Title: A New Beginning
Paring: Literati
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Rory and Jess react differently at their first meeting
Disclaimer: I don't own the Gilmore Girls
A/N: I'm still new to GG fan fic. Please Read and Review.
Rory turned around in her desk chair to greet Jess, who she was sure had entered her room. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked at him. Damn! She thought. Well, Luke's family really had some good genes. She cleared her throat, and stood up, smiling slightly.
"So, I'm Rory," She replied, getting her hormones under control. It was a little inappropriate to drool over a guy she didn't know, especially when she was currently taken by a very nice guy, Dean.
"I figured," Jess replied, making his way to her bookshelf. The girl read, he liked that, not to mention she had that whole sexy girl-next-door thing going on. "So, you've got that whole 'hooked-on-phonics' thing going on," he said with a sexy smirk. Rory's legs turned to jelly.
"Yeah, I like to read." She said, feeling kind of dorky all of a sudden.
He smirked again and nodded. "You read?" she asked.
"Not much," he said, putting the book in his hands down. She had good taste in books too. That is, except her collection of Ayn Rand.
"Oh," Rory said, looking at her feet. Was this awkward? She was beginning to think that it was.
Jess made his way closer and over to the window. "So, do these things open?" he asked, fiddling with the lock.
"Ummm, yeah." Rory said, confused.
He finally got the window open and motioned for her to join him. "Shall we?"
Was he really asking her to skip out on this dinner and sneak out the window? "We can't." she said, feeling like a dork again.
"Why not?" he asked, amused. She was innocent too. God, he loved that.
"Well, first of all, there is nothing to do once we get out, and secondly, Sookie spent a lot of time on this dinner." Rory said. The guy may have been hot, but Sookie was practically like family. Besides, she needed her food, or she could get testy.
Jess smirked at her again. If he kept doing that, she might just follow him out that window.
"How about this," Rory offered as a compromise, "We eat Sookie's wonderful dinner, then I'll take you to my favorite spot in town." There was no way she wanted to turn down the opportunity to get to know Jess better.
Jess rolled his eyes, but he had to admit the thought of spending more time with Rory wasn't at all troubling. "Thought everything was closed." He said.
"Not this place," Rory smiled.
"Ok, I'm in." Jess said, intrigued.
"Alright let's eat." Rory said, following him out of the room and into the kitchen.
"So, where is this place?" Jess asked, as they walked in the dark, through some woods.
"We're almost there, I promise," Rory said with a smile. She couldn't believe she was doing this. She never even brought Dean to this place before. Not that she was in any mood to think about Dean at this point.
A few minutes later they came across the bridge she always came to to clear hear head. "Wow," Jess said, "So the whole town doesn't suck." He said.
Rory giggled. "You'll get used to it." She assured.
Jess sat down on the bridge, his legs dangling over the edge. Rory sat down next to him. "So, what are you into?" she asked, feeling the discomfort of the silence between them.
"Ummm, well I like music, movies, books…" Jess trailed off.
"I thought you didn't read much," Rory said.
"What is much?" Jess asked, that smirk on his lips again.
"Touché," Rory replied. "So, then who is your favorite author?"
"Hemingway," Jess replied, happy to be on a topic that he knew he could talk about. He'd never met a girl who was that beautiful that he could actually talk to. Usually girls served two separate purposes. They were either friends or fuck buddies. Never both.
"Ah, of course," Rory said.
"You don't like Hemingway?" Jess asked incredulously. Maybe he would have to reevaluate her intelligence.
"Ehhh, over-rated." Rory said.
"You're cracked." Jess said. Then he went into a long tirade on The Sun Also Rises. Rory chuckled at him. Hot AND passionate about literature. She nearly creamed herself.
"Well, maybe I'll have to give him another try." She said, batting her eyes at Jess. She was totally flirting. Rory Gilmore was flirting.
"You do that," Jess returned, looking her in the eyes. "So, what about you? How is your favorite?"
"Oh, God." Rory said. "That's a tough question. I'm in a Tom Wolfe place right now." She said.
Jess almost came when she said that. "So, all hope is not lost." He said with a genuine grin. "Ever read Kerouac?"
"Yeah, but I had the flu that week, so I think I should give him another chance." Rory replied. "I bet you are a big Kerouac fan."
"What makes you say that?" Jess asked, truly interested.
"That whole, bad boy intellectual thing you have going," Rory said, "kinda gives it away."
"Oh really?" he asked, quirking and eyebrow up at her.
"Yeah," she breathed, almost unable to think with him looking at her like that. And as he leaned into her, her breath caught. Was he going to…
He did. His lips moved lightly over hers before he could stop himself, and her eyes slipped shut at the touch of his lips. All thoughts of propriety and Dean slipped out the window as she deepened the kiss. She had never felt like this before.
A moan escaped her lips as she let him wrap his arms around her, pulling her into him. "Jess?" she questioned as their lips parted for air.
"Yeah," he breathed across her face. Before she could re-think it, she lunged at him, wrapping her arms around him and pushing him to the ground. She kissed him passionately and her body tingled as his hands moved up and down her sides. He grunted into her mouth and it was all she could do not to rip his clothes off.
That thought pulled her back into reality. This was wrong. She couldn't do this. Not with a guy she just met, no matter how hot he was, or how sexy him mind was. Plus, she was with Dean. Oh god, she was cheating on Dean!
"No, I can't." she said, getting up.
"Rory?" Jess asked, still a little bit dazed.
"I'm with someone. I can't…" Rory started, but she couldn't finish. She just ran the other way, leaving a very confused and very frustrated Jess behind her.