Disclaimer: Tennis no Ohjisama is all Takeshi Konomi's. -sniff- OH WONDERFUL KONOMI-SAMA!

"What? My 'real' family?"

"Yes, ma'am. Apparently they lived in America for a while, and then moved back to Japan," a stern-looking middle-aged woman confirmed.

"Aiya…and here I was, ready to stay and get serious. Oh well, John. New matters. See ya!" a short girl with dark brown with a tint of greenhair informed the boy on the other side of the tennis court. Her greyish-hazel eyes surveyed the woman standing next to her. "I'll be there in 10 minutes. Then you can explain."

"Yes. I'll be expecting you then."

Yutane sighed. That was the day everything had changed. Her life in New Jersey was thrown off course by the words, "real family." The five foot girl shifted in her airplane seat. She studied the picture of her "new" family again. Hmph. They don't look very close. The dad and mom are, but the kid; what's his name again? Oh yea. Ryoma. He seems…distant? Ehh… She fell asleep soon after to the silence of the plane.

Yutane gripped her tennis bag strap tightly. She stepped off the plane and set foot on Japanese soil for the first time. Alert and cautious about her surroundings, she followed her fellow passengers to the terminal. Hmm…Nanjiroh's Dad's name…let's see...eh. Not him. Too short. Yutane's tight dark blue t-shirt with white flowers stitched onto it shifted as she stretched.

"YUTANE!!" a loud voice yelled.


Yutane was tackled by a middle-aged looking guy with short brown hair, brown eyes, and a stubble on his chin.


"Welcome…home?" he finished lamely.

"Oh. Nanjiroh…the old tennis pro…"


"…," the black/green haired boy next to Nanjiroh looked the other way.

"You…Ryoma…," Yutane muttered. "And mom."

Yutane found herself standing by her family's car five minutes later.

"Ryoma, get in the trunk and hold Yutane-chan's bags. Yutane-chan, sit in the middle with your tennis bag. Right, we're ready to go!" Nanjiroh cheered.

"…perverted…," Yutane was still muttering to herself all the attributes to her new family.

Hmm…she seems different now. Before she was smiling and laughing, Ryoma thought before he drifted off into sleep, his back leaning against the seats.

Yutane's thoughts drifted back to America as she was brought to her new home. "Seth," a newly acquired friend. His real name was Max, but Yutane liked to call him Seth because he played Seth Plummer in "The Pacifier." She ran into him in a movie theatre before his movie had started. He'd slipped her a small sheet of paper with his number on it along with a small note apologizing for crashing into her. He wanted to pay for any medical bills because her arm hurt. They'd met again afterwards and quickly became good friends. Yutane hoped he would be okay with her having to move to Japan. She missed his company already. Making a mental note to herself to write a letter to him, Yutane shifted in her seat so she could study her new brother subtly. The tiniest smile graced her face. Ryoma looked so…cute when he slept. Kawaii, she thought. The car slowed to a stop in front of a medium-sized home.

"Home…" Yutane murmured. She hopped out and grabbed her tennis bag. "Oi, Ryoma. Wake up."

The said boy woke up and pulled his baseball cap lower to cover the top half of his face. "Ne…" He picked up a small suitcase from the trunk and handed it to his dad and grabbed the other larger suitcase. He led his new sister into the house and upstairs. Ryoma slid open a door next to his room. "This is your room. Mine's next door and the bathroom is down the hall. Dinner's soon, so you can unpack after. You'll get your school uniform tomorrow morning at the office."

The two stood in the room quietly. Yutane broke the silence.

"You look a lot like me. Except I have more brown in my hair than you, and your eyes have more…hazel? So…"


"Are we twins?" Yutane tilted her head.

"Yup! But Ryoma here is ten minutes older than you," Yutane's dad pranced into her room and set the suitcase on the floor.

"Nobody asked you," the girl muttered under her breath.

"Well, dinner's ready," Nanjiroh beamed. Obviously, he hadn't heard Yutane's remark.

Yutane and Ryoma glanced at each other.

"Hai…" they said.

Dinner was quiet except for Nanjiroh and Rinko's attempts to make conversation.

"Well, arigato, mom. For dinner. I'm gonna go unpack now."

"I'll help," Ryoma said, standing up and placing the two's dishes in the sink.

"Arigato, Ryoma-kun."


"Hai, hai. Ryoma-san"

The siblings walked upstairs in silence.

Rinko sighed. "She's just like Ryoma. Nanjiroh?" He had disappeared. She shook her head. "That man…"

Meanwhile, Ryoma and Yutane were unpacking Yutane's clothes and putting them in her closet and dresser.

"You play tennis, Ryoma?


"A game? Later?"

"What?" Ryoma stared at his newfound sister.

"Haha. A game!" Yutane laughed.

"Mm," Ryoma agreed and folded a polo shirt.

"Yay!" Yutane cheered. She sobered almost immediately.

"Game!?" Nanjiroh burst through the door.

"Annoying…" Ryoma and Yutane muttered at the same time.

An hour later found the twins in t-shirts and shorts on the tennis court behind their house. They stood by the net.

"Which?" Yutane asked.

"Smooth." (a/n: also known as "up", I think….)

The racquet slowed and fell. "Your serve," Yutane told her brother.

Two hours later, the bright lights illuminated the dark court. The twins gasped for breath.

"Score?" Yutane inquired.


"Okay. Time to finish this."

"…" Ryoma's face was impassive, his eyes flickering from her face to the positioning of her hands.

Yutane tossed the ball up. "Urah!"

Ryoma's eyes widened. He dashed to catch the serve. "A-!?" His racquet was torn from his hand. He looked at his sister with disbelief on his face. Powerful…

"Game. Yutane, 6 games to 5," Nanjiroh cheered.

"Mada mada dane, Ryoma," Yutane smiled softly.


Zeh! Zeh! Zeh! Zeh! Zeh…

"What the hell…," Yutane muttered. She searched blindly with her hand for the source of the annoying sound. Finding her target, the sleepy girl shut off her alarm clock and dressed.

Ryoma ran to school, Yutane not far behind him. She stopped at the office to pick up her uniform and pulled on her new black jacket and pants over her polo and shorts in the bathroom. She followed the signs above the closed classroom doors until she stopped in front of the classroom marked "Year 1 Class 2." Opening the door, Yutane was met with 15 or so bored faces and a teacher.

"Ah! You must be the new transfer student from America! Please introduce yourself," the teacher bubbled.

"Echizen Yutane," said Yutane, closing her eyes, attempting to make up for her lack of sleep.

"Ah. Right, Echizen-kun. Sit next to…Echizen-kun,please."

Ryoma closed his eyes. He could feel a headache coming.

"Nani? Sensei, aren't we allowed to ask questions?" a student questioned.

"Ah, yes. Please wait, Echizen. Hai, Ranko."

"Are you Echizen's twin brother?"

Both Ryoma and Yutane's eyes shot open. They glared at the unsuspecting student. "I'm/She's not his/my brother!" they said together quietly but angrily.

"Eh? Then how are you related to Echizen?" a boy asked.

"I'm his sister."

The class was confused.

"Then why are you wearing a boy's uniform?"

"The secretary gave it to me," she closed her eyes again and walked to her assigned desk. The day passed quickly.

After school, Sensei Kuzana held Yutane behind a little to fill in the new girl of what they were learning. About 10 minutes later, Yutane walked down a path that led to where the girls' tennis club was held.

"No! We don't want you here!" a girl with short hair yelled.

"We don't need you! Go away!" another cried. "We've already written a petition and it's been confirmed. Go!"

"Nani? Eh, well. Whatever." Yutane turned and left. It didn't really matter if the girls hated her. It's not like she would die without them. The lost girl chose another path and followed it. Damn Ryoma. Deserting me… She halted. Tennis courts filled the space before her. She walked toward the tennis court where she thought Ryoma would be. Yutane stepped through the fence gate and stared in wonder at the scene before her. Members were playing one another and training.

"Sugoi…," she murmured.

"Who are you," a black-haired boy with a bandana hissed.

"Viper, huh…," Yutane recognized his face from a tennis magazine at home.

"Don't call me that!" the boy growled.

"Ah?! Kaidoh-senpai is mad!" Horio whimpered.

"No violence on the court," Yutane shot back as Kaidoh raised his fist. (a/n: sorrryyy! OOCness)

"Fine. A game."


"What's going on?" a deep voice demanded.

"Captain Tezuka!" the entire court said.

"I will not tolerate breaking rules. 50 laps!" Tezuka commanded.

"What about that kid?" Arai asked, pointing at Yutane.

"My application form has been approved by Coach Ryuzaki. I'm running. Yo, Viper. Running?" Yutane headed to the tennis house to drop off her tennis bag and change out of her school uniform.


"I'll be waiting." Yutane entered the small building and placer her bag in a corner. She pulled of the black uniform jacket to reveal a white polo, the collar up, with navy stripes on the shoulders. Slipping off the black pant to reveal a pair of black shorts, she headed outside for her "race" with the Viper.

"Oi, Kaidoh. You get irritated too easily," Yutane informed him.


"Okay, on 3. 1. 2. 3!"

The two sprinted forward and plunged into their 50 laps.

The tennis club ceased their practice.

"Sugoi!" Kachiro said in awe. The new boy was keeping up with Kaidoh, who was head taller than him.

"Who is he?" Horio demanded.

"Stop slacking! Back to practice!" Tezuka shouted.

The tennis club members scrambled backto their practices.

About five minutes later, Kaidoh and Yutane were still running and keeping in pace with one another.

Ryoma stepped out of the tennis house and walked over to the court. Entering, he noticed two figures running outside the fence.

"Eh?" She's in trouble already…

"Oh, Ryoma-kun. Do you know that boy?" Katsuo asked.

"Not really." Ryoma walked away to an empty corner and began to stretch.

Horio, Kachiro, ad Katsuo looked at each other.

"Same old Ryoma…," Horio sighed.

"Neh, Kaidoh. This is a race, right? Let's pick up the rhythm, Kaidoh!" Yutane changed her footing quickly and the pair shot toward the gate for their 50th lap.

"Amazing!" a junior shouted as the Seigaku Tennis Club watched the two tennis club members shoot toward the end zone like a bullet.

"Kaidoh? …you need to work on speed…," Yutane tsked.

"Shut up!"

"Oh! That's right. Who's 'Inui'?"

"That one." Kaidoh pointed at a tall, pale regular.

"Ohh!! Inui-senpai!!" Yutane sprinted over to the male with square glasses. "I have your data book. I found it on the floor in school." She ran to get her tennis bag and handed him his book.

"Oh? Arigato…," Inui thanked her.

Yutane nodded. She turned around and crashed into Masashi Arai, spilling the basket of tennis balls in his arms. "Oops. Sorry."

"Why you…!" Arai yelled.

Yutane walked away, unknowingly provoking Arai. He grabbed a tennis ball and served it as hard as he could at the retreating boy. Arai's eyes widened.

Yutane heard the tennis ball hit tennis racquet strings. She easily pulled out a dark purple racquet from her bag on her back and caught the tennis ball and bounced it on her racquet. She turned to stare at Arai. "Your serve is weak." Yutane served the ball back to him. It flew with power and speed right next to Arai's ear and bounced off the tennis court fence. "Mada mada dane." She stole her brother's trademark line.

Arai twitched. "Who are you?"

Yutaned turned away from Arai. "Echizen Yutane."

Arai's eyes shot wide open, Inui Sadaharu jerked, Fuji Syusuke's eyes opened in shock, Kawamura Takashi stared at Yutane's back, Eiji Kikumaru and Oishi Shuichiro looked at each other in surprise before looking at the source of shock, and Kaidoh scowled. Tezuka Kunimitsu didn't move or show any signs of surprise. Ryoma "keh"-ed and turned away.

"Nya, Ryoma! Is that really your brother?" Eiji grinned at Ryoma.

Ryoma and Yutane spun around to face Eiji.

"She's not my brother!"

"I'm a girl!"

The tennis club went silent at Yutane's statement.

"A…girl?!" Horio cried.

"Eh, Ryoma? You didn't introduce me?" Yutane stared at her brother.

"Wait…Echizen?" Horio asked.

"We're twins," Ryoma supplied.

"Ohh!! OI! They actually do look alike!" Eiji said excitedly.

"I would expect that if we were TWINS," Yutane muttered.

"Sugei…Ryoma-kun never told us he had a sister," Kachiro smiled.

Tezuka approached Yutane. "Intra-ranking tournament is over. However, you will play the regulars as another tournament to determine your spot."

"Hai," Yutane turned away and stretched.

"Starting today."


"Echizen, Eiji, Echizen, Kaidoh: Block B. Oishi, Inui, Kawamura, Fuji: Block A. Echizen Yutane, you will play me after you complete all your one set matches with the other regulars. You will all play one another. Be prepared. First game, Echizen Ryoma and Eiji. Kaidoh, warm up. Echizen Yutane, play one set with Arai. Block A, warm up. In 10 minutes is Oishi and Inui."

"Hai!" the tennis club shouted. The each scrambled to their designated areas.

Yutane stretched her arms and picked up her racket. "Hey, Arai. Ready?" she shouted across the court as she stepped behind the baseline.

"Heh, how good is a girl at tennis than a boy? Echizen may have beaten me, but you won't!" Arai retorted.

"I'm not as good, huh," Yutane smirked and pulled a black baseball cap over her shoulder length hair and bangs. "Which?"


The racquet slowed and fell over.

"Rough. Your serve."

Arai hit a powerful serve and ran to the center of the court.

Yutane inclined her head slightly. She ran to the left and hit the ball back to Arai. He returned it easily and charged for the net. Yutane caught a glimpse of Inui writing in his data book. Probably getting data on me, she thought.

"This is boring…," Yutane yawned and hit the tennis ball over Arai's head.

"Huh?!" Arai gasped. He turned to see the tennis ball hit just inside the baseline. "No way…"

"Hey, Arai. I thought you were good!"

"Shut up!"

The game was finished quickly.

"Game and match to Echizen. 6 games to love!"

Arai breathed heavily and glared at the short girl standing at the court net.

"Work on your footwork. If you move faster, you'll get to the balls," Yutane advised her opponent.

Arai scowled darkly. Damn, how did a puny girl beat me?

Yutane walked off the court and stretched her left shoulder. She swung her racquet a bit and stretched again.

"Next game, Echizen, Echizen!"

"Oi, Ryoma. Did you understand my play yesterday?


"Good. Which?"


"Your serve."

Ryoma walked to the baseline and bounced the tennis ball. Yutane headed for the back half of the court and bent her knees and leaned forward. Her eyes studied Ryoma's muscles and the tennis ball.

Ryoma served and ran for the net.

Yutane ran to return the ball and followed Ryoma with her eyes. Ryoma hit the ball and returned Yutane's hit powerfully. Yutane turned on her left foot and hit the tennis ball. She struggled to return the hit. Heavy. He's serious about winning. "Uyu!" She returned the hit with a powerful hit. Ryoma returned her forehand with a backhand. Yutane turned on her left foot again.

"Ohh? What a long rally!" Katsuo said in admiration.

"Nani? Ryoma is being pushed back? Kachiro was shocked.

"He's Echizen! He'll win!" Horio shouted.

Yutane smirked. She pivoted on her left foot once again as Ryoma's shot hit the court right in front of her. She returned it easily and pulled her baseball cap lower onto her head. She turned slightly and waited for the ball to return to her.

The Block A players trekked over to the court where Block B was playing. Inui also wanted to collect more data before his other matches. The four met Tezuka along the way and went together to watch the Echizen twins' game. They arrived to find the two freshmen panting and hitting heavy balls. After a while, Fuji took a small step forward and opened his laughing eyes.


"What?" Oishi asked.

"Her feet."

"No way!" Oishi gasped.

"That's Tezuka Zone!" Kawamura Takashi exclaimed.

"Yo, Ryoma. Tired?" Yutane asked as she hit the tennis ball over the net.

"No way. I can play another 20 games!"

"Great! Let's play seriously now," Yutane returned a Twist Spin Shot with ease.

Ryoma ran to catch it, but missed.

"Game to Echizen…uh…Yutane! 2 games to 1! Change court!" the referee called.

"Good data…," Inui mumbled.

Yutane took a deep breath. "Ne, Ryoma. Better than yesterday!"

"Yesterday?" Kawamura Takashi asked Fuji Syusuke who shrugged.

Yutane and Ryoma changed courts. Ryoma bounced the tennis ball several times and then tossed it up into the air.

"There it is! Twist Serve!" Horio cheered.

Yutane smirked. She ran forward and hit a rising shot. The ball flew back over the net and Ryoma met it as it bounced. the rally continued for another 15 minutes before…

"Look! Drive B!"

Yutane's eyes widened. The ball hit a B formation past her.


"Nice shot," Yutane commented.


He hit another twist serve. Yutane returned it with a rising shot again, successfully speeding the pace up. Ryoma returned her shot with a strong forehand. Yutane and delivered a high lob. Ryoma leapt up and smashed the ball.

"Hehe…," Yutane aligned herself behind the ball as it slammed down onto her court. In a blur, she had executed a perfect Higuma Otoshi.

"Uh? Fuji, isn't that your Higuma Otoshi?" Kawamura shouted.

"Yea…I'll have to watch out for her…," Fuji's laughing eyes opened and were serious, studying the girl closely.

Ryoma took in a sharp breath as Yutane executed a perfect Higuma Otoshi.

"No way…," Oishi gasped.

"Game and match to Echizen Yutane! 7 games to 5!" the referee shouted.

"She beat ochibi?" Eiji and Kaidoh joined the gathering crowd.

"Heh. Mada mada dane." Yutane pulled her baseball cap off, shook her head, and pulled the black cap back on.

"Ne," was his answer.

"Next game, Echizen, Kaidoh!"

"Which one?" Yutane asked.


"Yay!" Yutane cheered ecstatically. She ran to her bag and drank some water before returning to the court.

Ryoma sweat dropped. "She's still so energetic and hyper…"

"Unlike our chibi!" Eiji laughed. "Oh?" He turned to see Inui scribbling madly in his data book. "Same old Inui…"

Tezuka watched the match between Echizen and Kaidoh quietly like he watched all matches. He studies her moves and swings closely. She has a good form. Let's see how she'll do against Kaidoh's Snake.

"A!" Eiji cried.

"She returned Kaidoh's Boomerang Snake! It's as if she was expecting it!" Kawamura shook his head.

"She's good. Even better than Echizen," Inui agreed, looking up from his scribbles.

After a half an hour, the referee yelled, "Game and match to Echizen! 6 games to love!"

"Well, if she won 7 games to 5 with Echizen, and Kaidoh isn't as strong as him, then…Echizen wins by 6 games. My calculations were correct," Inui muttered to himself.

"Ne, ne! Who do I play next?" Yutane skipped over to the area of the fence where her brother was standing.

Ryoma stared at the smiling face of his sister.

"Eiji's the only one left from our block," he told her.

"Eiji?" Yutane was confused. "Who's Eiji?"

Ryoma sweat dropped. He pointed at the hurt face of the red-haired boy.


Eiji pouted and turned to his doubles partner. "Wah, Oishi! She doesn't know me!"

Yutane pouted and ran over to the pouting boy and gave him a hug around the middle from behind. "Gomen, Eiji-senpai! Forgive me?" Yutane asked guiltily.

Suddenly, the sky rumbled and a pale hand descended from the clouds and smacked Yutane over the head.

"OI!! Get back in character!" a female voice yelled.

"That wasn't me…," BecomingNumbForever said, making sure to press the pause button on her remote control.

Yutane rubbed her bruised head. "Can we get back to my wonderful scene now?"

The hand retreated, the owner grumbling about how out of character Yutane was acting.

BecomingNumbForever hit the play button on her remote.

The group (Oishi, Ryoma, Tezuka, Kaidoh?, Inui, Syusuke, and Kawamura) stared at the girl latched onto Eiji's waist. Eiji stared down at her, then grinned. "Okay! Haha, kiddo. Your sister is so cute!" He hugged Yutane back and then she pulled away.

Yutane smiled happily, back to her energetic state. "C'mon, Eiji-senpai! Our one set match!" She grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him onto the court. Eiji grabbed his racquet before he was dragged away.

Oishi looked at Ryoma. "Your sister is…different."

Tezuka looked on as Yutane launched herself onto Eiji's waist apologetically. A minute later, Yutane was smiling and energetic again. She was an interesting girl. He would keep an eye on her.


BCF: Yes, I know. I don't think this is the best in the world, but so far, it's the best I can make it. Any kind of feedback is LOVED AND APPRECIATED!!!

Random person: Psstt….she means review!

And….VOTING TIME!! For the pairing.

Tezuka x Yutane:

Fuji x Yutane:

And tell me if there's another pairing you might think will work D preferably straight, sorry to all those yaoi fans. I can't write yaoi…

Vote in your review!

BCF: Right, and there is a 50 chance this story will stay focused on tennis and a 50 chance it will turn into an action story.

Yutane: You're starting to sound like Inui-senpai….

BCF: Isn't that supposed to be a good thing? Since he's smart and all….wait, scratch that. I DON'T WANNA BE LIKE INUIII!!!!!!! SCARY JUICE!!

Inui: …

Ryoma: ..review…

Becoming Numb Forever