Guitar Heroes

Summary: You all know by now. And if you don't, read the one in the link.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. If I did, Orochimaru would be dead and Sasuke would have never left. Instead of leaving that night, he would have confessed his love for Naruto and they would be together forever and have little versions of Naruto running around with Sharingan (Oh the destruction would be endless). But then there would be no conflict and therefore no plot. (Stupid logic).

Rating: M just to be safe. Some curse words (OMG like none of us have heard those) boy on boy in later chapters (If I can focus for that long. The doctor says I got the ADD)


SasuxNaru (main)

NejixNaru, KakaxIru (minor)

Ch. 15 Shine on you Crazy Diamond

Sasuke sat in his room, practiceing the audition music for next years all state band. The feeling that something bad was going to happen had only gotten worse after the performance. This caused Sasuke to be distracted, and his scales suffered because of it. The ebony haired teen decied to take a break and put his bassoon away. He walked out of his room to go grab a snack from the kitchen. As he passed Itachi's room he heard music playing. Sasuke decied to go see if Itachi wanted annything.

"Itachi?" Sasuke said as he knocked on his brothers door.

When Itachi didn't answer, Sasuke decied to go in. When he entered, none of the lights where on and Goodbye Cruel World from Pink Floyd's The Wall album was playing.

"Itachi?" Sasuke called again as his eyes fell onto his brothers bed, which was illuminated by the setting sun. Sasuke fell to his knees and empited the contents of his stomach at the sight before him.

On the bed was a pale Itachi, covered in blood.


Sasuke sat on the floor in the fedal position; his body shuttering uncontrollably. He just couldn't belive it. He was waiting for the nightmare to end so that he could wake up and run into Itachi's room to see that he was still alive.

Unfortuneatly, it was real.

Sasuke stood up and walked up to his brother. Itachi was pale; paler than Sasuke. Itachi looked, otherworldly. The sun had set and the moon was shining trough the window, striking Itachi. The fact that he had the same stotic look on his face only added to the almost etheral scene.Sasuke then toutched his brothers skin. Cold. Lifeless. No pulse. Sasuke's eyes welled up with tears. Tears not just for his older brother, but tears that have been held in through years on internal pain and mental anguish. Sasuke saw an envalope on top of the notebook that Itachi was contantly writing in. The envalope read 'Sasuke' in Itachi's hand writing. Sasuke didn't want to know what was in there, so he opened the notebook. It was Itachi's sueicide letter. As Sasuke began to read it, Hey You began to play through the speakers.

To Whom It May Concern,

Not to sound cliché, but if you are reading this then I am already dead.

Hey you, Out there in the cold

Getting lonely, getting old

Can you feel me?

It sickens me how my family has iscolated my own brother from the attention that he deserves. They praise me, yet I feel nothing.

Hey you, Standing in the asiles

With ichy feet and fading smiles

Can you feel me?

They don't see me as a person, they see me as a comadoty; a way to cover up their own shortcommings with my talents at the cost of self identity.

Hey you, don't help them to bury the light

Don't give in, without a fight

To my younger brother Sasuke, who is unjustly depribed of aknowlagement; don't let yourself be burried by darkness like the new moon. Be surrounded by people like the sun, who will give you the light to shine.

Hey you, out there on your own

Sitting naked by the phone

Would you toutch me?

I have found that little by little my self identifacation has been whashed away. I no longer feel toutch, or warmth. What I am today is nothing more than a hollow shell of a life that never was.

Hey you, with your head against the wall

Wating for someone to call out

Would you toutch me?

While I was slowly rotting away, my brother kept seeking individuality in a society that demands conformity. I do fell one thing and one thing only. Pain. Pain from watching my younger brother have to listen through a metaphorical wall for someone to call out his name in aknowlagement. This pain has been a burden that I have had to carry on my back for 12 miserable years.

Hey you, would you help me to carry the stone

Open your heart, I'm coming home

But now it is time for this empty existance to end. I once thought 'this can all change. All I have to do is do something for myself; something that I want to do of my own free will that will make me feel a complished'.

But it was all just a fantasy

The wall was too high

As you can see

No matter how he tried

He could not break free

And the worms ate into his brain

I was being naieve, for not even performing at a world renowned concert hall when I am only in high school can make me feel acomplished. It only added to the burden of having to constantly exced my past performances. I can no longer take it any more.

Hey you, standing in the road

Always doing what you're told,

Can you help me?

The pain of seeing my younger brother have a wall put arround him so that no one can aknowlage him.

Hey you, out there beyond the wall

Breaking bottles in the hall

Can you help me?

The fact that I have become a lifeless shell of the person I wanted to be.

Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all

The fact that I am nothing but a trophy to my so called 'parents'. Hopefuly, I will be happy in the next life for now it's time for me to leave this divided unity that is my family.

-Itachi Uchiha

Together we stand, divided we fall


(three weeks later)

Everyone was saddened by Itaci's suicide. No one thought that the senior tribute band concert would go on. Nevertheless, it went on as scheduled. Tsunade said…

"It's what he would have wanted,"

Sasuke knew she was right. Itachi loved music, which is why each band would play a tribute song. Naruto was there for Sasuke almost every second since he found out. They where currently waiting for Symphonic Winds, the second top band, to play. Naruto was holding Sasuke's hand. The raven was able to keep his composure throughout Concert Band's and Symphonic Band's performances, and he didn't plan to let up.

The band played the first movement of Gustav Holst'sFirst Suite in E-flat. They where actually giving Wind Ensemble a run for there money.

After Tsunade gave the cut off the Tuba player, a freshman named Konahamaru, came up to the podeum and spoke into the mic.

"Itachi Uchiha was a fan of the music of Eric Whitacre. Both symphonic and choral. He fist head Eric's music in marching band his freshman year when they played his piece Ghost Train. The band won best percussion at every compition that year. But he truly became a fan when Wind Ensemble played Lux Aurumque, a pice that was originaly written for Choir but was adapted for Symphonic Band. It was his favorte piece. The Konaha West High School Symphonic Winds will now perform Lux Arumque by Eric Whitacre in tribute to the memory of Itachi Uchiha,"

The audience clapped and Tsunade walked back on stage. Sasuke's eyes where starting to water. She gave the prep and the song began. After a while Sasuke started to cry but he tried to hold it in until he felt a reassureing grasp on his hand. It was his lover; looking at him with eyes that held acceptance. Then Sasuke just let it all out as the band got to the big part in the middle of the song. Naruto just hugged his lover until the end of the song.

There wasn't a dry eye in the entire auditorium.

The band then played American Faces by David Holsinger. It was a fast high intensity piece that was fun to play, Itachi's favorte type of song.

After Symphoic Winds was done, it was Wind Ensemble's turn. They played Cloudsplitter Fanfare and October before Tsunade paused to annouce the names of the seniors who where about to graduate. Itachi's name was called. Sasuke was glad that Tsunade did that.

After all of that, Sasuke walked up to the podium and spoke into the mic.

"Itachi Uchiha was the only freshman in 2004 to make Wind Ensemble. He was made section leader his Sophomore year, Drumline Captan his Junior year, and performed at Carnegie Hall his Senior year. If you don't know, I'm Sasuke. His little brother. He once told me that if music was a type of art work, then jazz would be Picasso. He was a big fan of both. The Konaha West High School Wind Ensemble will now perform Blue Shades by Frank Ticheli in tribute to the memory of Itachi Uchiha," The audience clapped and Tsunade began the song. No one knows why, but as the band played the jazz like rythms; everyone felt like Itachi was playing with them.


(a month later, at the funeral)

There where a lot of people at Itachi's funeral.He was friends with everybody. The funeral was outside, at the cemetary where all of the Uchihas are burried.

'Was that just another atempt at masking your pain Itachi?" Sasuke thought.

His brothers death hit Sasuke the hardest; even if one year ago he couldn't stand the sight of him. Recently, he began to like Itachi and look up to him. Like when he was younger. The Wind Ensempble played Fantasy on a Japanese Folk Song (1) and by the end of it everyone was crying. The a series of people came up and shared there experiences with him. Tsunade was first; followed by Kisame, Kiba, the leader of The Akatsuki, Sasorri, Kakashi, and finnaly Sasuke.

After that, The Rookie Nine got ready to go on stage. Before they went on Jiraiya pulled Naruto aside.

"What is it Jiraiya?" Naruto asked.

"Your father wanted me to give you this when you became a great musican," Jiraiya said as he handed Naruto a beautful acoustic guitar. The fretboard hand white outlined dragons on it that ran between the frets. The pickgurard had a treebranch with lotus blossoms on it.

"It's beautiful. WAIT! You knew my father?" the blonde asked.

"Yes I did, he was my student," the white haired man replied.

"But I thought that your only other student was the fourth Hoka-," Naruto said before he looked up at his teacher in disbelief.

"Yes Naruto. Your father was the fouth Hokage," Jiraiya said.

Naruto just stood there and looked at the guitar.

"He would be proud of you Naruto," Jiraiya said before he walked back to his seat next to Tsunade.

The band got on stage and began to play My Hero by Foo Fighters.

Too alarming now to talk about
Take your pictures down and shake it out
Truth or consequence, say it aloud
Use that evidence, race it around

There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
's ordinary

Dont the best of them bleed it out
While the rest of them peter out
Truth or consequence, say it aloud
Use that evidence, race it around

There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
He's ordinary

Kudos my hero leaving all the best
You know my hero, the one thats on

There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
He's ordinary

It was incredible. The band had almost no rersal time, but the performance was so good it brought everyone to tears. The band then set up for the next song. By this time the sun had begun to set and set up the perfect atmosphere for Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven. Naruto tuned his new acousticand began to play. Sakura acompanied him on her flute. After the intro, Sasuke came in.

Theres a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And shes buying a stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.
Ooh, ooh, and shes buying a stairway to heaven.

Theres a sign on the wall
But she wants to be sure
cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook
Theres a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it makes me wonder.

Shino then started to play a counter melody on his Fender Stratocaster while Naruto played different chords on the acoustic. As all of this was happening, the song started to speed up.

Theres a feeling I get
When I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen
Rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who standing looking.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it really makes me wonder.

And its whispered that soon
If we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn
For those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter.

Then Kiba and Sakura added in with eighth notes on the cymbol and bass rythms. Naruto also began to play the same rythms only this time he was on electric.

If theres a bustle in your hedgerow
Dont be alarmed now,
Its just a spring clean for the may queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by
But in the long run
Theres still time to change the road youre on.
And it makes me wonder.

Your head is humming and it wont go
In case you dont know,
The pipers calling you to join him,
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow,
And did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.

Shino and Sakura began then played acending chords that lead into the guitar solo. As Naruto began to play the solo, the sky eruptied in a mix of reds, oranges, yellows, and splashes of blue and purple. Everyone was moved by the fact that Naruto, Kiba, Sakura, and Shino where all playing with all of their hearts for someone that they didn't know on a personal level. Sasuke came back in and mustered up all of his anger twards his parents for doing what they did to his brother and turned it into enery that added to the already electrifying aura that was eminating from the stage.

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How evrything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.

As Sasuke sang the final words, the sun sank over the horizon. Almost as if the sun where setting on the final chapter of Itachi's life.

And she's buying a stairway to heaven.


(about two months later, on Sasuke's birthday)

The room of the last Uchiha son was dimmly lit and Pink Floyds Wish You Where Here album was playing through the speakers.

"Oh…Sasuke," a sweaty Naruto moaned as his lover thrusted into him, brushing the blondes prostate each time.

"Naruto," an equaly sweaty Sasuke replied as he began to vigorously pumped Naruto's shaft.

"Sasu…ah..ah…ke. I' close," Naruto grunted as Sasuke's pumps became faster.

Sasuke then decided to do the finisher; he lifted one of Naruto's legs off of his shoulder to gain leverage. He was now hitting the prostate dead on.

"SASUKE!" Naruto exclaimed as he came allover himself and in Sasukes hand.

Sasuke felt Naruto tighten arround him and got one more thrust in before he came shouting his lovers name.

The two teens layed there spooning each other; basking in the afterglow of sex.

"Sasuke?" Naruto asked after a while.

"Yes," Sasuke replied.

"I want to live here, with you," Naruto said.

"No way! No chance in hell…"

Naruto immediately dropped his head in sadness.

"…am I going to stay here. We're getting our own place," Sasuke said.

Naruto perked up and looked at him with a look of surprise.

"Sasuke, how can we afford that?" Naruto asked.

"Well, in the envalope Itachi left me was his final will. Noterized and everything,"

"What does that have to do with having enough money for an appartment?"

"When we where born, both of our parents put $200,000 into two accounts, one for each of us, for college. When we turn eighteen, we gain controll of our $200,000. Itachi, in his final will, gave all of his money to me; and since I turned eighteen," Sasuke paused to look at the clock. "fourty seven minuets ago, I now have controll of $400, 000 Plus the money I had saved up for college on my own, plus the money Itachi saved up for college on his own,"

"And how much is that?" Naruto asked.

"$548,729 and 69 cents," Sasuke said.

"Oh, Sasuke," Naruto said as he glomped his lover.

The two cuttled together until Naruto fell asleep. Sasuke noticed that Shine on you Crazy Diamond had started, and was reminded of Itachi.

'Brother, thank you. Shine on, you Crazy Diamond,' Sasuke thought. It was out that moment that Sasuke decided to name the third movement of his symphony.




Thank you all for reading! I hope that you all liked my first fanfic. I had fun writing it.


1. I can't even describe how beautiful this song is, go listen to it. I have a link on my proflile.

Here is a preview of my next story. It's just the polog and some notes about the song that I based it on.

Here is what the composer, Frank Ticheli, had to say about the song.

Inspired by the natural beauty of my immediate surroundings and by my concerns about the environmental future of our planet, I composed GAIAN VISIONS in July of 1990 during a residency at the MacDowell Colony in Peterborough, New Hampshire. The title of the work refers to Gaia, the Earth goddess of ancient Greece, and to British scientist James Lovelock's Gaian hypothesis, which holds that the Earth is a living, self-regulating organism that is capable of annihilating anything it perceives to be a threat, including the environmentally-destructive human race itself.

The work is in three movements:

I - Forgotten Forests. This section depicts the imposing grandeur of Gaia.

A whirling, animated texture, representing the timelessness of nature, is created by the juxtaposition of independent rhythmic layers. The layers, in order of descending importance, are:

1 - a half-note ostinato in the third clarinets and vibraphone;

2 - a quarter-note ostinato in the piccolo, xylophone, and glockenspiel;

3 - a constant flow of undulating eighth-note chords in the saxophones and horns;

4 - a series of triplet arpeggios in the first and second clarinets;

5 - a profusion of busy sixteenth-note scalar passages in the flutes.

On top of this conglomerate, the brasses engage in a rapid interchange of short, fleeting gestures that emerge to the foreground, then quickly recede. The tension mounts, unleashing a climactic succession of open brass sonorities (beginning in measure 71). The movement ends with hints of a bird, a frog, distant thunder.

II - Desecration. This section depicts the environmental plagues of modern society.

Relentless rhythms and wild, tonally ambiguous harmonies function as the primary driving forces. A rapid three-note call is the main melodic idea. The dramatic climax of the movement occurs when the open brass theme from the first movement (representing Gaia) returns in conflict with the material of the second movement. The movement ends in an unresolved explosion of sound.

(There is no pause between movements II and III.)

III - Redemption. This section depicts a hope-filled prayer to Gaia.

The main melody is first stated by the oboe, then passed throughout the ensemble in several keys, accompanied by a pair of lower lines which ascend deliberately by step over a period of twenty-one bars. The goal of this rising texture is articulated by a final impassioned statement of the melody. A brief coda follows, alluding to the material from the first movement. The ending is unresolved, an unanswered question.

This is what the basic plot is derived from. This is just to serve as a preview. If you guys like it, then I will make it my next story after Guitar Heroes is done.

Prolog Forgotten Forests

When the earth was forged in the crucible of the big bang, it was a lifeless shell of a planet where nothing could survive. It wasn't until Gaia, goddess of the earth, came from the deepest reaches of the cosmos and filled the earth with her life supporting energy. Soon forests and vast oceans covered the planet and single celled organisms began to develop into fish, and the fish became reptiles that first stepped foot into the vast forests that Gaia had created. For the next several millennia, there was peace. Until, the reptiles had begun to become hostile towards one another. Soon they began to kill each other and anything that got in the way. Gaia saw this as a threat to the planet that she created, and used her powers to kill the tyrannical reptiles thus giving rise to a new a new species. Homosapien. Gaia would grow to regret giving humans dominance. She began to fear that this would become a threat and that she would have to do to the humans what she did to the reptiles. This fear was further justified as time went on. Humans creating products that where destroying the planet; cutting down forests, creating holes in the ozone, dumping toxic waste into the waters that Gaia herself created. Soon the humans could no longer find energy from the fossils of the forgotten reptiles; so they began to harvest the energy deep in the earth that kept it alive. Soon vast cities spread over the land, leaving the forests to be forgotten. It is in one of these cities that a chain of events that could lead to the destruction of the human race has begun.


And there's the prolog. If I do make this a story, the prolog will be put into the first chapter. There is a hint of Final Fantasy VII in this so to those who see it, you're not crazy. It is going to be that type of future; FFVII with a dash of Akria. Remember! Go to my profile and listen to Gaian Visions so you can understand where my inspiration is coming from. Thanks again for reading Guitar Heroes. Peace out ya'll.