautiful as ever! » Caleb exclaimed at delight gazing up at his girlfriend. «Actually, you're always beautiful as ever» he added and it was true. His eyes were avidly sliding up and down her figure and never could get tired of admiring her.

«Thanks for such compliments! » Cornelia smiled playfully and twirled a lock of silk hair on her finger in satisfaction – she loved compliments. «You know how to impress a girl, sweetie! But anyway, where did you get the lute? » this question had been torturing her since she saw him playing.

«Well, I'm a Meridian guy, remember? Why not use the advantages of it? » the rebel leader smirked and slightly twirled the instrument. «Moreover, a solo on a bass guitar wouldn't be romantic enough»

«And you're such a romantic! » the Earth guardian giggled softly «And you play sooooo beautifully! »

«And I can sing too! » he grinned and took one more accord on the lute « À quoi bon entendre les oiseaux des bois? » he started loudly (That's the serenade from an opera, which I sing for my vocal classes. Translations: What for should I listen songs of the birds of the woods? )

«Shh! Please, quiet, or you'll wake the whole house! » Cornelia gently touched her lips with her finger to her lips. She really didn't want her parents to find out the details of their love affair. «And I guess, my parents won't be delighted with our midnight-serenade-under-the-balcony stuff, and Lilian will surely spread rumours about secret admirers under my window everywhere » (although Caleb wasn't a secret admirer. Mr. and Mrs. Hale knew they were going out together and didn't mind it. On the contrary, they liked him very much and understood their daughter was in love – such a love idyll! Just for note)

«Sorry, I just thought we were alone in the universe » Caleb immediately picked a suitable epithet.

Cornelia again laughed mildly. «Please, play more for me » she asked gently and again leaned against the window-still.

The rebel nodded to his blonde angel and took his lute. In a second, charming enchanting sounds spread in the night's soft darkness. Cornelia sat slightly on the narrow window-still and dreamily closed her eyes while her soul was harking to the beautiful music with rapture. This medieval-like music was a real flight of soul; it reflected all the feelings between two young hearts. Their love was pure and innocent, and it was those trivial little signs of affection and courting, that distinguished their relations from others'. Every fascinating sound led Cornelia into some sweet utopia full of happiness, her mind and her heart were filled only with her love and music, nothing else seemed to exist for the young guardian that night.

The second tune seemed to her even more wonderful than the first one and she wanted it never to finish, but the beautiful sound of music eventually ceased as Caleb finished playing and Cornelia had to abandon her full musical trance. She lightly slipped from the window still and looked down lovingly at her minstrel. «It's so much like Middle Ages! » she said rolling her eyes dreamily recalling her History teacher telling them about gallant ways of romance between knights and fair maidens in XIII-XIV centuries. «I just feel as I'm a fair princess in a high tower somewhere in the epoch of Renaissance»

«You really are» Caleb thought to himself and got down softly on one knee and extended his arm to where Cornelia was standing and met eyes with his beloved.

«Cornelia Hale, you will always be the lady of my heart» he said in a knight-like tone to her.

«And you, Caleb Saleman, (that's his surname, I made it up cause it's not fair he doesn't have a surname!) are my valiant knight for eternity » his bright angel smiled back.

There was a small pause when they were just looking at each other dreamily,

«"The sun is nothing like my mistress' eyes"» Caleb rephrased Shakespeare's famous sonnet line and took an accord on his lute. (The original line is "My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun")

«You know, » he said after some time «it would be splendid if we forgot everything and got off with a jerk somewhere this night like it used to be done in Middle Ages. »

«Yeah, that would be magnificent» the Earth guardian rolled her eyes dreamily «But I guess you forgot, sweetie, that that's you, Mr. Rebel Leader, who can sleep till noon, and I have school tomorrow. So, in order not to fall asleep at History class and get yelled at we have to put off our medieval getaway till the nearest holiday break. And I guess I gotta go to sleep now or I'm totally gonna eel sleepy tomorrow. Although I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep after this whole romantic evening » she added. And it was true – the blonde got too excited because of the music and the whole serenade thing.

«I couldn't help it, I missed you too much» the warrior smiled in response.

«I also missed you, thanks that you came» Cornelia whispered softly «Well, till tomorrow, then? » and she was ready to get back to the room»

«Hey, and my good-night kiss? » Caleb seemed to be a little offended.

«Oh, right, I nearly forgot it! » the blonde smirked, pressed her palm to her lips and gently sent her boyfriend an air kiss.

Caleb pretended he caught a kiss in his hand and hid it in his bosom close to his heart.

«And you'll get the rest tomorrow» Cornelia winked «You'll turn up on Earth tomorrow, right? » she asked hopefully.

«Sure I'll come» Caleb answered «Let them pull me in a thousand different directions there in Meridian, I'll find a free minute to visit my favourite guardian! »

«Thanks, tu es charmant » Cornelia smiled widely.

«Well, have the sweetest dreams then, the fair lady of my heart» Caleb bowed and scraped gallantly before his girlfriend.

«Good night, my courageous knight» Cornelia replied and gently curtseyed holding the flaps of her nightgown.

After one more moment of looking at each other Caleb took his lute and went back to the "Silver dragon" to spend the night there and Cornelia inhaled the fresh aroma of the night for the last time and closed the window.

She turned around back to her room and closed her eyes dreamily. She was in the most romantic mood ever after that beautiful music and seeing her beloved that the problems of the world seemed not to exist for her anymore. «Ah, je suis amoureuse » (Oh, I'm in love) she whispered in French and sighed dreamily.

After remaining for a few seconds in that state she finally opened her eyes and looked at her bed to face Napoleon, who had been lying there and slightly twitching his tail. He had such an arch expression on his face like as if he was going to let out a comment concerning his mistress' love affairs.

Cornelia put her hands on her hips. «NO COMMENTS! » she said firmly and climbed into the bed...

End flashback

«Oh, I know that dreamy look of yours! » Irma exclaimed delightfully when she saw her blonde friend deep in romantic memories. «I guessed it! He does sing serenades to you! Oh, I told ya I know all of your medieval lovey-dovey thingies! » And she clapped her hands with satisfaction.

Cornelia was back on Earth again and she had already opened her mouth to reply something worthy to the Water guardian but the bell went for the lesson right before she managed to pronounce a word.

«Hey, don't be late for you class, Juliet! » Irma cried cheerfully, grabbed Hay Lin and Taranee and the three of them quickly ran to the Social Studies class.

Cornelia was only to sigh hopelessly. She got pretty used to being called "Juliet". «Come on» she waved her hand to Will and Matt, who were standing nearby and looking at her and they directed their way to the History class.

Cornelia was a little bit dissatisfied with her friends' behaviour. Not like it was getting on her nerves, but discussing her and Caleb's relationships and constantly babbling about what a cute couple they were seemed to become the girls' favourite topic since the two of them started dating. On the other hand, the guardians didn't mean anything bad and were just glad that their two best friends were happy together. It gladdened and even flattered Cornelia. But the main thing she kept thinking about for the rest of the day was the forthcoming listening…

Well, that is it! This chappie turned out to be pretty large, but I wanted to put more C/C fluffiness in it. So, what will happen on the listening and when will the "ghost of a rose" appear? Find out in the next chapter! Hope you liked the beginning, please review (I wanna know your true opinion, but firm flames are not welcome!) and stay with me! I'll try to update ASAP although don't know how much time it will take.
