A Playful Confession.

By: Urooj

Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the plot.

Author's note: This is my first attempt at a one-shot. Please be nice XD.

A Playful Confession

She stared out at the window waiting for a certain blonde sailor scout to come home. It was getting dark soon; her thoughts were unsettled. She continuously thought of the blonde and in the past few days have been pushing her away because she couldn't confess her feelings to the racer. And now the racer went out to clear her mind.

She walked back to the sofa and closed her eye, shutting out every sound and vision that dares to invade her. After a few minutes of dozing off she opened her eyes and walks back to the window. Pounding her soft hand on the windowsill she starts to contemplate out loud.

"If Haruka wasn't so much of a blind jerk than maybe she would have noticed that I like her!"

Silence in the room. Michiru draws a deep breath and continues.

"I hate that blonde for being able to capture my heart so easily! How dare she?"

Once again the room is silent.

"What does it take to get her attention? I hate it when she flirts with every girl on the block. DILIBERATELY! It's annoying! And I had it! How dare she ?


"And she's not even home! What is she doing out there? Clearing her head, my foot! Damn you! Are you that insensitive, that unaware?"

"EXCUSE ME!" Haruka shouted, grinning behind Michiru.

Michiru turns around, shocked. "Haruka….I…I…well…"

Haruka walks over to Michiru and puts her finger on her lip. The blonde stares at the painter lovingly.

"I've heard everything…" The blonde whispers

"Everything?" Michiru's eyes widen. Why couldn't she detect Haruka's movements?

"Everything." The racer reassures. "And I'm sorry."

The aqua-marine haired girl stares at Haruka for a moment.

"We can't be together." Haruka whispers. Michiru freezes, then falls over and regains balance with the help of the sofa.

"W-wh-what? Why not? WHY THE HELL NOT???" Michiru asks, her voice angry and shaky. The aqua-marine beauty turns around and walks away from the blonde. Haruka follows her.

"What don't I have? What do OTHERS have, that I DON'T? WHAT THE HELL IS IT?" Michiru turns herself around and almost bumps herself into Haruka.

"You have everything Michiru…it's just well…"

"What is it, Haruka? Tell me please…" Michiru pleaded, ready to cry.

Haruka touched Michiru's chin and lifted her face.

"Do you really want to know Michiru?" The blonde asked.

"Yes Haruka, more than anything…" Michiru whispered, slowly their lips were meeting.

"You're too sexy for me!" The blonde whispers playfully, brushing her lips against Michiru's. After the contact Haruka starts to laugh.

After a while, the smaller girl realizes what the racer just said.

"HARUKA!" The blonde laughs harder and starts to run as Michiru chases her. Finally the painter catches the blonde and pushes her against the wall.

"Is that the only reason, Haruka?" Michiru whispers as she nears herself to the blonde and drapes her hands around the racer's neck.

"Ah sadly no, but I'll tell you the rest, if only you would agree to go out with me."

Michiru smiles and presses her lips against Haruka.

The end!

Author's note: YAY! I don't write a lot of mushy stuff but that was the first time I have. Thank you all, if you review!